Invisible Monastery

Group of Prayer


The secret of salvation

God has something to do with the happiness of man: He traces its path.

It then becomes fundamental and essential to meet His Love: but who are you, where do I find you?

Read the book and find the answer.

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Elsa review

This beautiful work of the Guelpa brothers fills me with joy because in the writing there is a guide to true happiness; which is the Heart of Christ. A well-structured book with a simple and explanatory language reminiscent of the parables of Jesus, composed to induce reflection and meditation.

It is an invitation to go on a spiritual journey without those interferences of daily life to arrive, through silence, quiet and peace, to Jesus. Through this reading we perceive how Jesus is anxious to communicate to his creatures, a desire so ardent that our finite mind can understand. However, by stripping ourselves of external things, we can feel, hear and let ourselves be loved by Him.

Here I found the "how" and the "way" to approach God.

I read how important it is to forgive in order to reach Jesus, because a heart full of resentment cannot reach God, because God is love.

Other impediment are negative feelings and bad memories.

I also understood how important is the practice of confession, and the humility that allows us to give and receive forgiveness.

Without forgiveness we linger in anger with pride that overwhelms us, vice versa, if we welcome love and understand the brother, we can not only meet Jesus but enter into communion with him.

Yes, he is the one who can kindle my heart with love, he is the one who is close to me and wants me to speak to him, to tell my anxieties, to abandon me to his love with faith and trust. I am important to Jesus.

With a clear, simple and profound language, the Guelpa brothers describe the steps to follow to approach Jesus, The most important are the renunciation of sin and put God first, these are the essential conditions for entering into communion with God.

It is necessary to love Christ to the point of getting lost in him in order to live in him, to let ourselves be loved and to allow him to act in us. If we strive in the fight against sin, God helps us.

God wants us to live in his Heart, because there is our origin, our home. We are born from his generous Heart by the effect of his love, and he has placed us in this world so that we can discover the path of love that takes us back to his Heart which is our homeland, our Heaven.

The Guelpa brothers invite us to open the gospel to receive an answer, here is what I found opening the Gospel of Saint Mark:

"When the crowd was gathered together with his disciples, he said to them, If anyone would come after me, deny yourself, take up his cross and follow me.

For whoever wants to save his own life will lose it; but whoever loses his own life because of me and the gospel will save it... For what joy does the whole world gain to man if he then loses his soul?".
(Mk 8,34-36).

These lines confirm that the Guelpa brothers filled with the Holy Spirit have shaped in this new volume the feeling of God, and show us what is the path of love that is the secret of our salvation.
. Elsa .