
In Lucca, Saint Gemma Galgani, virgin, who, distinguished in the contemplation of the Passion of the Lord and in the patient enduring of pain, at twenty-five years on Holy Saturday ended his angelic existence.
Roman Martyrology n.11
She was a mystic and seer, the first stigmatized saint of the 20th century.
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Mystical experiences
Some of Santa Gemma’s mystical experiences during her ecstasies are:
- blood sweat
- coronation of thorns
- flagellation
- blood outlets
- attacks by the devil
- the crucifixion
Mystic of the redemption
The mystical image of Saint Gemma Galgani still fascinates for her unique spiritual experience that has allowed us to know God’s will. Such an experience is able to warm our heart and illuminate our mind still today.
From her writings a simple, poor language is present which allows, in spite of the extreme simplicity, to understand and to live her singular experience with Jesus Christ. She can be said a simple, direct theologian, rich of humanity.
Gemma was a mystic, who burning from love for Jesus, lived an authentic passion. Her deep love for Jesus Christ comes out from her "Letters"; such an intensive love can be seldom found in other Saints. "Who has killed you, Jesus" Gemma asks; "Love" Jesus answers (II 82).
Love mentioned by Gemma is not just an emotion, but Love donated by Christ through His Word, and she becomes such a follower that she identifies herself with Him. "I have asked Jesus many times to teach me the true way of loving Him, and it seems that Jesus shows me His very holy plagues" (I, 15).
In sharing the passion she wishes to help Jesus in His suffering. A pact of love is settled so that Jesus can offer it to the Father as victim of love for all the sinners.
This is her mission, saving the sinners, not with the word, or the teaching, but with her life, taking part to the Passion of Jesus.
Moved by Mary, she realised the mystical meaning of the Virgin at the feet of the Cross, and she gives Mary her soul. Mary prepares the Saint for the grace of the stigmatisation.
By offering her life Gemma has fulfilled the mission given her by God, loving Him completely.
However Gemma could not wear the dress of consecrated to God and this was without a doubt the greatest disappointment of her life, but she could spend her union of love with Jesus Crucified in the world in a normal lay life, showing that every people is able to cover this way.
Two mystical phenomena occurred in Gemma: the raising of the ribs, when the Saint told Jesus "You are too large, Jesus: my heart is small, there is not enough place for You, shall this heart be dilated!" and the burning of her chest, when she said "Are these flames effect of Your love, God, aren’t they?"
She was an ascetic: she walked barefoot also in winter, wore the cilice until she was forbidden. She has all the ingredients of a stigmatised Saint like Father Pious, full of love like Saint Teresa of Lisieux.
A special invitation
If you wish to attain joy and acquire virtues, listen to the invitation of Jesus: "Whatever you ask for with faith in prayer, you will obtain"
(Mt 18,20). In fact, without prayer, no spiritual journey is possible, nor can one follow in the footsteps of Jesus, our Savior.
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