Invisible Monastery

Group of Prayer


Who we are

Dear friend, we are a group of consecrated and lay volunteers of the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church, who believe in the power of prayer.

Join us

Prayer and intercession group

Jesus himself said: "whatever you ask for in prayer, you will get it".
(Matthew - Chapter 21, verse 22)

And again: "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened because everyone who asks receives, who seeks finds and who knocks it will be opened".
(Matthew - Chapter 7 verses 7-8)

And even more: "Whatever you ask in my name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it"
(Jn 14.13 to 14).

You, too, at twenty-one and thirty hours every Wednesday, can pray with us.

We invite you to join with the many wonderful brothers to ask God for help and relief for those who are suffering and in need. Guides us an inner fire because Love should always win. This is an expression of charity and brotherhood that allows us to work in the vineyard of the Lord.

We are the workers of the prayer that in this great group of prayer and intercession of the Invisible Monastery of Charity and Fraternity, have found the right home.

Prayer has a ratio unmatched in the development of the Christian life. Without the light of God, in fact, no man is saved. It does take its first steps and leads to the summit of perfection. So, if you too want to begin to have this light of God, pray with us. It is the most effective means and accessible to all.

Saint Augustine presented prayer as the nourishment of our spiritual life. He states that "as the body feeds on food, so the soul feeds on prayers".
(De sal. Doc., 28)

And as the body cannot live without soul, so the soul without prayer is dead and sends a great bad smell.
(De oratione Dominica 1,1).

As the soulless body is a corpse that decays and contaminates everything with its smell, so the spiritual life of a person who does not pray. Pray, hope and don’t worry. God is Merciful and will hear your prayer.
Father Pio

There is something really important that I would like to draw attention to before I leave. Something closely linked to the sacraments that I have celebrated, something that is particularly part of the Gospel message, something that is essential to your Christian life. It is prayer. Prayer is so important that Jesus himself tells us: "Pray at all times" (Lk 21, 36). He wants us to pray for light and strength. He wants us to turn to his Father, as he himself did. The Gospel tells us that Jesus prayed all night before choosing his Apostles (cf. Lk 6, 12). And later, in his Passion, at the height of suffering, Christ "prayed more intensely". (Lk 22, 44).

Through prayer we are made capable of a clearer perception of the person of Jesus Christ and of the total adherence of his teaching to our life. Jesus becomes the model for our actions, for our lives. We begin to see things in his own way.

But there is more. Through prayer you come to experience the truth that Jesus taught: "The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life" (Jn 6, 63). In Jesus, met in prayer, your aspirations for justice and your aspirations for peace become more defined and translated into the search for practical applications. By keeping in touch with the Prince of Peace, you understand how radically opposed to his message are violence and terrorism, hatred and war. In him you experience all the meaning of an interpersonal relationship based on generous love. Christ offers you a friendship that does not disappoint, a fidelity that fears no comparison.

Perciò vi esorto, con le parole di san Paolo: “Pregate incessantemente nello Spirito . . . anche per me, perché quando apro la bocca mi sia data una parola franca, per far conoscere il mistero del Vangelo . . . e io possa annunziarlo con franchezza come è mio dovere . . . La grazia sia con tutti quelli che amano il Signore nostro Gesù Cristo con amore incorruttibile” (Ef 6, 18-20. 24).
Discorso di Giovanni Paolo II 2 giugno 1982

This virtuous practice protracted transforms the personality and raises the same ordinary life in dialogue with God, making a conscious response of love.

The prayer of petition expresses the attitude of faith in the reality of our needs and prepares us to receive the gifts from him prepared. He wants us to be exercised in prayer our desire, so that we become able to receive what he is prepared to give.

When the petition is made on behalf of others, it is called intercession. God wants in fact that we love and pray for each other. Even wants us to pray for our enemies, and ask forgiveness for their sins.

The prayer is therefore a union with God and talk with him. Prayer keeps balance of the world, reconciled with God, and is a bridge on temptations, a wall between us and the afflictions. Prayer is the source of virtues, it is illumination of the mind, it is dark which cuts desperation, it is a sign of hope, is victory over sadness.

Prayer nourishes the soul: it is to the soul as blood is to the body, and gets you closer to God. It also gives a clear and pure heart. A clean heart can see God, can talk to God and can see the love of God in others.