Don Bosco

All information about San Juan Bosco, has been extracted from: "Vita di San Bosco" by GB Lemoyne, the Italian publisher SEI".
For make it easy to read, the original text of the nineteenth century, it has been adapted.
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Introduction to St John Bosco
At first glance it looks like an ordinary priest, worthy and humbled, and this interior humbleness gave him some appealing. Who met him experienced a special sympathy and reverence. His gentle ways opened every heart. His words, his behavior, his whole action was infused by the effect of chastity so great simplicity and virginal breeze to convince and edify anyone who approached him, although the depraved person.
For all it was a friend, a comforting person, a father. He hated the useless speeches; spoke slowly and with great gravity. His kindness was extraordinary. He consumed his life for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, his words, his work tends only to this ideal. He took from supernatural an insuperable force, a wonderful soul, a heroic patience to succeed in each company.
God provided him with a great intelligence, a ready mind, a great memory and a fatigue resistant temperament. He dedicated all these prodigious powers to the Lord. He learnt Latin and Greek, read Hebrew, he spoke French and understood German, he was competent in philosophy, theology, law, history, geography, sacred and profane to surprise science experts. He was endowed with an extraordinary memory, He read a book without ever forget.
Since childhood he excelled at Supernatural, through dreams and visions and and as apostle of young people. He joined wholeheartedly to this mission and was granted with special and extraordinary aids.
Ordained priest he began his work in concrete and not hesitating to perform oratorios. The discovery of the Oratory, Don Bosco said: "You pick on holidays as many young people, who, careless of his relatives, by default or by foreigns, were wandering around town I wanted to attend the sacred functions and catechism. Here, however, attracted by the love of the games, gifts and good manners, they remained happy under the care of the audience. Meanwhile, in the morning, they have the opportunity to approach the sacraments, attend Mass and to hear a short sermon appropriate to their age. Then, in the evening, after some hours of fun, they were gathered in the chapel for the catechism, singing vespers, for instruction and benediction. In short, the discovery of the Oratory is to reunite to make them honest citizens and good Christians".
The degradation in which the young people live, always looking for a piece of bread, a roof for the night, led Don Bosco to create a boarding school to give asylum to these poor youth. With the help of Divine Providence, built at Valdocco in Turin, appropriate structures for the intern youth. These works, over time, were developed surprisingly, arousing great admiration.
Then he provide them food, clothing and adequate training. He was chef, tailor, performed household works: chopped wood, sewed pants, swept the bedrooms and peeled potatoes. Then he organized night and day schools not only for domestic guests. He assumed the role of teacher and taught professions shoemaker, carpenter and topographer. Later he organized fitness classes. Excellent schools out of their talented teachers, musicians ... and during twenty years also trained 2500 priests.
To keep the works, he who possessed no income, was forced to rely on charity. And the infinite mercy I help him working through him miraculous healings; mute that speak, blind who see and infirm who immediately heal; everything happens as soon as Don Bosco recites a prayer to Mary auxiliary and blesses them in His Holy Name. He only asks these charities to make an offer for his dear young people.
To keep the works, he who did not have any income, was entrusted to charity. And the infinite mercy helped him working, through him, miraculous healings: dumb to speak, the blind who see, patients that are cured immediately: everything happens just Don Bosco recites a prayer to Mary Help of Christians. Faith built in two years, with the money received from anonymous hands, leaving his door a written note: "By grace received".
To combat and to bring the love of God to every heart, Don Bosco fought against sin and heresy, by preaching, publishing literary works added to his charity and example. Opponents tried in vain to suppress his life with several attacks, but the Virgin watched from the heaven to preserve the life of the saint and particularly devout.
He and his young faced the cholera that in Turin became a scourge of death. And while everyone fight against the epidemic, he took his dying to the internship to cure and relieve them. None of its employees got ill: the beloved Don Bosco therapy to be immunized was: "Stay in God's grace and not commit mortal sins".
Don Bosco acted miraculous healings and had the gift of prophecy, predicted public events and the death of important people; he announced many healing from very serious diseases. Extraordinary events were multiplying foods like bread, chestnuts, walnuts and consecrated hosts. He could scrutinize a place from a long distance to see what was happening there: for example, how their young in the Oratory behaved while he was away.
He was called "the man of the advices" since he got the answer to questions in short time and tangled and thorny issues. He was consulted in word and in writing, by countless people. Even two Popes Pio IX and Leo XIII, elected him as referee to assess sensitive issues related to the Church and the State. Pio IX called him treasure of Italy. Leo XIII, the providential man. Bishops, archbishops were entrusted to her prayers and kneeling, they wanted to be blessed by him. Kings and queens, princes and princesses wanted to see him. Even in many states, every color and party, professed him great reverence.
Pope Pius lX
Described Don Bosco with these words:
"... The venerable Don Bosco belongs to that class of men chosen among all mankind ... A figure whose magnificence could not be obscured, hidden or diminished by the humility of his soul ... A magnificent and overwhelming very dominant figure , a full figure, one of those souls that somehow began leaving much trace of itself, so wonderfully appointed for life, with the strength and vigor of the mind, the heart full of charity, with the power of thought, high and enlightened mind, with the force of genius ... who says the learned, the thinker ...
The secret of all was in his heart, in the burning generosity of feeling. Not everyone can follow the bright paths, but is deeply comforting to find something to imitate his life, as hard work and prayer. This, indeed, was one of the most beautiful features of Don Bosco, that of being present in all, busy in a multitude of issues, a lot of questions and inquiries, and have always elevated the spirit, where serenity resided imperturbable, where calm prevailed in him, actually made the principle of the Christian life: work with prayer.
One wonders: what is the secret of all this miracle work, and great expansion extraordinary success? ... The explanation, the key to all this magnificent mystery is due to his perennial inspiration, indeed, prayer to God ... His life was a true and great martyrdom, an idea of colossal work, which seemed to be tired only to see him. A life of unalterable, inexhaustible patience, true love ... continuous martyrdom in the imagination of their mortified, fragile, seemed the result of a continuous fast life. That's what Don Bosco went back into place. Among these champions of Christian fortress professed to martyrdom."
Leone XIII Lo paragonò Don Bosco a San Francesco d'Assisi per il suo attaccamento alla Chiesa e al Romano Lion XIII compared it to Saint Francis of Assisi, for his defense of the Church and the Roman Pontiff. it said:
"Don Bosco was the great educator of the new times for his insuperable and habitual kindness, by the most sublime charity, the only discovery made pattern of hearts to give to God. The Lord himself has always maintained he guided, helped in the work of apostolate. His mission was clear: immediately when the Virgin Mary, one of the first dreams, urges him to win hearts with gentleness and charity, to educate young people about the ugliness of sin and the preciousness of virtue and these dreams continue until the end of his life. He was assisted from above to educate and guide the souls of the young".
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