A worldwide network of prayer
In the prayer group of charity and brotherhood we are 22,341
If you have in your heart the desire to help others, if a flame of love has been kindled but you do not know how to correspond to the impetus of God’s love, join us in prayer from your home.
Spread both hope and joy that you find in the living word of the Gospel, so that you too can verify that Jesus is alive today and listen to your and our prayers.
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Charity is also in the prayer of supplication to the needy brother who waits for her as the doe longs for pure water.
Let us make a prayer appointment on Wednesday and, united in the same intent, let us raise our prayers to heaven for all those who:
- They have lost hope and the will to live.
- They are alone and abandoned.
- They are in darkness, and they seek the light.
- They are gripped and distressed by the disease.
We have a proposal for you
If you want to participate:
- Se vuoi segnalare la tua disponibilità a pregare insieme a noi, compila il form, l'adesione è gratuita. Non vi sono vincoli di nessun tipo.
- La preghiera comunitaria si svolge di mercoledì, ogni aderente può partecipare spiritualmente dalla propria abitazione, con gruppi di amici, in parrocchia o in comunità. Per sussidio alla preghiera e per pregare all'unisono con un cuor solo, noi inviamo gratuitamente il libretto di preghiera del gruppo: "Monastero invisibile di carità e fratellanza".
- If you have health problems, you are in pain, no one listens to you, send an e-mail and we will pray for you and with you.
- If you wish to fly to God’s heaven, combine prayer with spiritual readings that can inflame your heart. You can view books:
- "The Secret of Salvation".
- "A glimpse into the soul".
or others who are in our library click here.
- If Mercy has answered your requests send your testimony and we will praise God together.
- You can find the booklets in these versions.
- Hear the words of Jesus: If you do not come to me, how can I give you graces?
- Blog prayer group
The Ecclesiastical Authorities have granted permission to form the prayer group "Invisible Monastery of Charity and Brotherhood" and for all the prayers that make up the prayer booklet.
Our proposal is in conformity and is part of the evangelizing field of the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church.
We Prayer Group "Invisible Monastery of Charity and fraternity"
United in one heart we raise prayers to Jesus our Lord,
imploring his grace and his ardent love.
Let us pray for those who suffer in the body.
We pray for those who yearn for healing.
Let us pray for those who wander in darkness and seek the light.
Let us pray for those who long for justice and for peace.
We, a family united in prayer,
we seek communion with Jesus,
We refuse to be overwhelmed by evil,
We refuse to surrender to pain.
We, a family of disciples of the Word,
We listen and want to put it into practice,
We aspire to imitate our Master Jesus,
We wish to replace doubt with certainty.
Saint Curate D'Ars
Read and endlessly reread the Holy Gospel always before the mind acts, words, thoughts of Jesus, in order to think, speak and act like Jesus..
Our strength
Rooted in the power of Love, in hope and faith in Jesus Christ.
Perhaps you too can verify the infinite Mercy welcome our prayers and you will be amazed.
Therefore, let us unite our hearts in this initiative and we will be able not only to help needy brothers, but we will be able to elevate our soul to God.
A day will come when men will be so tired of hearing about the man who will weep for joy when you talk to them about Jesus..
Saint Francis of Assisi
Every day is a day to love, to dream one more day, one more day to live..
Father Pio
To know God we must do purpose of life serching for God.
Maria Valtorta - Catholic mysticism
The prospect of winning the infinite life compels us to play to win the great prize of infinite happiness.
(From: How to meet God’s love
Authors: Corrado - Enrico Guelpa)
A special invitation
If you want to come to this joy and acquire the virtues, listen to Jesus' invitation: "All you will ask faithfully in prayer, you will get it"
(Mt 18:20). In fact, without prayer, no spiritual journey is possible, nor can we follow the footsteps of Jesus our Savior.
If you want to match the invitation, or just pray from your home,
click here and you will find an extraordinary prayer group. You will, therefore, be spiritually united with so many brothers spread across all continents, and your life will change.
If you would like to receive the prayer book fill out the
form and receive it at your address without having to pay any expenses.
You can visit the prayer group after reading and pondering the following interesting pages.