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From the city of Buenos Aires capital Argentina I write to you. I am Alberto a 63 year old Catholic man and I want to tell you that your page is wonderfully extraordinary ... Blessings
. Alberto
Thank God for your existence. May God continue to bless you with His Grace, His Love and His Mercy. Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin, pray for us who take refuge in you today. Amen to all your blessings.
. Josephine
I was attracted by the name "invisible monastery". It made me a glimpse of a monastic life in truly life. I am convinced that prayer is our need at both the individual and collective level. Only rootedness in prayer can sustain life, can "hold" the world and this ensures that it does not fall, and can give meaning to each of us.
. Marinella
Thank you so much for accepting me. Without a doubt and, above all, in a historical moment like this, I will not fail to report the wonderful initiative but only to those who are ready to "receive it". For me it was a Divine sign. Saint Rita brought me to you, through a dream, after a really bad period.
. Eleana
Today I have received your booklet of prayers and I thank you for having welcomed me into your community. This is worth a thousand words. With your help I will try not to get lost in the path of life and try to escape from temptation. I appreciate your commitment and your hospitality in the palace of your reason. I admire your immense sentiment towards the Church. This prayer group gave me the help and courage to profess the faith. A hug.
. Arturo
I am so happy to have been welcomed into this community of prayer that I will commit myself with all my strength to extend this holy initiative.
. Luigi
Thank you for the comforting presence you offer, now I know that I am no longer alone in the journey of this world.
. Maria
I thank you for the warm and spiritual welcome that we all so deeply need. I am happy to be part of this group and I willingly commit myself to prayer, the only truly effective "weapon" of an invisible combat. An embrace in the love of Jesus and Mary.
. Luisella
Peace and good. I thank you for the doctrine you impart on your Website. I am reading a lot of your copious published material and finding much comfort.
. Michele
I accidentally entered this Website and I thank the Lord because I feel that it is "his answer" to what I was looking for. To those who are part of the "Invisible Monastery", I wish a long and wonderful journey to arrive together where a unique and great Feast awaits us. Always united in prayer to Jesus and Mary. A fraternal embrace.
. Ines
Dear, I know your group and the web site that is a mine of inexhaustible THANK YOU, a source of joy, faith and hope. A big hug to everyone.
. Maria
I visited the site of the "invisible monastery" and I read the topics on Heaven and Hell, especially those parts relating to the personal judgment that struck me deeply. The next day I went to confession in the most sincere and complete way, I rehearsed all the events of my life. I received a great joy as I had never tried. What a great comfort and well made to me the texts published on the Web! I can say with all sincerity that these readings have changed my life.
. Elsa
Dear brothers in the Lord, today I received the booklet and I felt great especially when reading the commentary on the Our Father. In my own small oratory I put a laminated copy of the portal "invisible monastery." Not only I will pray on Wednesday with all members of the community but each of the divine office hours I'll be in communion with you watching the monastery web site. With all the effects, peace and well.
. Mark
Brothers, I was hermit for about ten years. I am old in age but young in spirit, since I joined the invisible monastery, my heart was filled with joy, I clearly saw "the communion of saints." With love in the Lord and His Mother I wish you peace and good.
. Matthew
Yesterday I received your beautiful prayer book so I could begin to pray with you, it is really intense and full of peace. I recited these beautiful prayers immediately I felt the intense communion of faith, that is created when you thank and praise the Lord with other people, wherever they are, who pray for the same graces and common prayers. Thanks a lot, a warm greeting and a fraternal embrace. Peace and love.
. Francesca
I discovered by accident but quite by chance your site, after praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and asked through St. Faustina a special grace ... that is: figure out if consecrate my life to the Lord at the Benedictine or continue my life in the world but living still in a project of love of God for me .. It is an intention very dear to me, and I pray there for a while '... Meanwhile strangely ... we have entered a monastery.. a monastery that I could never imagine existed and which strangely I found ... the invisible monastery of charity and brotherhood ... the SS. Virgin protect you always and will always inspire true brotherhood and Mercy of God within your hearts, your minds and your actions ... Thank you so much. Praise be Jesus Christ our Lord now and forever.
. Concetta
My dear brothers in Jesus Christ our Lord, what a joy to have discovered this sea of treasures that is the spiritual communion of so many brothers of Faith ... I want to be part of this wonderful group because not only I do need your prayers, but because together we can form an army of blessing for many who are in need of charity and good will that both loves the Lord in his children.
. Magdalena
Thank you, brothers, I was living a moment of deep despair, then I've found on the internet and I received your message, words that have filled me with faith, You make me feel secured in spite the reality that I am living. I thank you for your help. Jesus gives you a lot of wisdom to continue to pray for all those who need you. Thank you.
. Mary
I love you Jesus, thank you very much. I believed in you but did not know you; I read a lot, everything, but I did not pray, I read deeply the thought of the saints but not "was born from above", I was created by God but not the son of God. Thank you my Lord Jesus for the gift of prayer, thank you, I believe in you, I hope in you, I adore you and I love you with all my mind and my soul. Give me your humility, through Jesus.
. Victor
Dear brothers, the temptation creeps in my mind the suspicion that God does not exist, even if I would believe to my Creator. I'm paying; I'm sure, for this doubt, and also for my sins. There are days that I cannot stand this anxiety that takes my breath away, the will to live, the hope that something good could happen in my life. God has shown me a light so that through a search, I came to you. Now I have the hope of being able to get out of this depression so hard.
I cling to life and I cherish the hope that not every day can always be sad and passed in solitude. I confess that many times I tried to take my life without going to the end. Today, however, with your help, I want to fight, I want to pray with you, I want God to have mercy on me and grant me peace and serenity in my soul, I want him in my life. Thank you.
. Isabel
Dear brothers I wanted to tell you that your web site to me seems inspired by the Holy Spirit and prayer booklet that you sent me, gives off an incredible peace. I feel strongly the presence of God when I read those texts of prayer. Best wishes.
. Julie
Thank you so much. Merciful Jesus calls his children and makes them recognize each other on Wednesday to 21.30 by this time is devoted to Jesus through you. Praise God.
. Patricia
I thank you heart of Jesus for the strength and the hope that you give me every day. I ask your forgiveness for all the times I have offended you. I thank you for your infinite mercy which gives me so much confidence. Thank you Jesus for your love. Thanks for giving us your heart to which we can turn with hope. Lord blesses the whole church and the group of prayer, I thank for every prayer. Amen
. Luke
Thank you for all you do, God bless every day on your way illumining and protecting you, giving you the right strength to help those that Our Lord bring along your path. I will pray with you.
. Patricia
Many thanks, I received the prayer booklet, God bless you. It is the best gift that God has me given in my entire life. God bless you and protect you.
. Claudia
Dear brothers and sisters, when I enrolled in the Invisible Monastery prayer has become "my daily bread"; Bread to which recourse in any situation, even in every moment of my day: and in the joys to praise our God, it is in difficulties, with a prayer of supplication but more often it was indeed a prayer of surrender, knowing that our Father who clothes the lilies of the field and feeds the birds of the sky, He knows what I need.
. Rosalba
Dear brothers, the grace of God guided me to participate in the common life and prayer of this monastery. I so prayed to the Lord Jesus and He inspired me to search through the internet this great group of prayer. Now I am sure that the Lord is looking for me and I am willing to listen, I know and love him; I need him to overcome my false freedom, my miseries and my solitude. I want to be like him I want to live in His will and the service of the Gospel.
. Rafael
I received your book, and I am so happy, I discovered the mercy of God and how much He loves us. How many times he was close to me and tried to help me, but I was leaving I closed my heart and was not listening. Through the prayer I feel a great sense of peace and total trust and hope that my prayers may be of assistance to other brothers.
. Jessica
Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my being for opening the doors of Jesus heart and for receiving me in this great community, I am immensely happy for this gift. It's great to know I can join many brothers around the world and pray along with them to their relief and their needs. God is infinitely good and wonderful, because only he is able to perform this miracle of love ... not only will offer my prayers, fasts and sacrifices but also to the glory of our beloved Lord can manifest greatly.
. Adriana
By the grace of God I found this beautiful page, I want to join you for being part of this invisible monastery guided by the loving presence of the Holy Spirit.
. Mary
Dear friends, I would like to know what strength there is in the invisible monastery, because every time I read what you publish or recite the prayers, my heart burns with love.
. Gilberto
From when I pray with the booklet of the invisible monastery, my heart is increasingly seeking to be with Jesus, I recognize to be a sinner, I am weak but at the same time I feel loved by Jesus Christ. As much as Jesus increases in my heart I feel a sincere love for Him my Savior and for you my neighbors.
. Luisa
Thanks for everything. After the "Invisible Monastery" has entered my intentions in community prayers, I found wonders in my life. Thank you.
. Rosalva
I received the prayer book of the "Invisible Monastery" and I want to compliment because it is great. Full of prayers that stimulate thinking so much. They are so beautiful that I recite prayers every day. Many thanks to all of you who have joined me in prayer.
. Giusy
I am glad to belong to the "invisible monastery" group and be able to participate in this wonderful idea of bringing together so many people, even if distant physically, for the same cause, and together pray for those who have requested help because they are in pain, in need or despair.
. Alexandra
I am very happy and honored to participate in this wonderful group of prayer. I feel in my consciousness the absolute need to pray always for one another, in this love-hungry world, the light of God, forgiveness and compassion. I vowed to live in poverty, in purity and meekness. God bless you always.
. Fatima
God bless you with every blessing that you will consistently dedicated to others in the silence reserved for those who love the Lord without hypocrisy and excessive manifestations! Thank you for existing!
. Ivana
Be accepted in your prayer group gives me a lot of hope, but above all I do not feel alone anymore. It is the first time a group of people consider me as a human being without asking for any compensation material. You do it because you have a big heart! For many months, I prayed to Jesus to help me to meet good people, honest and loyal and these people are you. Thank you Jesus and thank you.
. Teresa
Peace and joy to all of you dear "invisible" brothers and sisters. Thank God the Father, his blessed Son, Christ the Lord, in the Spirit who wanted, for their goodness that you knew.
. Letizia
I thank God for His infinite mercy and grace to know that somewhere in the world there are those who gives free love and understanding for our brothers in difficulty. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.
. Maria
I thank God for allowing me to find the Web site of the "invisible monastery" because I need your prayers. I would like to belong to this apostolate. God bless you because it brought so much light and hope throughout the world.
. Cynthia
I always wanted a silent conversion path within the world despite not being a consecrated. Monaco wanted me but could not find a nearby community. Now I want to start a deep spiritual journey and I thank God for having met you.
. Carlo
I am truly honored and surprised at the same time, I did not imagine that someone would take care of me in prayer.
. Jenny
For fifteen days I pray with you on Wednesday evening at 21:30 on time with people who, like me, need prayer, to find comfort and hope. The booklet is so much beautiful so that half hour of prayer passes so quickly that when you have done, you feel stronger, relieved and would like to start over.
. Rosaria
The lessons for Christians who walk in the light of Jesus are very interesting, hell really exists, why many do not speak of this reality, including priests. Thanks to illuminate the hearts with the light of faith.
. Francisco
The main intention is to join with you to learn how to live a life of prayer. I belong to a group of prayer and intercession, but we are cold enough in this respect. In the group we do not really know what our responsibilities are and not even know how to be a true prayer and intercession group. We want to improve and for this reason I want to live this experience of prayer with you.
. Abell
Dear Brothers, your book has taught me to have more faith, more harmony, more love. God bless you.
. Maria
Thank you Lord for giving me the faith that is helping me in this time of grief. Thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity to find this beautiful Web Site "invisible monastery of charity and fraternity" where so many brothers pray together with me. I'm sure that this powerful prayer of intercession will open your heart to the divine grace.
. Anna
I want to inform you that I am reciting the prayers along with you not only on Wednesday but every day. With these prayers I feel closer to God.
. Rosana
I want to thank you for sending me the book of prayer and pray diligently with you every Wednesday. Right now I am in a difficult situation of discouragement and depression. I had to separate myself after suffering assaults, insults and alcohol abuse from my husband. With a baby of a few months. I think I have made the right decision. Now I need to forgive all the evil that was done to me, and this path is started from when I pray. In fact, when I read the prayers of the booklet, I feel in me an immense peace and a great comfort.
. Roberta
How nice to have met a lot of good things on the Internet as this page, and have found many brothers, sisters and friends. To unite in prayer together in this beautiful Invisible Monastery, but visible to God and rely on people so generous that are dedicated to prayer for the needs of this world so materialized that leads us to lose the love of God. I thank you for your answer and now I'm praying for this great cause. In my country, El Salvador, there is a great need of the love of God, because many young people die every day for the gangs and violence generated most of all in the family. Thank you very much; I'll always be waiting for time to pray together with you.
. Eldemira