

Monastery Jesus calls the eternal gulfs: "Place of torment".
(Lc 16, 28).

Saint Tomas of Acquino defines the trouble of the damage like it "Privations of the Highest one Well", that is to say of God.

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The punishments of the Damned

When a soul enters in the eternity, having left in the all world what had and loved and knowing God so com' is in its infinite beauty and perfection, hears itself strong attracted to unite itself to Him, more than the iron towards a powerful disaster.
It recognizes then that the sole object of the true love is the Highest one Well, God, the omnipotent. But if a' soul unfortunately leaves this land in a God verse animosity of state, will be heard rejected from the Creator: "Road, distant from me, cursed! In the eternal fire! Gotten ready for the devil and for its angels!" (Mt 25, 41).
To have acquaintance the Supreme Love... hear the urgent need of to love it and of to be loved again from Him... and rejected... forever, this is the first and more dreadful torment for all the damned.

The trouble of the love Hindered
Who it does not know the power of the human love and exceeded him to that can arrive when rises some obstacle?
That is the human love compared with the divine love...?
What it would not do a soul damned simply to arrive to possess God...?
Thinking that forever it will not be able to love it, it would want never to be existed or to sink in the nothing, if it was possible, but being this impossible it sinks in the despair.
Everyone can do an its simply weak idea of the trouble of a damned that it is separated from God, considering what experiences the human heart to the loss of an expensive person. But these pains, that on the land are the larger sufferings between everything those that can torment the human heart, I am quite little thing before the hopeless trouble of the damned.
The loss of God, therefore, is the more large pain than one torments the damned.
- Saint John Chrysostom says: "If you will say one thousand hells, not yet will have said nothing that can equal the loss of God".
- St. August teaches: "If the damned they enjoyed the visa of God would not hear their torments and the same hell would have been changed in paradise".
- St. Brunone, talking about the Last Judgment, in its book of the "Sermons" writes: "They torments to torments add themselves too and all it is nothing before the privations of God".
- St. Precise Alfonso: "If a damned to cry and we asked him because you cry a lot?", we would hear to answer ourselves: "I cry because I lost God!". At least the damned lover its God and to resign itself to its will! But it cannot do it. It is compelled to hate its Creator in the same time that recognizes it worthy of infinite love".
- Holy Catherina from Genoa when the apparel the devil questioned it: "You who you are?" - "The I am that treacherous that it has deprived some love of God".

The trouble of the torment and of the remorse
Talking about the damned, Jesus says: "Their worm does not die" (Mc 9, 48). This "worm that does not die", Saint explains Tomas, is the remorse, from which the damned will be in eternal tormented. While the damned it is in the place of the torments hung: "I have lost for nothing, to enjoy just small and fake delights in the earthly life that is vanished in a flash... I could have saved myself with so much easiness and instead I have damned for nothing, for always and for fault mine!". In the book "Device to the death" it is read that to St. Umberto apparel a dead one that it is found to the hell; these affirmed: "The terrible pain that continually gnaws is me the thought of the little one for that I have damned and of the little one that I should have done to go in paradise!".

The punishment of the sense
It is read in the Bible: "With those same things for that a defect, with is then punished" (Sap 11, 10). The more therefore one it will have offended God with a sense, the more will be tormented in it. The most terrible trouble of the sense is that of the fire, of whom there spoke more times Jesus.
Saint says' August: "Compared with the fire of the hell the fire that we know is we like if was painted". The reason is that the earthly fire God wanted it for the well of the man, that of the hell, instead, created to punish it his faults.
The damned the fire it surrounded by, or rather, is immersed in it more than the fish in the water; hears the torment of the flames and like the rich glutton of the Gospel parable: "Because I ache from the pain in this flame" (Lc 16, 24).
Speaking at who lives carelessly in the sin without itself the problem of the final version given back some accounts, ST. Pier Damiani writes: "Continuous, crazy, to satisfy your meat; the day in which the your sins will become like pitch in the your entrails that will do more painful the flame that will devour you in eternal!".
The trouble of the fire behaves also the thirst. What torment the thirst burning in this world! And the larger it will be the same torment to the hell, how testifies the rich glutton in the parable recounted from Jesus! An inextinguishable thirst.