



The New Ones - Heaven - Purgatory

It harasses in trap Satan carries to the slavery a lot of souls to bring all' thoughtlessness for to make them lose of visa the true end of the life.

To its prey the devil instills the desire and whistles "The life is a pleasure; you should grasp all the delights that the life gives you, hung to the present one because with the all death ends".
  • The Confessions.
  • God's city - (De Civitate Dei).
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It harasses Infernal

Things a lot of creatures do not find the time for reflect truth revealed from God things start off themselves on the road of the superficiality and of the sin. These creatures immersed in the fun captured from the varied longings do not suspect very little of to be falls in the diabolical net nevertheless if will notice of it when now will not be able more you put remedy, when is open the door dell' eternity.

The trap of the egoism with the waste of the goods

"There was a rich man, that carried dressed of purple and of exquisite linen, and every day is given to lavish banquets... It died also the rich one and was buried. Separate from hell between the torments". (Lc 16,19). The rich glutton of the story during the life had squandered and erred of throat, doing some pleasure the reason of its life and even more is stubbornly given back insensitive to the needs of the poor one Lazarus. The egoism had suffocated him every glimmer of charity and the greed clutched him the mind. Now it was in the torments of the hell.
They tremble therefore the selfish and rich certainties than do not want to exercise the charity: also to them, if will not change the life, is reserved is drawn it of the rich glutton.

The impurity

The sin that more frequently door to the hell is the impurity is the road privileged of Satan. Saints says Alfonso: "It goes to the also alone hell for this sin, or however not without of it"..

Jesus told us: "Taken pleasure the pure of heart, because will see God" (Mt 5, 8). Without the help of God the man is not in a position of to win the temptations, of to find the road of the salvation. The impurity lead to the vice, weaken the will, attach the belief and without the belief undermine the prayer and beat down the road of the well leaving the creature in power of the badly.
This vice hardens the heart and, without a special charm, drags to the final lack of repentance and... To the hell.

The sacrilege

A sin that can lead to the eternal damnation is the sacrilege. Wretch the one that it is put on this road! It commits sacrilege who voluntarily hides in some Confession sin deadly, or it is confessed without the will of to leave the sin or of to flee it the next occasions. Almost always who it is confessed in sacrilegious manner it finishes also the Eucharistic sacrilege, because then receives the Community in deadly sin.

It tells Saint John... "I found myself with my leader (the Angel look’s after) at the bottom to a precipice that ended in a dark valley. And here to appear an immense building with a high door that was closed. We touched the fund of the precipice; a warm one suffocating oppressed me; a fat smoke, almost green and blood flashes of flames raised itself on the embankments of the building.
I asked: "Where we find ourselves?". "Lecterns the enrolment that there is on the door", answered me the leader. I looked at and I saw writer: "Ubi not east redemption!", that is to say: "Where it there is not redemption!" Meanwhile I saw to hurl inside that abyss... first a young one, then another and then other one still; all had written in Front the actual sin.
The leader told me: "Here the prevailing cause of these damnations: the bad companions, the bad books and the perverse habits".

Those poor boys were young that I knew.
I asked to my leader: "But therefore it is useless to work between the young if then a lot they do this end! How to hinder all this ruin?" – "Those that you saw I am still in life; this however it is the present state of their souls, if died right now they will come without her here!" the Angel said.
After we entered in the building; it is run with the speed of a lightning flash. We ended up in an immense and gloomy yard. You boil this enrolment: "I bunt impair in ignem aeternum!", that is to say: "The wicked will go in the eternal fire".
"You come with me" added the leader. Taken me for a hand and it a door leads me before than appears. It is presented me to the look a species of cave, immense and full of a terrifying fire, that surpassed of a lot the fire of the land. This cave not I can describe it, with human words, in all its frightening reality.
To the unexpected one I began to see of the young that they fell in the cave burning. The leader told me: "Impurity is the cause of the eternal ruin of very young".
- But if they erred I am themselves then also confessed.
- They have confessed, but the faults against the virtue of the purity confessed them badly or of silent everything. For example, one it had committed four or five of these sins, but told of it alone two or three. Are of it some that committed of it one in the childhood and for disgrace never confessed or confessed it badly. Other they do not had the pain and the resolution of change. Someone instead of to do the examination of conscience sought the suitable words to deceive the confessor. And who it dies in this state, decides to place itself between the guilty done not regret and such will stay forever. And now you want to see because the pity of God it carried yourself here? - The leader lifted a veil and I saw a group of youngsters of this oratory that I knew well: all condemned for this fault. Between these there were some that in appearance had a good conduct.
The leader told me still: "Lecture always and wherever against the impurity". Then we spoke for about half hour on the necessary conditions to do a good confession and concluded themselves: "It is necessary to change life... It is necessary change life".

It writes the Father Francesco Rivignez (the episode is restored also from Saint Alfonso) that in England, when there was the catholic religion, the king Anguberto had a daughter of rare beauty that was been asked in bride from different princes.
Questioned from the father if it accepted to marry itself, answered that it did not be able because it had done the vow of perpetual virginity.
The father received from the Pope the dispensation, but she rhymed service in its resolution of not it serves from there and of to live withdrawn at home. The father satisfied it.
It began to do a holy life: prayers, you fast and other varieties penitence’s; received the Sacraments and went often to serve the ill in a hospital. In such state of life it gets sick and it died.

A woman that its educator had been, finding itself a night in prayer, heard in the room a big clatter and immediately after saw a soul with the appearance of woman in the middle to a big fire and chained between a lots of devils...
- The they are the unhappy daughter of the king Anguberto. - But like, you damned with a so holy life?
- Fairly I am damned, ...for fault mine. From little girl I feel in sin against the purity. I went to confess myself, but the disgrace closed me the mouth: instead of to accuse humbly my sin, the covered in manner that the confessor did not understand nothing. The sacrilege has repeated a lot of times. On the bed of death I said the confessor, vaguely, that I had been a large sinner, but the confessor, being unaware of the true one been of my soul, this imposes to chase me thought like a temptation. A short time later spiral and was condemned for all the eternity to the bright of the hell.
Said this disperse, but with so much that seemed dragged the world and leaving in that room a smell revolting that lasted several days.

Irregular marriages

God lose whatever fault, provided that the true repentance is us and that is to say the will of to put an end to the actual sins and of change life. Between one thousand marriages irregular (divorced remarried, coexisting) perhaps alone someone will escape at the hell, because normally themselves do not regret not even in point of death. Unfortunately, a lot now they reason how it wants the world and does not more how want God.