Worship God

Plunge into the infinite


Apostolic teaching
According to apostolic teaching, worshipping God is not only a duty but an obligation. Worship is an act of submission to His will. To worship is to recognize His sovereignty to offer praise and thanksgiving. To worship God is expressed through:
- The prayer
- Reading and meditating on the Word of God
- Participate in the Sacraments of the Church

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Prostrate to worship

«And behold, the star, which they had seen at its rising, preceded them, until it came and stopped above the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they felt great joy. When they entered the house, they saw the child with Mary, his mother, and they fell down before him in adoration" (Mt 2:9-11). In adoration the Magi recognize the kingship and divinity of the baby Jesus.

Faced with the greatness of God who encloses the infinite, man must surrender in the awareness of his limitation; even if pride makes him rise above everything, however, faced with the immensity and extraordinary forces of natural events, he cannot help but realize that he is irrelevant. The sense of humility derives precisely from the awareness that we will never be able to change anything about the laws of the universe, nor even the passage of time: we are destined for dust.

Knowing that we are not the product of chance or an extravagant evolution, but of God's plan of love and that we depend on Him in everything, frees us from a feeling of profound gratitude. It is from here that adoration of God is born, also given by the awareness of his immensity, majesty and glory.

The awareness that God as the Supreme Good is the Lord of our life leads us to submission and to conform our will to the divine one. Worship rendered to God, in fact, is recognizing Him as the Father, and the true God.

Worshiping means offering our whole life, all our actions, all our thoughts, all our feelings so that everything becomes an act of praise and love for the Lord. Saint Paul says: "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God"
(1 Cor 10:31).

Explaining adoration means going into speaking about the ineffable, which however cannot be expressed in words but with life. Worship is the choice of those who seek true happiness and the rest of their soul before the presence of their God, and sense their own limitations in looking at the boundless immensity of God.

"An abyss calls to another abyss," he says. the psalmist (Ps 42): only the infinite and the Love of God can fill the existential void within us. Without God in our lives we perceive all our fragility and our limits in facing the reality of the ephemerality of the things of this world. Worshiping God means contemplating the Divine Presence with amazement. In the face of this ineffable mystery there are no words; and then it is the adoring silence that speaks, and it is the amazement of those who know that God exists, that he is here! It is a question that touches the soul, not the place, and must be adored within one's heart. Saint Peter says: "Worship the Lord Christ in your hearts"
(1 Peter 3:15).

The act of adoration is a natural gesture of man towards his Creator and his Savior. There are different ways to contemplate the immensity of God: through praise, Eucharistic adoration, during Mass or in other moments of prayer. But whatever its form, it is an act of love towards God, through which we unite and allow ourselves to be transformed by God himself.

The adoration of the true God constitutes an authentic act of combat against every form of idolatry. Worship Christ: He is the Rock on which to build one's future, as well as a more just and fraternal world in union with Jesus who is the Prince of Peace, the source of forgiveness and reconciliation and who can make all members of the human family brothers »
(John Paul II).

Saint John writes in his first letter: «God is love; whoever remains in love remains in God and God remains in him".
(1 John 4:16).

God is therefore encountered within oneself, within one's heart. Every man thirsts for eternity, for the infinite, for transcendence, which in reality is a thirst for God. As the psalmist says, "my soul thirsts for the living God".
(Ps 42).

Only the infinite love of God fills the infinite void of eternity, of goodness, of beauty of man.

In a world marked by epochal events we must not despair, but look forward with a spirit open to hope, because it is God who guides history. If our life is imbued with the desire for God, it pushes us to empty our heart of evil desires, to fill it with the desire for good, contained in the perfection of God.