Divine judgment

Last Judgment


Divine judgment will be entrusted to the Son of Man
Saint Paul deepens in a salvific sense the concept of "God’s justice", which is realized "through faith in Jesus Christ, for all those who believe".
(Rm 3, 22).

The justice of God is intimately connected with the gift of reconciliation: if through Christ we allow ourselves to be reconciled with the Father, we too can become, through him, the justice of God (cfr 2 Cor 5, 18-21).
(John Paul II 7 Lug 1999).

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Judgment and Mercy

Before the tribunal of God, even those who were far from the Church, both lights will have to answer, is the means that God has given them to know the truth and convert.

Oh Christian, as God will do with you? What God will never do rigorous examination of you? Come, I say, count your sins and make me and all the evil you have done. Will emphasize the gravity of your sins committed in time and in every place, circumstances, and their numbers, even the most hidden, and every look and every word.

You will need to account for sins, even those caused by scandals and bad advice. You will have to account not done well and that you left out due to carelessness. One of these deficiencies will be sufficient for eternal damnation, so why not provide now because you do not know the time you have left to the judgment. Assuming that today, in the same night, come death, and God will call to give any account of your behavior, you will never be you?

If the righteous are saved with difficulty that will be of you that live as a sinner, to be corrupt and wicked? You who have been filled by God with gifts sublime, because you've had in abundance, and abundance of talent, because you did not find the time or perhaps the courage to serve your Lord? Remember that God has given people a lot, the lot will be required.

Well, if that day in that awful moments when you will not want to support the rigorous judgment of God, and experience His wrath against your sins, judge yourself hours. Remove from your soul that which is against His law and oral of the most beautiful virtues. God warns you in time, because he desires is to your benefit.

What excuse you explain that day, ignorance? A God who has given you many thanks and insights that if you paid would lead to salvation, you will bring in defense of human frailty? Many weak and you were tempted, in worse condition than yours, although they have done well for him and for others. Perhaps you will say that many have lived like you? God will tell you that many times I warned him by his ministers to despise human respect, to force you not to follow the customs of the time.

Oh how much will be in that moment, your confusion! You'll want to have the time to weep and erase your sins, now that the time was finally closed. God, with pain, will be forced to throw you forever from his wonderful presence. Think about it, seriously now.