
Sacred writings


All Scripture is inspired by God and useful to teach, to resume, to correct, to educate in justice, so that the servant of God can be well prepared for every good work.

(2 Timothy 3:16-17).

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The word of God

The word of God is alive, effective, and more biting than a double-edged sword. It is a word that realizes what it says and when it reaches us it is like a medicine. In fact, our being is a set of light and darkness, of good and evil, of true and false, of good and bad, and it is the word of God that operates the break, separation, divides and changes. With its power penetrates to the point of division of the soul and spirit, it makes us see the feelings and thoughts of our heart.

Sometimes we are not even aware of what our feelings are, because we feel nothing, we are cold and indifferent to the voice of consciousness which is the expression of the soul, of our deepest part, where the affections, desires, expectations reside, the most beautiful hopes, that part that is alive, able to formulate thoughts.

Sometimes we do not have the time, or the desire to learn to formulate or to listen to these thoughts, because we are distracted or attracted by the things of this world; so we continue to lose that inner order to which God calls us, so we come to the evening that we are empty, surrounded by the dryness of the desert of feelings, lost in inner nothingness.

We need the word of God to begin to perceive that inner inspiration, which is the voice of God who speaks to us through conscience, who teaches us, enlightens us, confirms us and sometimes reproaches us.

We need to hear His voice to combat the numbness of consciousness, which prevents us from perceiving the truth. How can we question our bad deeds? How can we correct ourselves if we do not hear the voice of conscience?

The word of God, when He works, speaks to us of His desires and shows us His expectations and expectations about us. God has a plan for all of us, not only long-range, but moment by moment and is waiting right now for something from each of us: at the end of the day, if we have been able to question our conscience, we will discover that he was waiting for us right there and we have not gone away, or that he asked us for this and we didn’t.

Many people wonder if hell exists and above all how it is. If we could see even a small part of it or if we were allowed to ask a damned man how he lives in that reality, perhaps we would not be so skeptical; however, to imagine what torments torment the damned, just think what they cause remorse and the sting of consciousness for which you lose sleep, you have no peace or rest for the mind.

We could say that the inner hell is love betrayed, not having corresponded to a love expectation, knowing consciously that someone who loves us was waiting for us, expecting us to consider him as ourselves and we did not. Inner hell is that bitter taste that you feel inside for having failed completely.

And usually, when this happens after trampling on the feelings of others, we tell ourselves, we turn it around and forget about it, losing ourselves in other ephemeral things; this is the formula we often adopt to narcotize our conscience.

But one day, when we are before God, there will be no more entertainment in the world, there will be only the truth for which the Lord will ask us and say: "Of this immense love that I have given you, what have you done with it? How did you fit this love?" Everything will be played there and therefore we must learn every day to meditate on our work and to make a sincere examination of conscience.

The Word of God has no use if it does not educate and lay the foundations for a different life, if it does not formulate new purposes. What counts is one’s willingness to listen, with a free heart and eager to say: "Lord, whatever you ask of me I will do, even if it is the hardest thing in the world, I will do it, I must do it!".

We must consider that Word as a word said directly to ourselves, wanted for me at that precise moment of my life, which must be translated into a serious purpose, a point of no return, otherwise everything is useless.

As prayers are useless, if once recited they do not produce a change of life, even just a small step every day. We must know how to renounce the things that bind us to desires, covetousness, lusts.

We are very much inclined to compromise in order to make our conscience drowsy; so also in the awareness of our weaknesses, of our sins we do nothing, at most we go to confess it. But it is not enough, indeed this could be a further lack: the problem is that there is love involved, which does not admit hesitation.

The word of God is therefore a double-edged sword that says to each of us: "now that you know what is good and what is bad, you must choose which side to be on". We must learn to choose, to know how to say no, even if it means reluctantly giving up something or someone. We must choose whether to follow God or men.

If we set out to follow God, His word will be alive, it will help us on the path of life and it will transform us.