Mary teacher spiritual

Mary way and model


The Virgin Mary is a model of Christian life that every disciple should adopt. We must also take her on as Mother with the firm conviction that when we turn to her we can ask her powerful intercession to obtain any grace, especially to help us meet Jesus to become his disciples.

Mary who adhered with faith and with all of herself to the Holy Spirit in order to become Immaculate Mother is found Mother for the people of God on their way. on the way. Who wants to become a true disciple of Jesus must adopt the model of Christian life of Mary
In the journey of faith Mary is important, but many do not recognize him and hinder those who have understood him by saying: Why must we turn to the Virgin when we can appeal directly to Jesus who is God.

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The Lord's handmaid

Meditating on what happened at the wedding in Cana answers the question. The Gospel says to such purpose: When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine." And Jesus said to her, "Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come." His mother said to the servers, "Do whatever he tells you.".
(John 2, 3-5).

Had not Jesus seen the shortage of wine and the consequent uneasiness which the spouses might feel, had he? His hour had not yet come.
The mother, who wished not to spoil the happiness of the spouses, appealed to the Son and said: "they have not wine" and, in spite of the answer of Jesus: My hour has not yet come", she told the servants: "Do whatever he tells you." In Her heart She already knew the answer of Her son: in fact He could not refuse Her call because she was appealing to love.
This story explains and in the same time reveals the powerful link of love existing between Mother and Son.

In the second place Jesus Himself invites us to consider Her our mother: When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son". Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother" And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. (John 19, 26-27). The apostle John, who was staying at the scaffold, represented in some way those people who would gather under the cross in the future centuries.
In that time of atrocious suffering the Virgin offered Her son for our salvation and paid co-redeemer for us all; She already loved us immensely and Her heart was pouring love.

By using the term "Son", Jesus reveals us that He will give us His worldly mother as our mother, a powerful ally who always intercedes with His very Holy Heart for us. And He cannot resist our warm-hearted prayers, when the sweet requests of His beloved Mother are added.

However some people cannot realise why Jesus has offered us His Mother as mother; well, in this way, He wanted to give us with His huge love every possible way of salvation.

Every one knows sensibility, sacrifice, love that a mother is able to give in her life and that in the sweet name "mother" the sweetest feelings and the greatest expectations of our heart are closed.

To Her we apply in the most turbulent moments and in the most difficult situations to be listened to and helped; a safe harbour to find a shelter in the stormy sea in storm and a firm guide in the course of life.

A mother accepts whichever sacrifice for smoothing over the way which leads Her loved son to happiness. Now if these considerations are true for a worldly mother, they will be worthier for the Celestial Mother in which all virtues are summarised in sublime way.
Her love is so pure and immense that no human creature will ever be able to equal it; therefore if it is natural to rely on our worldly mother, why do not we rely trusting on the immaculate heart of Mary?
She yearns for being beside us to encourage when we are sorrowful, depressed, forgotten, to guide our existence towards Her beloved Son who will be source of our joy: She is a tangible evidence of which tops human can attain.

Preserved by grace, but with the same human nature as us, She had the most luminous point in Her extreme humility. Chosen for being the mother of God she answered the Angel: Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word. (Luke 1, 38). She told Elisabeth: And Mary said: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid's lowliness...
(Luke. 1,46-55).

Because of Her extreme humility She was chosen to fulfil the divine design which includes the redeeming of mankind. She submits to God’s will and says: I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.
In Her actions a luminous and very high humility is perceived, that often contrasts with our sweeping pride. She teaches us that humility is the required virtue to go on in faith. Moreover, as she was a creature like us apart from sin, She well knows nature, weaknesses, desires and miseries of mankind; therefore who can reveal us completely Jesus better then Her?

Many times we capture the instruction of the Master from the Gospel but, because of human impending over the spirit, we often become depressed and we give up. Here the morning Star comes, takes us by hand and explain us the love for Jesus. Therefore we must learn to love Her and to rely on Her trustfully as on a tender mother. And She will ask Her Son to grant us a lot of grace and fortress. Only an extraordinarily good God could give us this way leading to Jesus joyfully, through Mary.