Mary heart of mother

Heart of Mary


"Woman, look at your son. Son, look at your mother"
(Jn 19: 26-27)

. The Heart of Mary is the Heart of a human and divine Mother. It is not possible to find on earth a Love that has a maternal love similar to hers.

His Mother’s heart is a masterpiece of God who shouts the likeness to those who created him especially in Love.

Mary who is the mother of an infinite God is also the Mother of all men, who loves with her maternal Heart in an immense way and with an intensity that only God can measure.

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Center of the Wisdom

Those who invoke Me, they will not be certainly disappointed. They will not come back without being affected by Mercy those people who come to Me with affection asking for help and graces.

I exhort you to live the Word of the Gospel; I invite you to a very deep conversion, to look for the scent of the virtue, to listen to the message of Love. Never forget the sacrifice offered for you. Shall the outcry of the cross ring in your hearts, turn all the hearts into rivers of ardour, of gratitude and love for Him who has given every things. I am your Celestial Mother and I wish you all good immensely, listened to the love call, sons, let you be taken by the hand on the ways of truth. The chains of the flesh oppress the spirit: therefore get completely rid of them. Remember that nothing is more powerful than the desire and the will of conversion.

Are you weak? It does not matter. Are you disheartened, depressed and tired? It does not matter. Handle Me your desires, your pains and they will be Mine. The Mercy does not wait for merits to act: it just expects that the hearts open. How many people have saved themselves appealing to It: yes, what is worth is asking for the light of truth, for the way, understanding love. Anything is for your good, if asked with faith, will be given to you.

Very loved sons who have understood the language of Love, I take you with Me on My Heart and I will pray with you and for you, so that you will be given plentifully the graces required to meet My Son, and He leads you to the Father. I beg you: pray with Me for the Church and for the salvation of the sinners.

How many sons are on the wrong way, how much pain in seeing their hard hearts like stones, refractory to every call. They do not know, poor sons, which tremendous future is waiting for them.

Pray therefore with fervour, so that also in the world good prevails and the light comes to all people. Who makes the will of the Father, he will not be afraid, because he will have in the heart an external force. I read in your hearts and like a mother I dandle you sweetly on My Heart. Be sure of My aid.


Mary sweetest, most lovable Mother, The altars are surrounded by many people who are asking to you to be healed of diseases, to be helped in their needs, they ask you some economic prosperity, others the victory in a quarrel.

We ask that through Your heart likes most: obtain for us the humility, detachment from earthly things, abandonment to the divine will; obtain for God's holy love, the good death, Paradise.

Lady, change us from sinners into saints; do this miracle that will give you greater honor than that you can have if you give back the sight to the blind and a thousand of deaths be resurrected.

You are so powerful with God, indeed, simply say that you are His Mother, His most dear creature, full of His grace; what would you deny?

O beautiful Queen, do not claim to see You as long as we live on earth, but we want to come to admire you in Paradise.

It is a gift that we ask. You may obtain it. We are so hopefully and have the certainty of being heard.

(The Glories of Mary - San Alfonso)