Marian devotions

True devotion to Mary


Inner devotions
The true devotion is: inner, tender, holy, constant, and intense.
Inner devotion comes from your mind and your heart as for the esteem in Mary
Tender devotion makes you confident like a child with his Mother
Holy devotion leads the soul to avoid the sin and to imitate Her virtues.

Join us

Saint Luis M. Grignion from Montfort

Constant devotion makes you brave towards the world.
You will not be:

Neither inconstant

Nor sorrowful

Nor scrupulous

Nor afraid.

Unselfish Devotion makes your soul to look for God in His Holy Mother not for itself.

Inner practices:
  1. Praise Her like worthy Mother of God

  2. Meditate Her virtues, Her privileges and Her actions

  3. Admire Her greatness

  4. Do acts of love, praise and gratitude

  5. Invoke Her kindly

  6. Offer yourself to Her and join Her

  7. Do your action to please Her

  8. Begin, continue and end all actions with Her help, in Her, with Her, for Her.
Realise that as more you will look at Mary in your orations, contemplations, actions and suffering, if not with a distinguished and aware sight at least with a general and imperceptible one, as more perfectly you will find Jesus Christ, who is always with Mary, great, powerful, operating and incomprehensible more than He is in Heaven and in whichever other creature of the universe. In this way, Mary, completely lost in God, is not an obstacle at all for the perfect ones in order to reach the union with God.

When Mary supports you, you will not fall, when She protects you, you will not be afraid, when She drives you, you will not become tired: when She is favourable you will arrive to the port of the salvation.
(S. Bernard).

Even if a new way to go to Jesus Christ was traced and this way was paved with all the merits of the blessed souls, adorned with all their heroic virtues, illuminated and embellished with all the light and beauty of the Angels, and all Angels and Saints were there to lead, to defend and to support all people willing to walk on it, I truly say that I would prefer the immaculate way of Mary to this so perfect way:
"He makes my way upright".
(Sal 18,33)

It is a way without spots or foulness, without original or other sin, without shadows or darkness.