Spiritual doctrine

Spiritual doctrine


Father Louis Lallemant (1588 - 1635), French Jesuit priest

When a soul has abandoned itself to the guide of the Holy Spirit, he raises it gradually and directs it. At the beginning she does not know where she is going, but little by little the inner light illuminates her and makes her see all her actions and the guidance of God in her actions, so that she has almost nothing left to do but let herself be guided.

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The Holy Virgin is unique in each of her relations with the three Persons of the most Holy Trinity.

"Unique is my dove"
(Ct 6,8)

  1. She is unique as Mother of the Son, since she is very truly Mother, and there can be only one Mother of God.

  2. She is unique as Daughter of the Father, since Her adoption is very singular, and only She of the sons of God, was conceived and adopted simultaneously.

  3. She is unique as Spouse of the Holy Ghost, since only She contracted sacred weddings with him, in the name of all the mankind, in order to become Mother of the Man-God remaining Virgin.

The celebration of these sacred weddings took place publicly in the temple, when the Holy Virgin was introduced there.
How big this prerogative is and how many advantages takes with it! What sharing of the goods of this divine Spouse! Which fullness of His gifts! Which holiness! This Holy Spouse never opposed the minimal resistance to the inspirations of the Holy Ghost. She never did any single action whose principle was not the Holy Ghost. How far from this fidelity we are! We continuously oppose to the Spirit of God. We do not follow other than our inclinations. We reject thousands of graces every day and we hold the gifts of the Holy Ghost in a shameful inactivity.


The Glory of the holy Virgin in the Incarnation.

  1. Just in the chaste womb of Mary the greatest wonders of time and eternity occurred: a God-man, a God adoring God, a God serving God, a God child, a God covered by a mortal body and by all human weaknesses, a God as victim, a man Son of the alive God, a Child fruit of a Virgin Mother.

  2. The incarnated Word has always kept the substance of the body that the Holy Ghost formed from the very pure blood of the holy Virgin at the moment of His Incarnation. What He ate like all the other men was consumed as it was for the other men. Suarez is of this opinion; and the holy Virgin, appearing one day to saint Ignatius while he was at the altar, told him that in the most Holy Sacrament there is a portion of Her substance.

  3. How glorious is the Incarnation of the Son of God for the holy Mother and how rich of graces was the union with him during the nine months He was in her womb! He was joined to Her like the fruit to the tree to which it is attacked. He only lived in dependency on Her and on the substance He received from Her.

But what communications were there in return? Which was the mutual relationship between the soul of the Son and the Mother’s? He made Her ready with many graces to be the Mother of His mystical body as she was the Mother of His physical body. He wanted in fact that we received the life of the spirit by Her as He had received the life of the body; and that we depended on Her for the conservation and the increase of our spiritual life as He depended on Her for the conservation and the increase of His corporal life.

We take part of the feelings of Our Gentleman towards His Mother who is also our mother. Let’s receive with joy the dependency that He wants that we have on Her and, through this humble and loving dependency, let’s honour it as He wanted Himself to depend on Her.