Trust in Mary

Let us entrust ourselves to Mary


Theologian Giuseppe Gozzellino (1930 - 2010).
The Priest theologian Giuseppe Gozzelino in his book of Marian spirituality "Let us entrust ourselves to Mary", proposes a reflection on the figure and role of Mary in Christian life, emphasizing her spiritual motherhood. He writes:

"Let us entrust ourselves to Mary, let us immerse ourselves in Mary’s entrustment to God. Therefore, we give ourselves to her so that our response to God may acquire something of the strength and solidity of Mary’s response".

Therefore we propose to entrust ourselves to Mary, we follow her example to live faithfully what is proposed in the Gospel, to enter into communion with Jesus.

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when he was asked what the Church is: "It is union of those people, gathered and constituted by that "yes" said by Mary..., are ready to accept promptly the redeeming will of God with respect to all brethren as well as to themselves ".

In God ‘s plan Mary from Nazateth has a role that could be called "genetic" as through her the Word is made flesh, becomes actually man, has a DNA linking Him to David’s house and makes Him the heir and the consignee of all promises that God made to Abram, to his descendants, to the chosen people for the salvation of the mankind.
(cfr. Genesis 22, 15-18).
The mission of Mary is therefore fundamental because from Her Jesus Her Son is born and His life will invade the earth. Without Her there would be no other than the desert of death due to the sin of the first Woman, Eva, the mother of all the men who are born under the sign of the rebellion to God.

We can then understand that the Father wanted to repeat the huge plan of the creation and to start again with a new Eva and a new Adam, Mary and Jesus.

But this plan would have been impracticable if there had not been the free decision of Maria who with Her generous "yes" to the Annunciation of the angel, complied totally and responsibly with the will of God, whichever it would be, becoming in this way the only human creature able of complete submissiveness to the designs of the Father.
(crf. Luke 1, 26-38).

All privileges of Mary come from her unique mission.
As Mother of God She is Immaculate. As Mother of all those people who will be saved by the Son, She is Co-redeemer. As She is the only creature without the original sin because of the redeeming death of Her Son, She was assumed to Heaven in spirit and body. She is not submitted to the corruption of the grave, because she does not have to expiate the punishment due to the original sin.

Therefore the complete redemption wanted by the Trinity for every creature is fulfilled in Mary in advance. She is the icon in which every man and every woman of the Church finds vocation and perfection again.
Moreover as She is the Mother She becomes the irreplaceable and very precious aid to cover that way of faith and love wanted by Her Son Jesus for everyone of us.
She is therefore the Helper, the Mediatress of all graces without preventing the oneness and the need of the Son for the salvation.
She is the masterpiece of His work of salvation and the channel for Jesus to let us know His huge treasures of love and glory.

During the wedding of Cana, Jesus would not have turned the water into wine without Her (John 2, 1-11), as well as He did not want to go to the cross and celebrate His Passover of liberation without Her, passing definitively from the world of sin to the world of Love, from death to life, from the old man to the new one and generating with Her the new mankind gathered in the Church of the redeemed.

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
(John 19, 26-27).

Mary is consecrated, in that solemn moment, as Mother of all the disciples of Jesus. The disciples understand that they cannot become authentic sons of God and followers of Jesus without Her.
This deep relationship with Mary gives the certainty of Her continuous and capillary presence in the daily life of every Christian man who desires to climb the way to holiness.

It is suggested to repeat the life of Mary, who first lived the same human adventure as us with joy and trouble.
Her example drags and convinces because we feel Her like one of us.
She is able to understand us because she was a mother, a spouse, she did not have an easy life, she had to face many difficulties in "Her terrible everyday life".
Her suffering reached the apex when Her immensely loved Son had to suffer the atrocious death on the cross.

There are no people, even if they are suffering very much, who do not feel themselves understood by Mary.
There is no situation, although desperate, which She cannot resolve now that She has the possibility to help all us.
However we experience Her determining and more effective role in the help She offers us on the spiritual way, when we are fighting against obstacles, temptations, snares from Satan.

She makes us to understand, better than whichever other, that in suffering the mystery of the cross is hidden. We cannot approach the true love without the purification from all the sins and above all from the sin of pride and of arrogance which are always the polluting source of every life.

The joy that Mary makes us to experience after winning with Her those temptations and those dangers is like the perfect happiness that we will find at the end of the way when we will enjoy with Her the transforming co-operation with Her Jesus.