The Passion of Jesus

THe Passion of Jesus


Anne Catherine Emmerick

The Blessed Mother of Jesus had been accompanied to the places sanctified by the last sufferings of his beloved Son just pronounced the iniquitous sentence. She wanted to cover with hot tears the blood of Jesus.

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Jesus meets His Mother


With deep devotion, John and the holy women accompanied the Virgin in her mystic sacrifice. With this consecration, the Holy Virgin herself becomes the living Church, the common Mother of all Christians.

When the sound of the trumpet, the tumult of the people and escorting Pilate announced the ascent to Calvary, he could not resist the desire to see her Divine Son, and asked John to lead her to one of the sites where Jesus should pass by. They went around the neighbourhood and came to Zion Square which had started the procession with Jesus, continued down the side streets going through doors that were normally closed, but that day they were open to allow traffic from the crowd...

They went to the door of a palace facing the street where Jesus fell for the first time under the cross; was, if I'm not mistaken, the residence of the Pope Caiaphas, whose Court is in the plain of Zion. Juan got from a compassionate servant permission to get in the door with Maria. With them were also a nephew of Joseph of Arimathea, Susanna, Joanna and Salome Cusa Jerusalem. The Mother of God was pale and red-eyed from time to mourn, and was covered with a blue-gray coat. It was heard the noise coming close and the sound of the trumpet and voice of the herald to publish the judgment in the corners. The servant opened the door; the noise was getting louder and more frightening.

Another ringing trumpet, this time closer, it went through the heart of the Holy Virgin. The sad procession was now visible, lacked only a hundred steps to the gate. The courtship was not preceded by the crowd, it was only on the sides and back. After Trumpeter the slaves advanced with a bold and triumphant air; they brought the tools of torture. Given that view the Mother of Jesus began to cry and shake, and twist her hands.

One of those insolent men asked, "Who is this woman wailing?" And another said, "It is the Mother of Galileo." Then the pointed fingers, and one of them took in his hands the nails that had to nail Jesus to the cross, and showed them to the Blessed Virgin, mocking. Riding the Pharisees went after the guy who bore the inscription; Behind this your most holy Son Jesus, trembling, bent under the heavy burden of the cross, bowed his head crowned with thorns. With his faded red eyes and cast a look of pity on his mother.

She was looking at Jesus, who was approaching; touched by that merciful glance had to stand in the door pillar to avoid falling, pale as a corpse, with almost blue lips. Jesus stumbled and fell a second time on his hands and knees.

Mary, amid the vastness of his agony, he saw no soldiers or executioners; saw nothing but his beloved Son. The momentum of his love, rushed from the door of the house among the soldiers who abused Jesus fell on his knees beside her and hugged him. I only heard these words: "My son!" And "Mother!" But I do not know if they were actually uttered or heard if only in my mind.

I saw some soldiers, however, had pity to see that Mother torn by pain and, although they were forced to divert to the Blessed Virgin, none laid hands on her. John and the holy women surrounded her and raised her.

Surrounded by John and the holy women, the mother was transported sore and sad procession continued its way ... Meanwhile the soldiers had already risen Jesus and had him put back the cross on his shoulders. I saw here and there, amid the crowd followed the procession shouting curses and insults, some veiled women and shedding tears.

According to the revelations of Sister Anne Catherine Emmerick.