The Passion of Jesus

THe Passion of Jesus


Anne Catherine Emmerick

Pilate sat on the seat higher, in front of the column of flagellation. The seat was covered with a purple cloth on which was a cushion blue with yellow edges, behind it stood the bench of aldermen.

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The Savior was dragged through the crowd and was placed in between two thieves condemned to crucifixion. Jesus had a red cloak over his shoulders and the crown of thorns around his head battered, the crowd taunted him furious and cursed him. The priests had delayed the execution of these thieves of the worst kind with the intention to further humiliate Jesus.
The crosses of the thieves were lying on the ground next to them, but they did not see the cross of the Savior, probably because his sentence of death had not yet been pronounced. As soon as he was seated on the throne, Pilate said once again the enemies of Jesus: "Behold your King". But they answered, "Crucify him".
Pilate answered, "Must I crucify your king?".
"We have no king but the emperor!" Said the chief priests ready. I saw Jesus at the base of the stairs leading to the court, exposed to the derision of his enemies...

Pilate pronounced the sentence of death with the ease of a coward. After a long preamble set forth the charges against Jesus: "Sentenced to death by the chief priests for disturbing public order and violated Jewish law, by being called the son of God and the King of the Jews"... And, by carrying the cross, Pilate ended with the death penalty:
"I condemn Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, in the crucifixion".

Pilate drew the death penalty ... The purpose of this paper was the following: "Forced by the insistent pressure of the priests of the temple, from all the council and the threat of a popular uprising, I handed over to the Jews, Jesus of Nazareth, who was accused of disturbing the public peace, to have blasphemed and violated their laws. I have the sentencing of this man despite allegations unclear, not to be accused by the emperor to have caused a revolt of the Jews. I handed over to be crucified along with two criminals already condemned by the Jews".

He did write on a tablet brown inscription to be placed upon the cross, the chief priests, who were still in court, protested indignantly against the wording of the judgment, because Pilate had written that they had delayed the execution of the thieves with the about crucify Jesus with them. In addition, they demanded that the tablet does not write "King of the Jews", but that "he had told King of the Jews." Pilate said to them, grew impatient and angry: "What I have written is written." However, they claimed that the inscription was at least suppressed, representing an insult laurel honor. Pilate listened to their request, and so it was necessary to lengthen the cross by adding another piece of wood, on which you could nail the tablet with the inscription.

When the cross of Jesus was adapted in this way, it turned out higher than those of the thieves and took the form of a Y, as I have always contemplated, the two arms of the trunk turned out thinner; finally affixed a base of wood in the place of feet to support them...

He Lord was abandoned in the hands of the executioners. The delivered up his clothes, as was the custom of the Romans clothe those who were being led to the gallows...
To be able to play, those dastardly him undressed again and untied her hands. Tore violently purple cloak, causing great pain with the reopening of wounds. He himself, trembling, he put on with the band that was used to cover his kidneys. The scapular was thrown over his shoulders. As a result the crown of thorns was impossible to shove the seamless tunic, they snatched him from head causing unspeakable pain. On tunic, woven from his holy Mother, made him wear the robe of white wool wide, the wide belt and cape. They tied around the waist belt pronged, where they had attacked the strings with which they dragged him. All this was done with sickening brutality.

The two robbers were one right and one on the left of Jesus, had their hands tied and wore a chain at back neck. Were reduced badly due to the recent scourging their bodies were covered with sores. They wore a sleeveless tunic and a belt around the kidneys, the chief had a straw hat, similar to the one that lead the children.
The thief, who later was converted, it was already calm, resigned and pensive, the other hand, was vulgar and insolent he joined the executioners in hurling insults and curses against Jesus, who offered his sufferings for their salvation. I saw the executioners employed to fix the tools of torture and organize the painful journey of the Redeemer.

After receiving a copy of the judgment, the priests hastened to reach the temple. And while these evil sacrificed the Passover lambs on the altar of stone, washed and blessed the brutal executioners sacrificed on the altar of the cross, the Lamb of God, disfigured and bruised. The first was the symbolic altar of the law, and the second was that of grace, charity and forgiveness.

According to the revelations of Sister Anne Catherine Emmerick.