Our Lady of Oropa

Mary in Oropa


Saint Eusebius

San Eusebio was born in 286 D.C. in Sardinia. At a young age leaves the native island to consecrate his life to God and spreading the Christian life in the West.

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Bishop of the fourth century

Receive baptism by Pope Eusebius, his namesake, at the age of 23 years. Pope Sylvester I in 314, the designated player of the Church of Rome - the first instance on the path to the priesthood.

In 336 Pope St. Mark's Order priest Eusebio

On December 15 345 St. Eusebius was consecrated in Rome, Bishop of Vercelli by Pope St. Julius I as the first Bishop of Piedmont.

A Vercelli converts to the Christian Church the temple dedicated to Vesta, the goddess of fire. Took care of the rites and established the sacred liturgy called "Rite Eusebia" that have lasted to the 500th

Having built and established the church liturgy, San Eusebio formed new priests. We gathered at himself in the bishop's house, living together and follow rules of piety, study and penance.

Founded the monastery famous for its clerics and a female monastery. Visit evangelizes and the pagan peoples of the territory connecting the evangelization monastic style. Vercelli became one of the oldest bastions of the Catholic faith against the assaults of the Arian heresy.

The denied the equality of the Son and the Father, and thus the nature and attributes of the divine Son.

In the pro-Arian council of Milan in 355 St. Eusebius, violent pressure on the Emperor Constantius II, was condemned to exile. Closed in a cage like a wild beast, was sent to Beisan Palestine. It was a triumphant trip to the emotion which the sight of the bishop in chains aroused in all the countries crossed.

After the death of the Emperor Constantius II took place in 362, St. Eusebius regains freedom. Volunteer with St. Athanasius and other exiles to Bishops' Synod of confessors "in Alexandria, Egypt to discuss how to repair the damage caused.

After the synod, visit the Church of Antioch goes to Caesarea in Cappadocia, through Macedonia to preach the true Christian faith.

He returned to Vercelli in 363 is accepted joyfully and resumed his pastoral work, missionary work and study. It gives pause for prayer and retreats, and praying in Crete Oropa. Prepare the new diocese of Tortona and Novara.

He died in 371 at Vercelli, in his city of adoption, and his body is buried in the necropolis outside the walls. In 581 the relics of the saint is placed in the Basilica of St. Eusebius. He consecrated a cathedral, in the midst of the moving tribute of the people.

Even at Oropa in ancient Basilica there is a relic of the saint, which is offered to the kiss of the faithful of the faithful in processions that take place from April to October.

Pope John XXIII in 1961 proclaimed the Patron Saint Eusebius of Piedmont.

The writings of St. Eusebius came down to us are:
De Unitate Trinitatis; Quattuor Evengeliorum Latina version.

Letters: For Costantium; For clerum and plebem vercellensem; For Gregorium episcopum.

He translated into Latin from the Greek "the commentary to the Psalms of Eusebius of Caesarea" correcting the errors theology.

Many fathers and writers have left information or hints about the life and works of St. Eusebius which include: St. Ambrose, St. Jerome, St. Hilary Poitier, Sulpicius Severus, St. Athanasius, St. Basil, St. Epiphanius, ESEB of Caesarea, Socrates, Sozomene and Theodoret.

He writes about San Flaviano:
"Warm, affable and holy, it could be the serenity on his face. Pation beyond measure, it was overflowing model of virtue in a world truly poor. Severo guardian of the Scriptures, a researcher for the truth...

His soul was resplendent truth ... fought bravely the enemy. I love God sincerely, fought against all evil. Against the errant, with his word squandered errors. It was so wonderful that even the long fasts were able to break the force.

It was used to overcome the thirst with water from the river and to defend themselves from the cold with humble guise. With the strength of heaven triumphed over evil.

The purest of air, was not even touched by the ugliness of this world. With the fire of his sins destroyed the purity of earthly life. He was master of the people that attracted by his exemplary actions.