Clairvoyance of Saint John Bosco

Don Benetti asked Don Bosco how he managed to see things and people from afar. The saint answered: "It looks like a telegraph wire out of my head to establish communication, just to take my mind to the point that I want and immediately see what is there, for example, I am here in my bedroom if I want I see a young man under the porticoes of the Oratory".
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John Bosco sees anywhere
John Bosco had gone to Stresa and before leaving had entrusted the care of the Oratory to two young theologians, while he was in this town, he saw these two boys, who had been away from the mission entrusted to them.
He returned to Turin, had confirmed that they did have moved away from the mission.
John Bosco had gone to Lanzo and saw two young men who did not attend religious services as they should, but calmly swam and sunbathed on the Dora River.
John Bosco was in Bergamo, and as he was about to write a letter, he saw two young men who were preparing the Oratory, at once, to send a ticket. The next day, in fact, the Holy received two tickets. (ED).
John Bosco reads sins.
John Rua related: I stand before John Bosco to make my general confession at that time I was 16, and I started to read my sins, who had previously written in a long letter. He pulled me to him tenderly and took the letter and threw it into the fire, burning. He said: "I'll tell you your sins." And indeed, with great surprise, he told me one by one, just as I had written.
John Bosco knows the sacrifices.
The saint said to a friend: "How beautiful is what you have prepared in paradise for the sacrifice you have made." And he explained what he had done in secret. Don Bosco had the ability to read the hearts of people, even distant things..
John Bosco says to a mother.
A poor mother, who had his son in the army, fighting in Lombardy, came to John Bosco with a heavy heart for concern. He told John Bosco: "Lady Contessa, I know all you want to say, but have courage, because tonight Napoleon signed the peace and end the war." "It's impossible. You tell me that to comfort me, but the reality is different".
The next day, the newspapers published the news: overnight the peace was signed in Villafranca between Napoleon, Victor Manuel and Emperor Francis II of Austria..
John Bosco Oratory expected to persecution.
The Holy tale: I think I see a band of marauders into my bedroom, grab me, check my chest cards face down and put everything in writing. At that time, one of them with more benevolent aspect, he said, "Why have not hidden this and this written?". After the vision, the Holy, put in safe hands any writing that could generate suspicion. Thorough pursuit took place, the officers searched everywhere but found no incriminating documents.
John Bosco sees the future.
I found myself in the presence of supernatural things. In a few moments I saw many things. The word was adapted to the language of men.
French law does not acknowledge the Creator, but the Creator would be revealed and visit three times with the rod of his wrath:
- The first time. He would beat down his pride in defeat, with looting and the ravages of the collected animals and men.
- The second time. The great prostitute of Babylon, which the good called "Brothel of Europe" would be decapitated amid the unrest. Paris. Before you are armed in the name of the Lord, you surround yourself with houses of immorality. But they would be destroyed by yourself. Your idol, the Pantheon, would be cremated. Your enemies would make you suffer poverty, hunger, fear and be the abomination of nations. But ay to you if you do not recognize the hand that hits you. I want to punish immorality, neglect and contempt for my law.
- The third time You fall into foreign hands: your enemy will come from far, burning your palaces, your room will become a heap of ruins, bathed in the blood of your mighty to cease to be. But a great warrior from North has, in his right hand, a banner on which is written: "Irresistible hand of the Lord".
At that instant the Ancient of Lazio met him, waving a so burning torch. Then the banner was expanded and from black became white as snow. In the middle of the banner, in gold letters, it was written the name of Him who can do everything. The warrior and his partners bowed deeply, before the Ancient and shook hands.
But you, Italy, land of blessings, who has been immersed you in the desolation?. Do not say my enemies, but friends. Do you not hear your children asking for the bread of faith and who do not have someone that distributed it?. What will I do?. I will conquer the shepherds, the flock will scatter, so sit in the chair of Moises looking good pastures and the sheep hear docile and feed.
But over the flock and shepherds weigh my hand: famine, pestilence and war will do that mothers will weep blood for the sons and husbands killed in enemy territory.
And you, Rome, what will be?. Ungrateful, effeminate and proud Rome. You have reached the point where looking for another, admire the Sovereign of luxury, forgetting that your glory and yours are on Golgotha ... Now she is old, decadent, helpless, plundered; however, her only word It will shake the world. Rome ... I will come to you four times:
- The first time. Smite your land and its inhabitants.
- The second time. I will bring slaughter and destruction to your walls.
- The third time. I will bring down defenses and defenders, and by command of the Father I will bring the reign of terror, the horror and desolation. But my wise flee, my law is trampled.
- The Fourth time. Ay of you if my law is still an empty name. There will be prevarications between the wise and the ignorant: and the blood of your sons will wash the stains you do in the law of thy God. War, pestilence and famine are your lashes to be hit with the pride and wickedness of man. Where are they, then, O rich, your magnificence, villages and palaces? ... Will they become the rubble of the squares and streets.
And you, priests, why they not cry, between the sacristy and the altar, invoking the suspension of whipping ?. Why not pick up the shield of Faith and go on the roofs, the streets, the squares, everywhere, even inaccessible, and take the seed of my word ?. Do you not know maybe she is terrible two-edged sword, that burns my enemies and off the wrath of God and men?.
Inexorably, these things must come, one after the other. But the Queen of Heaven is present. The power of the Lord is in their hands. She scatters her enemies like fog. She dressed the venerable old man with all his old clothes. It will even violent hurricane. The iniquity is consummated: and sin will end, and just before the expiry of two full moons in the month of flowers, she painted with rainbow of peace that will appear on earth. The great Minister's wife sees their King dressed for a party. On everyone, as bright sun will appear as ever there was from the flames of the Cenacle until today, not be seen until the last day.