
From "Prayers in memory of Saint John Bosco".
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Prayers to Saint John Bosco
The life of Saint Juan Bosco was a constant prayer. Don Bosco said: "To pray means to lift the heart to God and entertain with Him, through the thoughts and devoted feelings. Therefore, every thought and look to Him is prayer when attached to a feeling of pity."
- Who thinks of the Lord and in His infinite perfections, and this thought undergoes an affect of joy, reverence, love, admiration, pray.
- Who considers the great benefits received from the Creator and recognizes, pray.
- The person who is in danger in hir innocence and virtue, conscious of his own weakness and begs the Lord for help, pray.
- Who in the contrition of heart turns to God and remember that outraged the Father, offended the judge and has lost the greatest of goods, apologizes and proposes amended, pray.
Prayer is an inseparable companion of the Christian life, because Christian life is essentially a spiritual life: it is the first food of the Spirit, as it is the bread of the body.
Here's how prayer should be made according to Don Bosco:
- Those who pray should not be aware of mortal sin.
- He must pray inspired by faith, because without it is impossible to pray well.
- Humbly pray.
- Pray, first, for spiritual things as forgiveness of sins, the light to know God's will and our mistakes, perseverance in the virtues. Then, of temporal goods, healing means we need to live.
- Praying in Jesus' name for God, through the merits of our Divine Savior.
- Pray with conviction to be heard.
- The Lord hears in a special way, the prayer made at the time of the Elevation of the sacramental species. Go frequently to visit the Lord and the devil will not win.
In daily prayer he made repeat three times the short prayer: Dear Mother, Mary, grant that my soul is saved, followed by a Hail Mary.
To obtain graces
Oh glorious Saint, you who see the evils which afflict and oppress us, the more uncertain today and the uncertain morning, and the pain that is the inseparable companion of our existence, move to pity for our poor condition. You also suffered discomfort, misery, abandonment, slander, persecution and the pain experience was that you comforted and assisted those who came to you. Since you're in Heaven, next to the Eternal Source of Charity, You feel alive, compassion for our misfortunes, I turn to you confident for the grace ... (explain).
Oh glorious holy to you the Lord will not deny anything because you worked a lot on earth for your honor and glory, intercede for me, get me the implored grace if it is useful for my soul and obtain for the conformity of the divine will and perseverance in all right. I also hope it arrived a day to praise and thank, next to you, the Lord in paradise. So be it.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.
Prayer to Mary Help Of Chris
(Composed by Juan Bosco-Indulgence 3 years. Plenary Indulgence on the usual conditions. Recite every day for a month.)
Oh powerful Virgin Mary
you, great and illustrious defender of the Church
you, admirable help of Christians
you terrible as an army in battle
you who alone destroyed the heresies of the world
you, in anguish and struggles,
defend us in the enemy needs
and at the hour of our death, welcome us in paradise.
Glorious San Juan Bosco, for the love you had for the Blessed Sacrament and the zeal with which you spread worship by attending Mass, with frequent Communion and the daily visit, obtain for us always to be faithful to the love and practice of so holy devotions, and comforted end our days with the Holy Eucharist.
Glory to the Father ... Amen:
V - Pray for us oh San Juan Bosco.
R - That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Oh God, you've raised to San Juan Bosco, your confessor, as father and teacher of youth, and has wanted for his work, with the help of the Virgin Mary, flourish in the Church, grant, we pray, that inflamed for the same charity know look for souls and serve only you. So be it.
Glorious San Juan Bosco, for the love you had at Mary Help of Christians your tender Mother and Teacher, grant us true and constant devotion to her, that we deserve their valuable sponsorship in life and in death.
Glory to the Father ... Amen.
V - Pray for us Saint Juan Bosco.
R - That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Oh God that you raised in San Juan Bosco, your confessor, as father and teacher of youth, and have wanted that for his work, with the help of the Virgin Mary, the Church flourishes in new religious families. We pray that we inflame the same charity, that we may look for souls and I serve only you. So be it.
Glorious San Juan Bosco, of filial love you had for the Church and the Pope, who consistently defended, grant us always be worthy your children in love and obedience.
Glory to the Father ... Amen.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever and ever. Amen
V - Pray for us oh San Juan Bosco.
R - That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Oh God you appointed San Juan Bosco, your confessor, as father and teacher of youth, and you wanted that for his work, with the help of the Virgin Mary, the Church flourish in new religious families. We beg you to grant us that we are inflamed by the same love and we know look for souls and serve only you. So be it.
Glorious San Juan Bosco, the great love with which you loved youth, whose you are Father and Master, and the heroic sacrifices that you suffered for your salvation, let us also love Him with holy and generous love.
Glory to the Father ... Amen
V - Pray for us, O Saint Juan Bosco.
R - That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Oh God you have raised up Saint Juan Bosco, your confessor, as father and teacher of youth, and have wanted that for his work, with the help of the Virgin Mary, the Church flourish in new religious families, grant us, we pray, that inflamed by the same love, we know to look for souls and serve only you. So be it.
Glorious San Juan Bosco, who founded the Salesian Society and the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco, a legacy of your apostolate, grant that members of the two religious families are always filled with your spirit and be faithful followers of your heroic virtues.
Glory to the Father ... Amen
come era nel principio e ora e sempre, nei secoli dei secoli. Amen.
V - Pray for us oh Saint Juan Bosco.
R - That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Oh God you're attracted to Saint Juan Bosco, your confessor, as father and teacher of youth, and you wanted that for his work, with the help of the Virgin Mary, the Church flourish in new religious families. Grant to us, we pray, that inflamed by the same love we know how to look for souls and serve only you. So be it.
Glorious Saint Juan Bosco, who for more abundant fruits of faith laborious and ardent charity, created the Pious Union of Salesian Cooperators; make them models of Christian virtues and supports their work.
Glory to the Father ... Amen.
V - Pray for us oh Saint Juan Bosco.
R - That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Oh God you're attracted to Saint Juan Bosco, your confessor, as Father and Teacher of Youth, and you wanted that for his work, with the help of the Virgin Mary, the Church flourish in new religious families. Grant us we pray that inflamed by the same love we know how to look for souls and serve only you. So be it.
Glorious Saint Juan Bosco, who always were so compassionate in human misfortunes, look at us much needed of your help. Send down upon us, and our families, the blessing of Mary Help of Christians, and grant all spiritual and material graces that are necessary for us in life and in death.
Glory to the Father ... Amen.
V - Pray for us oh Saint Juan Bosco.
R - That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Oh God you have risen up St. Juan Bosco, your confessor, as father and teacher of youth and have wanted that for his work with the help of the Virgin Mary, the Church flourish in new religious families. Grant us we pray, that inflamed by the same love, know how to look for souls and serve only you. So be it.
We renew the invitation
If your heart is eager to do something for your brothers and sisters who are gripped by suffering or loneliness, you can earnestly plead with the Lord. Prayer is one of the highest forms of charity..
If you are also looking for other wonderful brothers who can join you in prayer in one heart, then visit the site of the
Invisible Monastery. There you will find a family willing to welcome you with open arms.
If you wish to accept Jesus' invitation, or simply want to try praying from your home,
click here and you will find many wonderful brothers willing to join spiritually in a great and heartfelt prayer of intercession.
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