Saint John Bosco


Saints The facts presented here are just a small example of the extraordinary work that this saint did, not only in Italy but in other European countries in favor of the needy. The Signs of incredible faith led a multitude of people..

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Don Bosco multiplies chestnuts

Don Bosco began distributing roasted chestnuts but soon they were insufficient to satisfy the 650 young people present. Still if he got the Holy spoon and took out full and the amount remaining in the basket seemed to never end: after the distribution was finished there were still enough.

Don Bosco multiplies the bread.

There was no bread at home for their youth and the oven did not want to serve more if not fruitless, the account before. Don Bosco took the basket that contained a dozen bagels and began handing out bread and with great wonder got bagels distributed to all the presents, and there were still enough bread in the basket.

Don Bosco multiplied the consecrated Hosts.

The Holy Communion begins to manage, but the consecrated hosts were too few, but he began to distribute and then the sacred forms were multiplied, so that they could were given to all the present.
With this miracle, said Don Bosco, our Lord Jesus Christ showed how much he appreciates the Communion well-made and frequent.

Don Bosco remained suspended in the air.

Don Garrone testified: While Don Bosco celebrated Mass, just when lifting the host, I saw, and together with all those present, to Don Bosco with an air of paradise in the face, which seemed to glow throughout the room. Gradually his feet came off the ground and remained suspended in the air for ten minutes. Three times I witnessed his ascension during Mass.

Don Bosco resurrected the dead.

Carlo, young man who frequented the Oratory, fell seriously ill and soon died. Just Don Bosco returned, he walked quickly toward the house and when he arrived he was told he had been dead for hours. Don Bosco replied: "He sleeps and you believe he's dead." He was taken to the room where the corpse was already shrouded for burial. He said: "Leave me alone". He said a prayer and blessed and called the young man twice, "Carlo, arise".

The Young took the sheet with his hand and opened his eyes. He asked the young man immediately confessed and repented of all their sins. Then he said to the mother, who had meanwhile entered the room: "Don Bosco took me out of hell." He spent two hours talking to the Holy, his body was cold. When the saint asked: "You want to go up there or stay with us?". The boy replied: "I want to go to paradise." Then answered the Saint, "we will be in paradise." He closed his eyes and went back to doze in the Lord.

Don Bosco raised another deceased

The Marquesa Gerolama Gherardi Uguccioni went to Don Bosco crying and screaming that her son had died and that the Holy had to go with her to revive it. Don Bosco consented and approaching to the bed, found the child of tender years yet, still, very pale, with glassy eyes, the face contracted and no signs of life. Said by all, he had expired.

The saint, immediately invited a few in the bedroom, to make a prayer to Mary Help of Christians, then gave his blessing to this little body. He had not yet finished the prayer when the deceased, like a yawn, breathed again, move, he repurchased the use of the senses, he went to the mother smiling and soon recovered.

For this reason, the Marquesan, when Don Bosco passed through Florence, wanted to stay at home giving many signs of esteem and respect. The Marquesan became a great benefactor of the works of Don Bosco, to deserve being called by the Salesians "Our good mom Florence".

Don Bosco cured a paralytic.

"In the village of Caramagna, it was presented to Don Bosco, a poor woman who was holding two crutches ... Don Bosco said, "What do you want me to do my good woman?". He said the poor lady, "Oh Don Bosco, have mercy on me Give me your blessing." ... "With all my heart, but do you have faith in the Virgin?". "Yes, a lot" ... "Well kneel".

"For a long time ago I cannot kneel: I have almost dead legs". "No matter, kneel". And this woman, to obey, leaned on two crutches to try to crawl to land, but Don Bosco, grabbing her under the arms and decidedly hands, said: "Not in that way, kneel right." In the crowd there was a deathly silence, it could not be hear a fly and that were present more than 600 people.

The woman was found ashore knee as if by magic ... "Now tell me," said Don Bosco, "Three Hail Marys to Mary Help of Christians". And after praying three Hail Marys, without no one to help her, the woman got up without feeling the pain that for years had oppressed her. Don Bosco put his crutches on his back and said: "Go good woman and always love Mary Help of Christians".

That lucky woman went out of the crowd and headed home, praising and thanking the Virgin and her benefactor.