Holy with broom

Saint Martin de Porres is very popular in South America especially in his native Peru. He is a very nice and miraculous saint. Also known as "The saint of the broom" to be represented with a broom in his hand as a symbol of his humility.
His charisms are so great that some scholars have defined him as the Padre Pio of Latin America.
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Charismatic saint
St. Martin gave us the example of how holiness and consequently salvation can be achieved if we are in communion with God and love our brothers as ourselves. He practiced this important commandment of love through charity, supported by a certain faith and a profound humility, towards all his brothers. Brothers whom he loved more than himself, he excused them, forgave even the most cruel offenses, trying with all his strength to lead the guilty on the path of conversion.
He treated the sick with kindness, he provided the poor with food, clothing and even medicine. He also claimed who at that time was considered despicable: peasants, blacks and mestizos, and his availability was so enormous that he was called by the people "Martin of charity".
"We must also take into account that in this he followed paths, which we can certainly consider new in those times, and which can be considered as anticipated to our days. For this reason our predecessor of happy memory Pius XII has already appointed Martin de Porres Patron of all the social institutions of the Republic of Peru".
(See Apostolic Letter of 10 June 1945 - Pope John XXIII)
When he entered the Dominican Order, he devoted himself so much to spousal love that, during prayer, he freed his mind of all human bonds, and it seemed to him that he was taken to heaven. He had engraved in his heart the words of Saint Catherine: "It is normal to love whoever loves. Whoever returns love for love can say to give a glass of water to his Creator".
(Letter n.8 of Saint Catherine)
Saint Martin meditated on the sufferings suffered by Jesus Christ on the scaffold of the cross and, as in a lived sharing of pain, he wept profusely. He loved the sacrament of the Eucharist to the point of pausing for many hours in adoration before the Tabernacle. It was her way of nourishing herself with the love of God. She also loved the Virgin Mary in an incredible way and always kept her as dear Mother.
In the convent of Saint Martin he fully cultivated chastity, poverty and obedience which his confreres and superiors considered him a perfect image of virtue and an example to follow. It can be said that he won everyone's heart and still remains a bright star of the Dominican family today.
In the homily for the sanctification of Saint Martin de Porres, Pope John XXIII expressed himself in these terms:
"This holy man, who with exhortation, example and his virtue contributed so effectively to attract others to religion, even today has the power to admirably raise our minds to heavenly things. Unfortunately not all of them. understand these supreme gifts, as it is necessary, not all hold them in honor, that indeed many, leaning towards the seductions of evil, either have little esteem or dislike them or do not care at all. Martin's example salutally teaches many how sweet and how happy it is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and to conform to his divine commands".
(May 6, 1962; AAS 54 1962 306-309)
Saint Martin suffered from health problems due to frequent fasting. The confreres and many people witnessed the many miracles and abundant charisms of this humble friar. He has the gift of healing, he rises during frequent prayers, he is a seer who guesses what people need, not only that, he has the ability to foresee the moment of death of others as his own. It germinates plants ahead of time, is able to communicate with animals.
Read on and you will be amazed by the figure of this great and bright saint.
A special invitation
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