sacred mantle of St Joseph

Devotion to the Sacred Mantle

Monastery The Holy Mantle of Saint Joseph is a precious object of devotion
The origin of the devotion to the Sacred Mantle of Saint Joseph dates back to August 22, 1882, the date when the Archbishop of Lanciano Mons. F.M. Petrarch approved the devotion to this practice, inviting the faithful to make frequent use of it.

Prayers and supplications to Saint Joseph
These prayers must be recited for thirty consecutive days in memory of the 30 years of life of Saint Joseph beside Jesus. The graces that are obtained by turning to Saint Joseph are without number. It is a good thing to approach the Sacraments and promote the worship of the Saint.

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Introduction to the sacred mantle

The prayers of the Sacred Mantle are invocations addressed to Saint Joseph, patron of the universal Church, of the family and of the workers. These prayers are particularly linked to a devotional and Marian tradition that developed from the 19th century.

Prayers are addressed to him as an intercessor and protector to obtain graces, protection, help and blessings. They are often recited for the healing of diseases, help in family difficulties, job search or support in daily life.

These prayers, personal or collective, are recited both on the occasion of liturgical celebrations dedicated to Saint Joseph, such as March 19 (the liturgical feast of Saint Joseph) and May 1 (the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker)be at any time when you feel the need to turn to him.

The prayers to the sacred mantle of Saint Joseph is a way to approach God through the intercession of a special saint. They are also a way to express trust in God and his providence.


  1. Here I am Saint Joseph, prostrate devoutly before you. I present you this precious Mantle and at the same time I offer you the purpose of my faithful and sincere devotion. All that I canò do in your honor, during my lifetime, I intend to perform it, to show you all my love for you. Help me, Saint Joseph! Assist me now and throughout my life, but especially at the hour of my death, as you were assisted by Jesus and Mary, that I may one day honor you in the heavenly home for all eternity. Amen.

  2. O glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, prostrate before you, I worship you devoutly and offer these prayers of mine in remembrance of the innumerable virtues that adorn your holy person. In thee the mysterious dream of ancient Joseph was fulfilled, for, not only did the divine Sun, Jesus, surround thee with its most radiant rays, but also the mystic moon, Mary, illumined thee with her sweet light.

    Glorious Saint Joseph, like the example of Jacob, who went personally to rejoice with his beloved son, exalted over the throne of Egypt, served to drag his children there also, so I hope that the example of Jesus and Mary, who honoured you with all their esteem and all their trust, convince me also to weave in your honor this precious mantle.

    Or great Saint, arrange that the Lord turns over of me a look of benevolence. And as the old Joseph did not drive out the guilty brothers, but rather welcomed them full of love, protected them and saved them from hunger and death, so do you, O glorious Patriarch, through your intercession, let the Lord never abandon me in this valley of exile. Obtain for me also the grace to keep me always in the number of your devoted servants, and like them to live serenely under the mantle of your protection every day of my life and in the moment of my death. Amen.


  1. Hail, glorious Saint Joseph, keeper of the incomparable treasures of Heaven and Davidic father of the One who nourishes all creatures. After Holy Mary you are the most holy; worthy of our love and worthy of our veneration. Of all the Saints, you alone had the honor of raising, guiding, nurturing and embracing the Messiah, whom so many Prophets and Kings had desired to see.
    Saint Joseph, saves my soul and obtains to me from the Divine Mercy the grace that humbly implores. I also remind you of the blessed souls of Purgatory because you obtain for them great relief in their sorrows.
    3 glory to the Father

  2. Mighty Saint Joseph, who were proclaimed universal patron of the Church, I invoke you among all the Saints, as a very strong protector of the poor and I bless your heart a thousand times, always ready to help all sorts of needs. To you, O dear Saint Joseph, the widow, the orphan, the forsaken, the afflicted, all sorts of hapless. For there is no sorrow, anguish, or misfortune that you have not graciously helped, deigned, by the gifts that God has placed in your hands, to obtain for me the grace I ask of you. You too, holy souls of Purgatory, beg Saint Joseph for me.
    3 glory to the Father

  3. You, or dear Saint, that you know all of my needs, even before that I expose them with the prayer, you know how much it is necessary me è the grace that I ask you. My sorrowful soul finds no rest in the midst of sorrows. No human heart could understand my anguish; even if I found compassion with some charitable soul, it could not help me. But you have given comfort and peace, graces and favors to so many people who have prayed before me; for this I prostrate before you and I beg you under the grave weight that oppresses me.
    To you or Saint Joseph I resort and I hope that you will not reject me, since Saint Teresa said and left written in her memoirs: "Whatever grace is asked of Saint Joseph will certainly be granted".
    Or Saint Joseph, consoler of the afflicted, has pity of my pain and brings towards the divine light and the happiness the holy souls of the Purgatory, that so much hope from our prayers.
    3 glory to the Father


I. Remember, or pure bridegroom of Maria, or dear my protector S. Joseph, than never was heard to have some invoked your protection and asked your help without having been consoled. With this trust I turn to you and to you fervently recommend myself. Or S. Giuseppe, listens to my prayer, Accoglila pitifully and answer her. Amen.

II. Glorious St. Joseph, bridegroom of Mary and virginal father of Gesù, think of me, watch over me. Teach me to work for my sanctification and take under your pitiful care the urgent needs that I entrust to your fatherly solicitude today. Remove the obstacles and the difficulties and arrange that the happy outcome of what I ask to you is for the greater glory of the Lord and for the good of my soul. And as a sign of my deepest gratitude, I promise you to make known your glories, while with all my affection I bless the Lord who willed you so powerful in heaven and on earth.


  1. Remember, or pure bridegroom of Maria Vergine, or dear my protector S. Joseph, than never was heard to have invoked your protection and asked your help without having been consoled. With this trust, I come to you and to you I fervently recommend myself. O St. Joseph, hear my prayer, accept it mercifully and answer it. Amen.

  2. Glorious St. Joseph, bridegroom of Mary and virginal father of Jesus, think of me, watch over me. Teach me to work for my sanctification and take under your pitiful care the urgent needs that I entrust to your fatherly cares today. Remove the obstacles and the difficulties and arrange that the happy outcome of what I ask to you is for the greater glory of the Lord and for the good of my soul. And as a sign of my deepest gratitude, I promise you to make known your glories, while with all my affection I bless the Lord who wanted you so powerful in heaven and on earth.

Closure of the Holy Mantle

O Glorious St. Joseph, who by God were placed at the head and guardian of the holiest of families, deign to be from heaven the guardian of my soul, which asks to be received under the mantle of your patronage. I, as of this moment, elect you as my father, my protector, my guide, and place under your special care my soul, my body, all that I have and all that I am, my life and my death. Look upon me as your son; defend me from all my visible and invisible enemies; assist me in all necessities: comfort me in all the bitterness of life, but especially in the agonies of death. Turn a word for me to that lovable Redeemer, whom Child you bore on your arms, to that glorious Virgin, whose most direct spouse you were. Impart to me those blessings which you see to be useful for my true good, for my eternal salvation, and I will do all I can not to make myself unworthy of your special patronage. Amen