Entrusted to Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph a wise man


But I took for my lawyer and patron the glorious Saint Joseph, and I commended myself to him fervently. This my Father and Protector helped me in the need in which I found myself and in many more serious ones in which my honor and the health of my soul was at stake. I saw clearly that his help was always greater than I could have hoped. I do not remember so far that I have never prayed for a grace without having obtained it immediately. And it is a wonder to remember the great favors that the Lord has done me and the dangers of soul and body from which he has freed me through the intercession of this blessed Saint.

(Teresa od Avila - book of my life)

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Saint Teresa of Avila trusted

To other saints it seems that God has granted to help us in this or that other need, while I have experienced that the glorious St. Joseph extends his patronage on all. By this the Lord wants us to understand that in that way which was subject to him on earth, where he as a putative father could command him, so also in heaven he does everything he asks of him. This was also recognized by experience by other people who, on my advice, recommended themselves to his patronage. Many others have recently become his devotees for experiencing this truth.

For the great experience that I have of the favors obtained from S. Giuseppe, I wish that all were persuaded to be devoted to him. I have not known a person who is truly devoted to him and renders him some particular service without making progress in virtue. He helps very much those who recommend themselves to him. It has been for several years that on the day of his feast I ask him for some grace, and I have always seen myself answered. If my question is not so righteous, he straightens it for my greater good.

I ask only for the sake of God that those who do not believe me will prove it, and will see from experience how advantageous it is to commend themselves to this glorious Patriarch and be devoted to him. He must be especially fond of people of prayer, because I do not know how you can think of the Queen of Angels and the much she suffered with the Child Jesus, without thanking St. Joseph who was so helpful to them.

Let him who has not a teacher by whom he can learn to pray, take this glorious Saint as his guide,.
Please the Lord that I was not wrong in risking to talk about him, because although I profess his devotee, nevertheless in the way of serving and imitating him I am always full of defects. He hath given me, by him that is, that I may arise from bed, and straighten myself, and walk; and I, from whom I am, have repaid him with evil his grace.
(Teresa od Avila - book of my life).

Entrusted to Saint Joseph

This great Saint only awaits our request for help, and if we have never done so we begin from this moment with more fervor, so we can feel his fatherly and loving presence in our lives.

The greatness of this Saint is unparalleled and unimaginable. Of course, he did not shine with his own light but let his son and his beautiful bride shine.

He did not impose his paternity; with strict rules and did not subdue his virgin bride.

His was a journey of love and faith:

  • He took the Saint family on his hands and went on honestly suffering as the poor people suffer;

  • He loved the son without reserve and led and protected him with sure hands;

  • He loved his spouse like only the angels can do;

  • He acted in silence and contemplation of God’s Love.

The sublime love towards Jesus and Mary on the earth what would become in Heaven! Could his son and his spouse deny his exhortations?
What are you waiting for, before entrusting without reserve to this powerful mediator and considering him like a father?
In fact, as he could lead his family, could not he lead you, too?

Do not be sceptical and rely to him, you could be surprised by the powerful intercession of this Patriarch.
Go to him with extreme confidence and let him know the secrets of your heart, invoke him and he will certainly listen to you. He will come to you, he will transform your the life and will more and more approach you to God’s Love.

In his temporal life Saint Joseph was already in the hands of God and in humility and silence he passed through troubles, anguish and purifications which we cannot realise. And how profitable this silence is: it allows that there is no continuity solution between the word of God and obedience of Joseph.
God talks to Saint Joseph. Ask Joseph that he teaches you to act in silence with humility as the Saints.

If your heart is eager to do something for the suffering and alone brethren you can use the power of the prayer. The prayer in fact is a meeting with Jesus, a bridge between human and divine and it can be the beginning of a spiritual way opening the doors of true and complete happiness.

We renew the invitation

If your heart is eager to do something for your brothers and sisters who are gripped by suffering or loneliness, you can earnestly plead with the Lord. Prayer is one of the highest forms of charity.

If you are also looking for other wonderful brothers who can join you in prayer in one heart, then visit the site of the Invisible Monastery. There you will find a family willing to welcome you with open arms.

If you wish to accept Jesus' invitation, or simply want to try praying from your home, click here and you will find many wonderful brothers willing to join spiritually in a great and heartfelt prayer of intercession.

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