Holy Family of Nazareth

Holy Family of Nazareth


Famiglia di Nazareth un modello da seguire
The Holy Family in Christian doctrine is a fundamental model of the human family. Indeed, the bonds of love and understanding which human families are constantly called to confirm are manifested and lived in the Holy Family.

After the intervention of Popes Leo XIII, Benedict XV and John XXIII, the feast of the Holy Family today is celebrated on the Sunday after Christmas, or 30 December if Christmas falls on Sunday.

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, a most holy example for Christian families who invoke the necessary help.
(Roman martyrology).

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The holy family perfect model

Joseph felt much joy in seeing his child growing day after day, clasping Him in his arms, even he knew who He was. With love he looked after his family and he did not spare himself in the hard work.

When it was the time to move to Egypt, he had neither doubts nor hesitations, he left everything including a granted piece of bread in order to save its son. Many underrate his role of father and his hard work.

Master of honesty Joseph could be an example for all family fathers, he demonstrated that the burning love was possible, a love towards the family without taking anything for himself: joy was the reflected light of the scent of the virtues.

Every family should look at this Holy Family of that time. How many spouses think that their role is the most important and develop egoistic love just for their pleasure; therefore they accuse the other, while they do not do anything to understand it.

The sons then are like tender buds. The gardener must water them adequately as well as the sun must heat them, so that with time the flower opens blooming and spreads its gentle scent. But if the bud is abandoned, weeds will try to choke it and sooner or later the lacking water will make it to wither; it cannot succeed alone.

The same is for our children; they are very beautiful buds ready to open; but they have to be watered with the light of the truth and heated with the sun of love. You must take a lot of care of them, so that the weeds of the vices and the false trends do not choke them. If on one side you must worry of their human growing, on the other side you must take care of their spiritual and moral increase, in order to let them receive that light allowing them to walk on the right way. How many mothers and fathers do not deprive their son of anything, indeed they give him the surplus, they believe that in this way they give him happiness.

In this time how many children are unhappy and are waiting from their parents for the only precious thing that is love, affection and a sure guide on the ways of their development.

The family is conjugal love poured on the sons and gasping the familiar nucleus. The bud becomes flower fed by mother’s and father’s love and, its scent will be more or less intense according to the virtues cultivated together.

Family, sublime opportunity of increase for all its members, it is love calling love and in the love the joy in donating and seeing the fruits. If sometimes the hard work causes sweat tears, these drops will feed the will to proceed and to grow together.

If one of the members does not want to carry out its task, or he is unable to donate because it is still closed in its egoism, it does not matter as the other members that can love will help it to ripen.

Maria and Joseph were joined tenderly in joy and in pain for their son that they so loved that they offered themselves: Jesus was theirs sun. They could take care of their bud tenderly; they watered it day after day with their virtues and heated it with their love. Let’s look at them with confidence, let’s ask hem for help and they will come like if we were their sons, will support us and will infuse us the desire to grow and to attend our buds if there will be. They will make us to experience in the family that loving desire which only the angels have.