Sorrow of Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph a model


Saint Joseph is a model of faith, obedience and love. His devotion helps us to reflect on these moments of pain and joy in the life of Jesus and Mary.

Says Mary,:

The childhood, childhood, adolescence and youth of my Son, have only brief features in the vast picture of his life described by the Gospels.

In them He is the Master. Here is the Man.

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The pain of Joseph

It is God humiliating himself for love towards the man, doing miracles also in the annihilation of a common life. He does them inside me, as I feel my soul becoming perfect as it is in touch with the Son growing in my womb. He does them in the house of Zachariah blessing the Baptist, helping Elisabeth during the labour, giving back Zachariah word and faith.

He does them in Joseph opening his spirit to understand a so lofty truth that he could not understand on his own although he was a just man. And apart from me Joseph is the most enjoyed by this rain of divine benefits.

Notice his spiritual way from his arrival in my house until to the moment of the moving to Egypt. At the beginning he was a just man of his time, and then he progressively becomes the just of the Christian time.

He always allowed me to direct him because of the venerable respect he had for me. Now he directs himself all material and beyond our control things, and decides, as head of the Family, what must be decided. Not only, but in the painful time of the escape, after that months of union with the Divine Son have saturated him by holiness, it is himself relieving my suffering and tells me: "Even if we had nothing left we would have the whole as we have Him".

The gifts of the Magi, in the usury which takes a poor fugitive by the throat, disappeared quickly in buying a roof and the necessaries of life, the necessary food that came only from that source until we found work.

In the Jewish community people have always helped each others, but the community gathered in Egypt was composed by pursued refugees; they were poor therefore like us who came and joined them.

And a little of that goods, that we wanted to keep for Jesus, for our adult Jesus, saved after the expenses for our settlement in Egypt, was useful for the return and hardly sufficient to reorganise the house and the laboratory in Nazareth once come back, because the events change, but human greed is always the same and it uses other people's need to suck its part graspingly.

The presence of Jesus did not get material assets for us as many of you expect as soon as they are little joined to Jesus. They forget that He said: "Look for the things of the spirit".

All the rest is a surplus. God supplies also the food to the men as well as to birds, because He knows that you need food until flesh is armour wrapping your soul. But ask for His grace before; ask for your spirit before.

The rest will be given to you in addition. Humanly speaking Joseph had no other than troubles, hard work, persecutions, and hunger from the union with Jesus.

But as I was aiming to Jesus just all this turned into spiritual peace and in supernatural joy. I would want you to become like my Spouse when he said: "Even if we had nothing left we would have the whole as we have Him".