History of Joseph's mantle

Holy mantle


The Holy Mantle of St. Joseph is an important object of worship and veneration

The Holy Mantle of St. Joseph, according to tradition, is a fabric that would have belonged to the saint, thus retaining great spiritual value. It is believed to have been given to St. Joseph directly by Our Lady, and that the saint wore it during his earthly life.

On many occasions, the mantle is displayed to the public during religious celebrations related to St. Joseph, such as processions or solemn masses.

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The unknown history of the mantle of Saint Joseph

They recount the ancient traditions preserved in the first monasteries of the contemplative life and transmitted to our days, that Saint Joseph is solicitous in interceding before God the graces necessary for those who pray to him. Among his devotees is known the novena of the "Holy Mantle of Saint Joseph" inspired by a legend made history, preserved for centuries by the oral tradition of the Church.

The mantle of Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph had to go to the mountains of Hebron, where he kept a load of timber that had expanded day after day without being able to collect all the money to pay him. Joseph, in fact, had raised half the money and could no longer wait.

The Virgin Mary said: "If it’s all right with you, I’ll ask the relatives." He went out, and on his return he said: I asked him in various houses and everyone apologized. There’s no money or they would have given it. Maria continued: I thought to leave your mantle as a pledge and the owner of the timber will be satisfied.

At the time of parting Mary said: May the God of Abraham accompany you and may his angel direct you. Joseph answered: I will try to return soon. So, with half the money and the new Mantle that Mary had given him on his wedding day, he set out.

As soon as he came into the presence of the log master, he greeted him, saying, "God bless you, Ishmael".

Ishmael had a bad temperament, he was a heartless miser and in his home never saw peace, his passion was money. Characteristics that Joseph knew since he had established the negotiation for it, he had little confidence and even fear of declaring the money he had in his pockets.

He chose the logs, separated them on one side, and when the time came, before leaving for Nazareth, he called Ishmael, and spoke to him in this way: You know that I have always paid you in cash, dispense me because I bring you only half the money. Be patient, I will pay you and as a pledge I leave you my Mantle.

Ishmael, protested and was on the verge of breaking the contract, but then accepted as a pledge St. Joseph's Wedding Mantle.

Miser Ishmael had long had ulcers in his eyes, and despite doctors and medicine he had not been able to recover his health. Although he had lost hope of recovery, he was surprised the next morning when he saw that his eyes were as healthy as if he had never suffered.

Although Ishmael was unaware of the cause of the prodigious healing he recounted the prodigy to his bride Eve. This one had a fierce temperament, and since she had married Ishmael, she had never had peace, nor tranquility, nor taste in marriage; but that night she was a lamb.

Who brought this change Ishmael asked himself, must be the Mantle of Joseph, the carpenter from Nazareth, who brought, healing, peace and tranquility to my home. Since I put it on my shoulders, I feel that I have changed.

While in bed Ishmael heard a loud noise in the barn and rushed to see what it was. His best, biggest cow was writhing in horrible pain. With his wife he did his best to improve the situation but it was useless. Then thinking of the Mantle he put it on the animal that was on the ground, immediately it got up healed and began to eat as if nothing had happened.

Said Ishmael to Eve: This Mantle is a treasure, since he is with us, we are happy and will not part with him for all the gold in the world. I forgive the debt and am willing to give him all the wood he needs from now on. Eva added: I will bring him as a gift to his son Jesus a pair of white lambs and a pair of doves like snow, and to Mary oil and honey.

As they were preparing the camels to travel to Nazareth, Ishmael's younger brother came running, bringing the news that their father's house was burning. The two brothers ran hastily and arrived at their father's house, cut a piece from the miraculous Mantle and threw it into the fire. Without pouring a drop of water, the fire went out immediately. The people were surprised to see the prodigy and blessed the Lord.

A few days later they came to the carpenter's door in Nazareth after entering, the old moneylender and his wife Eve, prostrated themselves at the feet of Joseph and Mary.
Said Ishmael: My wife and I come to give thanks for the immense gifts we have received from heaven since you left me the mantle as a pledge and we would like your consent to keep the Mantle to continue to protect my home, my marriage, my interests and my children.

Through your mantle I am healed. I was a moneylender, haughty, spiteful and a man without courage; my wife was dominated by anger and now she is an angel of peace; they owed me large sums and I collected them without costing me any labor.

My best cow was sick and suddenly got well; finally my father's house caught fire and the fire was instantly extinguished when I threw a piece of your mantle into the flames.
You are not just another man, but a Saint, a Prophet, an angel in the land. I bring you a new Mantle of the best woven in Sidon; to Mary your bride, we bring him oil and honey, and to Jesus your son, my wife gives him a pair of white lambs and a pair of pigeons whiter than the snow of Lebanon. Accept these poor gifts, dispose of my house, of my cattle of my forests, of my riches, of all that we have but do not ask me for my cloak.

Joseph replied: Stay with the Mantle for the time being. I thank you for your offerings and gifts. And as they stood up Mary said to them: know, good spouses, that God has determined to bless all those families who place themselves under the protective Mantle of my holy bridegroom.

Do not be surprised at the wonders worked; greater ones you will see. Love Joseph, serve him, put on the Mantle, share it with your children, and may this be the best legacy you leave them in the world.
The couple faithfully kept the advice of the Blessed Virgin Mary and were always happy, as were their children and their children's children.