Prayer to St. Joseph

Prayers and supplications to Saint Joseph

Monastery "Whatever grace you demand to Saint Joseph it will certainly be granted, who wishes to believe be persuaded to do the test".
St. Teresa of Avila

- Prayer to Saint Joseph
- Triduum to St. Joseph
- Seven supplications to Saint Joseph
- Three invocations to Saint Joseph
- To you, O Blessed Joseph

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Prayer to Saint Joseph

To You, O Blessed Joseph, held in tribulation, let us turn, and confidently invoke Your patronage after that of Your Most Holy Bride.
For that sacred bond of charity which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and for the fatherly love which you brought to the child Jesus, consider, We pray to you, with a benign eye, the beloved inheritance which Jesus Christ acquired with his Blood, and with your power and help you help our needs.
Protect, O provident guardian of the Divine Family, the elect offspring of Jesus Christ: remove from us, O most beloved Father, the errors and vices that beset the world; assist us propitiously from heaven in this struggle against the power of darkness, O our mighty protector; and as you once saved from death the threatened life of the little boy Jesus, so now defend the holy Church of God from hostile snares and from all adversity; and spread every hour over each of us your patronage, so that by your example and by your help, we can live virtuously, piously die and attain eternal bliss in heaven. So be it

Triduum to St. Joseph

To obtain a grace

« I do not remember so far have pleaded St. Joseph for anything, that he has not comforted me ...»
(Saint Teresa)

O St. Joseph, my protector, I resort to you, so get me out of the Heart of Jesus this grace. For my sins I do not deserve to be heard. I beg you to my shortcomings and, as powerful as you are, that is obtained through your intercession the longed-for grace; I may come at your feet to thank you and make gifts of gratitude.
Our father, Ave Maria and Glory.

Do not forget, dear St. Joseph that no person in the world resorted to you, being disappointed in the trust and the hope placed in you. Do not allow, or great saint, that I alone be deprived of the grace that I ask you. Shown powerful and generous even to me; and my tongue, thanking you, in you will enhance the goodness and mercy of God.
Our father, Ave Maria and Glory.

O St. Joseph, head of the Holy Family, I will deeply revere and wholeheartedly invoke you. The afflicted, who prayed to you before me, you have given comfort and thanks,. Deign, therefore, to console also my grieved soul. Thou, Oh great Saint, see God in all my needs. You then, you know how much I needed the grace that I ask you. From Thee I hope to be comforted, and I promise to spread devotion to you and to help the works that, in your name, rise to the relief of so many unhappy and dying. O St. Joseph, comforter of the afflicted, have pity on me!
Our father, Ave Maria and Glory.

Remember, Oh most pure spouse of Mary the Virgin, Oh sweet my patron St. Joseph, who never heard anyone have invoked your protection and asked for your help, without being consoled.
With this confidence, I come before thee, and I recommend it to you fervently.
Oh foster father of the Redeemer, despise not my petitions, but welcome it and pitifully her away. Amen
(Indulge. Partial)

To achieve a good death

O Glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, benevolent protector of the dying, my special counsel, for happiness, for the love with which you served in all the days of your life as the Bridegroom to Mary, as Father to Jesus, for the pain that you were suffering with so much resignation, for the joys that you received with much humility from the God who knows nothing now deny to your questions, as always I was obedient here on earth, obtain for, please, a plenary remission of all my past failings, and always ready will to serve it better in the future, so always living like you in virtue and holiness can like you deserve to be dead assisted by Jesus and Mary, that in this world you did try anticipated joys of Paradise. Keep watch over me in the whole course of my life, as you took care over Jesus, when tender child was entrusted to your care. Defend me from every enemy onslaught, and never allow that death will seize me to a point where I have forfeited with a less Christian conduct your protection.
So be it.
Jesus, Joseph and Mary - I give you my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Joseph and Mary - assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Joseph and Mary - breathes in peace with you my soul.

Seven supplications to Saint Joseph

O God, come to my aid. Lord, come quickly to my rescue.
Glory to the Father...
  1. Most loving St. Joseph, for the honor that the eternal Father granted you, raising you to take his place on earth with his Son Jesus, and to be a putative father, obtain for me God the grace I desire.
    Glory to the Father...

  2. Most loving St. Joseph, for the love that I bring you; Jesus, recognizing you as a tender father and obeying you as a respectful son, Amplify to me from God the grace that I ask of you.
    Glory to the Father...

  3. Pure St. Joseph, for the very special grace that you received from the Holy Spirit, when he gave you in marriage his same bride, our dearest Mother, whom God embodies the grace so desired.
    Glory to the Father...

  4. Tender S. Giuseppe, for the pure love with which you loved Gesù as your Son and God, and Maria as your beloved bride, prays the tall God, that it grants to me the grace for which I beg you.
    Glory to the Father...

  5. Sweet St. Joseph, for the great enjoyment that felt your heart conversing with Jesus and Mary and serving them, grant me the most merciful God the grace that I so desire.
    Glory to the Father...

  6. Most fortunate S. Giuseppe, for the good fortune that you had to die in the arms of Jesus and Mary, and to be comforted in your agony and death, I get your powerful intercession from God the grace for which I beg you.
    Glory to the Father...

  7. Glorious S. Giuseppe, for the reverence that has for you all the celestial Court, as Father putative of Jesus and bridegroom of Maria, answers the supplications that with living faith I make you, obtaining to me the grace that so much desire. So be it.
    Glory to the Father...
Pray for us, blessed Joseph.
Because we are made worthy of Christ’s promises.

We pray:
Almighty God, who in your plan of love you wanted to entrust the beginnings of our redemption to the caring custody of St. Joseph, through his intercession, grant the Church the same fidelity in carrying out the work of salvation. For Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Three invocations to Saint Joseph

  1. Or Saint Joseph, my protector and lawyer, to you I turn, so that & eacute; implores me the Grace for which you see me to moan and to beg in front of you. It is true that the present sorrows and bitterness that I feel are perhaps the just punishment of my sins. By acknowledging my guilt, must I therefore lose hope of being helped by the Lord? " Ah! no - i answers your great devoted Saint Teresa no sure, or poor sinners. Turn in any need, however grave, to the effective intercession of Patriarch Saint Joseph; go to him with true faith and you will certainly be heard in your questions". With so much confidence I present myself, therefore, before you and I implore mercy and mercy Deh! As much as you can, O Saint Joseph, help me in my tribulation. Make up for my lack and, as powerful as you are, grant that, having obtained by your pious intercession the grace I implore, I may return to your altar to pay you the homage of my gratitude.
    Our Father; Hail, O Mary; Glory be to the Father

  2. Do not forget, O merciful St. Joseph, that no person in the world, however great a sinner he may have been, has resorted to you, being disappointed in the faith and hope placed in you. How many graces and favors have you obtained for the afflicted! The sick, the oppressed, the slandered, the betrayed, the abandoned, having recourse to your protection, have been granted. Deh! do not allow, O great saint, that I may be alone, among so many, to be without your comfort. Show yourself good and generous to me also, and I, giving thanks to you, will exalt in you the goodness and mercy of the Lord.
    Our Father; Hail, O Mary; Glory be to the Father

  3. O exalted head of the Holy Family of Nazareth, I deeply revere you and heartily invoke you. To the afflicted, who have prayed to you before me, you have granted comfort and peace, graces and favors. Deign therefore to console also my sorrowful soul, which finds no rest amidst the anxieties by which it is oppressed. You, O most wise Saint, see in God all my needs, even before I expound them to you by my prayer. You therefore know very well how necessary is the grace I ask of you. No human heart can console me; by you I hope to be comforted: by you, O glorious Saint. If you grant me the grace I so insistently ask of you, I promise to spread devotion to you. O Saint Joseph, comforter of the afflicted, have mercy on my sorrow!
    Our Father; Hail, O Mary; Glory be to the Father

To you, O Blessed Joseph

To you, O Blessed Joseph, we turn tight by tribulation, and are confident we invoke your patronage after the one of your most holy bride.
That sacred bond of charity, we the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and for the fatherly love that you brought the child Jesus, concerns, we pray thee, with a benign eye on the beloved inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by his blood , and with your power and help thou our needs.
Protect, or provident guardian of the divine Family, the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ away from us, or most beloved Father, errors and vices, which infect the world; graciously assist us from heaven in our struggle with the powers of darkness, O our strong protector; and as a time you saved from death threatened the life of the little baby Jesus, so now defend the Holy Church of God from the snares of her enemies and from all adversity; and stretch every hour each of us your patronage, so that in your example and by your help, we can live virtuously, devoutly die and attain eternal bliss in heaven