Novena to Joseph

Devotions to Saint Joseph


I do not know how you can think of the Queen of Angels and the much she suffered with the Child Jesus, without thanking Saint Joseph who was so helpful to them.
Whatever grace is asked of Saint Joseph will certainly be granted, who wants to believe does the test so that he is persuaded.
I do not remember so far that I have never prayed for a grace without having obtained it immediately. And it is a wonder to remember the great favors that the Lord has done me and the dangers of soul and body from which he has freed me through the intercession of this blessed Saint.
(Saint Teresa of Avila).

God has concentrated in Saint Joseph the splendors of all the Saints.
(St. Gregory Nazianzus)

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In order to understand which source of graces the devotion to glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph is, the following words of Saint Theresa will be enough:

"I do not remember, writes the Saint, that I have not been granted a grace by Saint Joseph until now, I have asked him for. At what a beautiful picture I would look if I could show the graces I was granted by God and the dangers of body and soul, from which I was freed, thanks to the mediation of this great Saint! To the other Saints God grants only the grace to help us in one or one other need, but the glorious S. Joseph, and I know it for experience, spreads his power to everything. And other persons to whom I had suggested to apply to this incomparable Protector have had the same experience... If I had authority to write, I would be very glad to tell in particularly about graces for which many persons thank this great Saint. But for my love to God I just ask those people who may not believe me, to try and they will experience the advantage coming from recommending themselves to this glorious Patriarch, and honouring him with special cult".

Up to now the Saint and her fervent words will move everyone to become devout to this powerful and tender protector.

A well-known writer of Christian asceticism has summarised the advantages coming from the devotion to S. Joseph in this way:

  1. Who is true devout to him, he will have the gift of the chastity.
  2. He will have spiritual aids to exit from sin.
  3. He will have particular devotion to most Holy Mary.
  4. He will have a good death and will be defended in those extreme hours.
  5. He will not be won by the demons the man who will fear his name.
  6. He will be granted special graces for the soul and the body.
  7. He will have the firm confidence to achieve the grace of final perseverance.

A last authoritative testimony is by Pope Pious IX, the great, after having recommended every one the devotion to S. Joseph, talked nearly prophetically about the advantages of this devotion: "it is not useless that God infuses in the Church more than never the spirit of the prayer. People pray more and better. Shall the supports of the newborn Church, Maria and Joseph, have the place in our hearts again they had wrongly lost and the world will be saved once again".

Novena to St. Joseph

  1. O Saint Joseph, my protector and advocate, I appeal to you, that you may implore me for grace, for which you see me weeping and pleading before you. It is true that present sorrows and bitterness are perhaps the righteous punishment of my sins. By acknowledging my guilt, will he lose hope of being helped by the Lord? "Ah! No!" - Your great devotee Saint Teresa answers me - No, of course, poor sinners. Turn to the effective intercession of Patriarch Saint Joseph in every need, however serious it may be; go to him with true faith and you will certainly be heard in your questions". With great confidence, I present myself, therefore, before You and I implore mercy and mercy. Deh! As far as you can, O Joseph, help me in my tribulations. Make up for my lack and, as powerful as you are, grant that, having obtained by your pious intercession the grace I implore, I may return to your altar to pay you the homage of my gratitude.
    (Pater, Ave, Gloria)

  2. Don’t forget, O merciful Saint Joseph, that no person in the world, for great sinner that, was, è resorted to you, remaining disappointed in the faith and hope placed in you. How many graces and favors you have obtained to the afflicted! Sick, oppressed, slandered, betrayed, abandoned, having recourse to your protection have been heard. Deh! Do not allow, O great Saint, that I have to be the only one among many to be deprived of your comfort. Show yourself good and generous also to me, and I, thanking you, exalterò in you the goodness and mercy of the Lord.
    (Pater, Ave, Gloria)

  3. Or exalted Head of the Holy Family, I deeply venerate you and of heart I invoke you. To the afflicted, who prayed before me, you gave comfort and peace, thanks and favors. Deign therefore to console also my sorrowful soul, which finds no rest in the midst of the injustices from which it is oppressed. You, or wise Saint, see in God all of my needs before even I expose them to you with my prayer. Therefore, you know very well how much the grace I ask of you is necessary. No human heart can console me; from you I hope to be comforted, given, or glorious Saint. If you grant me the grace that I ask so insistently, I promise to spread devotion to you, to help and sustain the works that, in your Name, arise to the relief of so many unhappy and dying poor. O. Saint Joseph, comforter of the afflicted, have mercy of my pain!
    (Pater, Ave, Gloria)

    To be repeated for nine days.

Seven Supplications to Saint Joseph

  1. Most lovable Saint Joseph, for the honor that the eternal Father granted you, raising you to take his place on earth with his Son Gesù, and to be his putative father, obtain for me God the grace that I desire.

    - Glory to the Father...
    - St. Joseph, putative father of Jesus, pray for me.

  2. Most loving Saint Joseph, for the love that Jesus brought you, recognizing you as a tender father and obeying you as a respectful son, make me from God the grace that I ask of you.

    - Glory to the Father...
    - Saint Joseph, Putative Father of Jesus, pray for me.

  3. Most pure Saint Joseph, for the very special grace that you received from the Holy Spirit, when he gave you in marriage his same bride, our dearest Mother, Amplify to me from God the grace so much desired.

    - Glory to the Father...
    - St. Joseph, Jesus' putative father, pray for me.

  4. Tender Saint Joseph, for the pure love with which you loved Gesù as your Son and God, and Maria as your beloved bride, prays the most high God, that it grants to me the grace for which I beg you.

    - Glory to the Father...
    - St. Joseph, Jesus' putative father, pray for me.

  5. Sweet Saint Joseph, for the great enjoyment that your heart felt conversing with Jesus and Mary and serving them, grant me the most merciful God the grace that I so crave.

    - Glory to the Father...
    - St. Joseph, Jesus' putative father, pray for me.

  6. Most fortunate Saint Joseph, for the good fortune that you had to die in the arms of Jesus and Mary, and to be comforted in your agony and death, obtain for me your powerful intercession from God the grace for which I pray to you.

    - Glory to the Father...
    - St. Joseph, Jesus' putative father, pray for me.

  7. Glorious Saint Joseph, for the reverence that has for you the whole celestial Court, as Father putative of Jesus and bridegroom of Mary, answers the supplications that with living faith I make you, obtaining to me the grace that I so much desire. So be it.

    - Glory to the Father...
    – Pray for us, blessed Joseph.
    – Because we are made worthy of Christ’s promises.

Almighty God, who in your plan of love you wanted to entrust the beginnings of our redemption to the caring custody of Saint Joseph, through his intercession, grant the Church the same fidelity in carrying out the work of salvation. For Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Invocations to St. Joseph.

Remember, O most pure Virgin Mary's spouse, or my dear patron St. Joseph, who never heard anyone have invoked your protection and asked for your help without being consoled. With this confidence, I come to you fervently.
O St. Joseph, hear my prayer, and welcome it with compassion. Amen.

Glorious St. Joseph, husband of Mary and virginal father of Jesus, think of me, watches over me. Teach me to work for my sanctification and take under your compassionate care of the urgent needs that today I commend to your fatherly solicitude.
Take away the obstacles and difficulties and make the happy outcome than I ask is for the greater glory of God and for the good of my soul.
And as a token of my gratitude, I promise to make known your praises, and with all the affection I bless the Lord that I wanted so powerful in heaven and on earth. Amen.