The Sin



The Decalogue

The examination of conscience with the Ten Commandments is used to:
  • overcome the defects in human
  • love God and neighbor
  • climbing in the Christian virtues.
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"If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing".
(1 Jn. 1,9)

The sacrament of penance is a direct means to destroy sin, but is also a valuable exercise of virtue, as well as being a means of atonement and irreplaceable school of spirituality, so the use of this sacrament, cannot be reduced solely to cases of grave sin. The confession has been periodically updated together with the rise in the Church to holiness ... Therefore; we must be faithful to the sacrament of penance, and meet frequently and regularly merciful Jesus our savior..

1 - Have no other gods before me

The man in the world to go to God, therefore God must be the center and purpose of life. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." (Deut. 6,5)

The moral law of God is given to man and man for his own good and just under that first command you can think of an authentic humanism. Without God, are the ruins of human morality?

  • You have supported ideologies that support atheism, you have accepted theories that lead to religious indifference, secularism have followed that tends to isolate the private Christian practice, you lived as if God did not exist?
  • You have intentionally denied or doubted of Paradise, Purgatory, Hell and eternal, or other matters of faith?
  • Pray in the morning, evening, during the day, conversations with God? Try to read and know the Word of God?
  • Did you receive Communion with mortal sin, without first confession?
  • In previous confessions did you remain silent grave sins?


God became man to reveal that God is Father, to know and love. "The Lord does not leave guiltless who misuses his name." (Ex. 20,7)

The second commandment of God tells us to "not take the name of God in vain." So if you are a Christian this is not a vain invoke the name of the Lord! Be a Christian in name only not really, not a Christian any! "Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord, but he who does the will of my Father."

  • Do you know that blasphemy is gross negligence?
  • You have blasphemed God, the Virgin Mary or the saints? How many times? Remember that the Holy Spirit in the Bible says that blasphemy brings home sickness, misery, anguish, punishments, shame, etc. curse. (2 Kings 19, 3-4, Isaiah 37: 1-4)
  • You have sworn falsely invoking the name of God? You have spoken, with little respect, the name of God, the Virgin Mary or the saints?
  • Keep your promises to God?


Remember: Only the Holy Mass has the potential to make holy the Lord's Day is the day of brotherhood, peace, charity and mercy. It is still a day of rest. "The Lord has hallowed the seventh day" (Ex. 20:11)

Liked the Eternal Father to make the mediator of our salvation, his only Son, who became man for us. So on Sunday, the day of resurrection, is for us a very holy day. In it, we all gather around the altar, to draw from the holiness of Christ, and to make all our holy week. During the Mass, it really makes this ineffable love, which has been demonstrated through the Cross of Christ.

  • You know that losing the Mass is gross negligence?
  • Lost, negligence, laziness, or because he felt like the Holy Mass on Sundays and holidays. These days you worked?


The Lord wants the father and mother are honored, obeyed, relief, pitied and loved. "Whoever honors his father atones for sins, which honors his mother up treasure. Whoever honors his father will live long ... "(Sir. 3, 3-4)" Be subject for the love of the Lord, to every constituted authority among men." (1Pet. 2.13)

Consider: This command shows the great importance of the family. The commandment which obliges man to honor their parents provides the basic good of human community. These words of the commandment, with a force equal concern parents: remember to truly deserve this honor, be worthy of your father! Be worthy of your mother!

  • Pray for your parents?
  • Any failure of gratitude toward their parents? Have you disobeyed? You have given them serious grief? Did you hurt, neglected, abandoned, threatened, and beaten?
  • If you are a parent: you know the affection and win! To estimate the children? You have given sound teaching and good example to the children praying together, attending the sacraments, listening to the Holy Mass? For your children pray to the Lord and offer your sacrifices every day?
  • You have duties to the Church and to society: did you observe the laws of the Church and have complied with their duty to society?


Remember: Love your neighbor.
In humans it is printed the image of God: God has formed in his likeness. He is the author of life. The man is destined to God's eternal life. One man is worth more than all creation. Christianity is love and respect for life, "Love your neighbor as yourself." "You have heard that it was said not to kill, but I tell anyone who is angry with his brother will be brought to trial." (Mt 5, 21)

"Thou shall not kill", while saying the right of every human life: from the first moment of conception until natural death. This law, in particular, takes the defense of innocent and defenseless men. This commandment calls for certain positive attitudes and behavior, protect life, protect the health and respects the dignity of every person, accept another man, as God's gift - especially if it is your own son ... trying to help your future."

  • You have grown malevolent feelings towards the others, thoughts of revenge, resentment, anger, resentment?
  • Have you had a fight, you were insolent, you responded with words of insult to the next?
  • You have done harm to others?
  • You're worried, angry, swore at you next?
  • You have nourished hatred? Have you hurt someone?
  • Have you tried it and stayed on the temptation to kill you?
  • On abortion, the moral law requires no one can take away life in the womb. You have approved, recommended, supported or arranged the attempted abortion? You know that abortion brings about excommunication?
  • On scandal: you have been an occasion of sin with the next speech, behavior, with the fashion of clothing?
  • You have damaged your health with drugs, abuse of liquor?


God created man and woman with the mission of its employees to human development, through marriage. Love in marriage should be: unique, indissoluble, and fruitful.

"Let fornication and impurity of any kind ... not even be named among you, not words ... dishonest, not antics (jokes) I licentious speeches, all of indecent ... because, we know: no fornicator no shameless ... that is to say, no idolater, participate in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. " (Ephesians 5: 3-5)

"Many today claim the right to sexual union before marriage, at least when accompanied by a strong desire to get married ... This especially when the marriage is impeded by external circumstances ... or when this intimate relationship seems necessary to preserve the love, this opinion is contrary to Christian doctrine, according to which this human act must take place exclusively within marriage "(S. Gongr. Faith, id)

The gift of the whole and genuine self-love can only be indissoluble marriage, marriage is therefore necessary to prepare themselves with prayer, self-discipline, mutual respect and chastity.

  • Do you think that marriage is a sacrament true, and that this is valid only within the physical self-giving?
  • Friendship and engagement are designed to know and love, but no such acts of intimacy. Have you thought, or did you want banned experiences?
"Everyone who looks at a woman and want has already committed adultery with her in the heart." (Mt 5, 28)

Adultery of the heart is committed not only because man looks at a woman lustfully is not his wife but because she looks so. Although it looked like this woman who is his wife, committing adultery of the heart ... is as if the gratification of instinct.

  • You voluntarily cultivated thoughts, desires, evil glances?
  • Have you read, borrow books, comics, newspapers, magazines, indecent pictures?
  • Have you seen TV shows or movies obscene?
  • Did you talk, or tell dirty jokes?
  • Cultivate friendships with people corrupt?
"It is intrinsically immoral any action in anticipation of the conjugal act or in its accomplishment or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes as an end or as a means to render procreation impossible" (Encyclical "Familiaris Consortia" 15-XII-1981)

The Bible condemns any kind of sexual abuse: the explicitly homosexual. So also condemns the adultery consumed with his own person. It should be added that these sins against nature degrade personality.

  • You have used the system against life?
  • You have been faithful to the marriage or you've committed adultery?


The man has the right and the right to possess and dispose of property as an expression of his personality and personal autonomy. "Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven... No mistake ... nor thieves, nor covetous ... will enter the kingdom of God."(1 Cor. 6.9)

Consider: The seventh commandment brings out a person's right to possession of things as human property. People need things such as livelihood. For this he received from the Creator's dominion over things. (Gen 1:28). He also has the right to benefit from it in order to transform them. But we must remember that Christ teaches us that, above the level of assets that can and must be classified according to the measure of justice, man is called to love.

  • Did you steal? The value was high? You have returned the stolen item?
  • Have you cheated in selling, buying or working?
  • You have repaired any damage done to the next?
  • You paid the debt?
  • You have given the correct payment to the employee?
  • Have you envied or desired the goods of others?
  • Are you jealous of your property, you are miserly, stingy?
  • Do you grieve for success, good results, the welfare of others?


"... To all the liars in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. This is the second death." (Rev. xxi, 8)

The eighth commandment of the Decalogue, in a special way, joins the truth, which requires the man in relations with others in all social life. By this commandment God makes known to the Alliance, in a special way, that man is created in His image and likeness, therefore, all human behavior is subject to the demands of truth.

  • Have you told lies?
  • You have breached the secrecy promised?
  • You have criticized the next for no reason?
  • You falsely accused someone falsely, that you lied?
  • Do you bear false witness?
  • The slander and false testimony must be repaired to be forgiven.
Faith, Hope, Charity and the cardinal virtues, prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance, against which our passions collide with the malice of the seven deadly sins.

  • Pride is to try to enhance your personality through illicit means. And pride, and humiliate others.
  • Selfishness, seek self-interest as the purpose of life, or with modes or unfair means.
  • Lust, desire or untidy search of sexual pleasures. It is the idolatry of the flesh.
  • Ira, partly from impatience, becoming angry, can climb up to the violence and fury, transcends, finally, hatred and revenge.
  • Throat, is exaggerating to get to, food or drinks, with risks of health or business.
  • Envy, bitterness is to cultivate the property of others, or enjoy the ills of others.
  • Sloth is neglecting their duties to avoid the stress that compliance requires.

No one can stand before God and discuss with him based on justice and law. Only his grace and mercy can save mankind. Love for God is a true friendship. The characteristic of friendship is to be conformed to what he wants his friend.