
If you look long and big aspirations with which you tend earnestly to contemplation of eternal splendor, how much do you desire to burn in aspiring to perfect love of eternal goodness and perpetual possession of the supreme Majesty?
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Thirsty heart
Not loving in the highest degree, as you might enjoy this vision? And if you saw and loved properly this Right, but not possessed with certainty, how could you remain blessed?
There, we will be free from all worries when we see God, we will see, we will love and we will possess Him. For he is the end of our desires and you will contemplate forever, will it be loved without boredom, you will praise forever without getting tired, in an immense happiness.
Listen and think how delightful is Good which contains the joy of all the goods. If is glad life created, how happy must be the Creator! If you fancy joyous salvation, how happy must be the Savior! If you lovable wisdom concerning creatures, how happy will be those concerning the uncreated reality.
Why then wander into things, looking for finished goods? He loves the only Good that includes all others. If you beloved beauty, know that the righteous will shine like the sun; if it attracts the freedom or the fortress, remember that the blessed will be like the angels of God; if satiety or intoxication, the elect are filled with the glory of the Lord and inebriated wealth of his house; if the melody, there the angels sing; if companionship and friendship, there reigns brotherhood of the blessed and only one is the will of all of them; if security and certainty, there is the eternal continuation of all time.
Oh human heart, thirsty heart, the heart that you've tried the trouble, indeed full of worries, how you will be happy, if you could have all of these realities! Challenges your inside, if it is capable of so much joy so immense for his blessedness! But if man can hardly contain his own joy for so well, as will be able to beatitudes so big and so many as the number of the elect, in whom every one loves his neighbor as himself, and rejoices in the joy of the same according to his love? Similarly, each of them rejoices incomparably more than the happiness of God's own and that of all the blessed. But as you love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and yet so that all your heart, all your mind, all your soul are not enough to the dignity of this love, so will not enjoy sufficiently to the fullness of joy available. The blessed will enjoy as much love and so much love as men know. Truly, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man contains so much as when you enter to the elect love and will know Him.
I pray thee, my God, that you make me know you, make mi love you, to enjoy forever! And if I can not do fully in this life, at least make me increase my knowledge and my love for you, so that there is then the perfect joy; here in the hope, there in reality. Lord, God Father, through your Son you good advice, indeed commands us to ask, and promise that we will receive, so that our joy may be full. I ask you, Oh Lord, that urge to ask, that our joy to be perfect. It meditates my soul, My tongue speaks, my heart loves, my mouth communicates, My spirit needs, my flesh is thirsty, I do desire with all my being, until I come in the joy of my God, which is three and one, blessed forever.