



Sloth is the aversion, mixed with boredom and indifference which is synonymous with laziness towards good. It is a very difficult habit to define the difficulty of accurate recognition of the object of the defect itself. Sloth develops human interiority and stays there, and it is truly a conflictual relationship with him.

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The reasons for the moral disorder are intertwined in the dualism between body and soul. Sloth is essentially a spiritual sickness, whose symptoms are: weakness of the heart, blurred spirit, discouragement, sadness, instability, lack of firmness and perseverance in the will, indifference to the things of faith. The spiritual indolence stirs apathy, when this is rejection of the spiritual realities. Sloth can also be defined as the sleep of reason is a subtle and insidious danger that turns, but remains ever present and elusive, because it is capable of metamorphosis. That reassuring thought that drives us to "do" or "do not worry." The sloth when it binds the soul creates uneasiness; dissatisfaction is not just about professional or family life, but also the spiritual life. Thomas Aquinas defined it as "grieve the Divine good," capable of inducing inertia acting divine goodness.

Sloth is disengagement, apathy, is the basis of conformism, which leaves horrendous events that happen without that no voice, should rise, because "so nothing can change and there are no real alternatives." It is the sleep of reason which produces monsters, is the indifference that does not reflect the existence and considers any action requirement and duty to someone else. Sloth is also sinful misery, because, in contrast to the positive sadness that flows from repentance for sins, comes from the awareness of the spiritual effort that is needed to endure to get closer to the Divine good.

In this society, laziness was elevated to the rank of virtue, doing nothing falls in the style of life of the clever, many see in the lazy slacker and a smart person, who knows well for fending have it both ways, they can download their work on others, to avoid fatigue, responsibilities and hassles. The threat of sloth derives from accepting good for what it is disclosed, without trying to get out of exercising his ability to reflect, in a situation like that, anything can be taken for good on the wave of a creeping conformism.

Modern man caught in the gears of the economy, cannot get away from the imposition to produce and to consume. It is the western reality which dehumanizes the individual and forces him, in a vicious circle, the frantic pursuit of illusory satisfaction of needs and desires. It labor in the work to acquire objects or pursuing values rendered desirable by others, yet sloth seems to be even more dangerous in this new form of mindless activities. Sloth is closely related to boredom and laziness. You do not recognize who is lazy as such and, if we were to point out this flaw, revolts at once! In fact, everything becomes an excuse to feel tired, to leave, to escape, hide, and lie. Idleness is very dangerous in relation to the temptation. And do not say: "I do not try, I'm just doing nothing." It is enough to be tempted, because the temptation is tremendous bite on us when there is idle.

The man, haunted by the demon of sloth, is increasingly impatient and dissatisfied in all spheres of life. Many are those who try to pass the time in useless gossip, wasting time, values and talents because of laziness. Taken diabolical snare of sloth prefer mediocrity to the effort, give up the life of fullness and love that God wills for his children.

The demon of sloth works everywhere: it is a disease that infects both the social life that the staff. Used to be satisfied with a bad job done, the lazy becomes shallow, careless, and sometimes does not give it to him to dishonesty if the opportunity offers. It generates frustration aggression, which brings inner instability, forcing the person to seek new emotions, sensations, attractions, distractions and perpetual changes to deceive boredom and to make up the inner emptiness.

Sloth directs us immoderate attachment to temporal things and the satisfaction of the senses. It gives rise to discouragement, for which we dare not take the good works that we have been recommended. Active numbness of spirit that prevents to do good. Behaves maliciously hating Christian perfection, creates resentment and aversion to spiritual people, it distracts us for good things, injects desperation to follow the commandments of God and to get the goal of salvation considering it impossible to achieve.

Get out of your cowardice and mind you put yourself in the mind the truth that cannot be denied: that all of us are tempted and we must all be ready to fight in order to win the day. Since the temptation of bite when there is idle, work and not grow weary, if we do not want to lose the reward in heaven of our labors. We trust in God, who is our Father Almighty, by virtue of which all things we will be made easier, although at first they frighten us.

What can we do to escape spiritual apathy, which takes us away from prayer, making it feel so weak, bland and boring? You win through those acts of love, which lead us to find the joy in God and the pleasure of prayer, these acts of faith they procure inner peace. The path toward the spiritual asceticism, it's not easy, is a long and relentless work of the soul which, if too weak, still overwhelmed, and runs away from what the forces to the fight. Often we raise the heart, ask incessantly for God's help. Let us work with spiritual reading; we try not to remain in idleness and do some good deed.