
Our Lady's apparitions at Fatima ended October 13th 1917 with the spin of the solar disk
for ten minutes in front of over fifty thousand people. Then the great sanctuary was built; celebrations started, and the hand of God revealed itself, especially through the miraculous events. We name a few, among the most significant.
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Healing from cancer
Joaquim Duarte Oliveira, residing in Lisbon, got cancer,he had been lying in bed for eight years. He had received all possible care from the best specialists in Portugal, but but with no results. His wife, as a last resort, in October 1927, entrusted herself to Our Lady of Fatima to whom she made a promise; she administered to her husband, without his knowledge, a few drops of the prodigious water. On his pillow she would leave the edition "Voice of Fatima" where stories were told about the miraculous cure of Dr. Agacio Ribeiro. Joaquim, driven by curiosity began to read. By reading he felt the faith and hope in the Virgin. Unexpectedly, he began to pray to Our Lady of Fatima to heal him, as she had cured the doctor. Just at that moment he felt entirely transformed, totally healed, and the next day Joaquim resumed his normal life. A month later he went with his family to Fatima to thank the Virgin Mary.
Healing of a doctor
From the report Dr. Ribeiro Agacio da Silva: "It was the evening of March 9th 1926 I was riding a motorcycle at high speed, when a tire blew off. Because of the frightening fall, I fractured a leg, a collarbone, a metacarpal and had other cuts and grazes. I thought of my wife and little my children waiting for me:in a three-quarter mile I would have been at home. I called upon Our Lady of Fatima and waited for death. But I could see, however, that the clarity of my mind was kept intact and so I prayed the Virgin to save me. My wife, informed of the disaster, arrived and full of confidence, she knelt on the road and begged the Virgin of Fatima to help me.
When she arrived with some friends, they carried me, while in a horrible pain, first to
my office and then to the hospital at the University of Coimbra. Here I was cared for and with great surprise to all my colleagues, I had no fever and there was not the slightest infection.Honestly, this fact with the help of science can not be explained, I can not stop myself from calling it a miracle! I had thought I would have been fortunate just to survive, even without a limb, but here I was with all my limbs intact and absolutely convinced that only the intervention of Our Lady of Fatima saved me.".
Extraordinary healing
Emilia Martins 42 years, a native of Santiago,had beeb lying in bed for six years, she could hardly move around and her stomach did not tolerate any food. Woman of great faith she wanted to go to Fatima, but could not because she was too poor. Some devout people gathered the amount necessary to rent a car and so Emilia went with a nurse and two sisters. During the journey, her condition worsened and in Oporto Emilia was administered the last rites, but was able to resume her journey. When she arrived to the Sanctuary, she was brought on a stretcher to the hospital, while in the hospital underwent several syncopes, in one of which a doctor said, "She is dead." The insistence of one of the assistants, revealed a few heartbeats, it was decided to bring her to the Blessing of the sick. The sick woman, upon receiving the blessing, awoke as from sleep, opened her eyes and perked up little by little, finally she regained consciousness. She felt a general well-being and exclaimed: "I am healed" ... "May Our Lady of Fatima be praised and thanked". The doctor gave a certificate of full recovery, in which he declared that the fact had occurred so suddenly that the case was not medically explainable.
Healing from a tumor
Assunta da Lanca Palma of 36 years of age, by Almondovar, in 1925 began to suffer from liver disease, with hepatic colic and jaundice. In 1935 more serious symptoms appeared: the X-ray revealed a cyst at the base of the right lung and also a spondylitis in the fourth and fifth vertebra, that caused continuous pain.Despite the treatment prescribed by the best specialists, Assunta had a more serious crisis : the tumor burst causing abundant hemoptysis.The hemoptysis of January 12th 1941, was so severe that everybody thought she was a goner. The last rites were administered. Assunta wanted to participate in the May diocesan pilgrimage to Fatima because he had placed all her hopes of healing in Our Lady of Fatima. She herself, later, told the canonical process as how she had been healed, "When I received the benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, which is imparted by the Bishop of Leira, I felt like an electric shock and all the pain disappeared, I jumped to my feet, waving my arms." On the return trip, the doctor said she was just fine. From the day of the healing she always enjoyed excellent health.
Healing from Tisi
Carmina from Conceicao, a 17-year resident of Lisbon had been sick from a form of galloping consumption for five months which forced her to bed with severe pain throughout the body;The specialists who were treating her, had lost all hope that he could be healed. However, in Carmina, after having received her last rites from her pastor, fired up, unexpectedly,a great hope in Our Lady of Fatima: only through Her intercession she could be healed, so he asked to be taken to Fatima. Her mother fulfilled this desire and on June 2nd 1931, with the help of a special chair, her mother brought her to Fatima. Even during the journey that lasted ten hours, she suffered from repeated hemoptysis. As soon she arrived in Fatima, she was admitted to the hospital for the sick and the next day listened to the Mass and received the blessing. Nothing happened, and she, after talking with a priest, was prepared to accept the will of God and the Virgin Mary. Suddenly Carmina, unexpectedly, felt better, she stood up and shouted in amazement at the miracle, while many were rejoicing in the miracle.
Dr. Pereira, a few hours earlier had established how seriously hill she was,now he said: "It is a miracle, a sick woman came here on a stretcher, now she is walking back on her own." Carmina returned to her family perfectly healed.