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BALTIMORE - A new diet pill that is coming to the market is going to be different from anything else available, doctors said. The diet pill, called Alli, is expected to come out this summer. Doctors said it's an over-the-counter pill that has the Food and Drug Administration's stamp of approval.

"You should expect to lose about 50 percent more than what you would do with a standard diet," said Mercy Medical Center's Dr. Jonathan Rich.

Rich said Alli is a less potent version of the prescription diet pill Xenical.


Weight Loss Supplements: Fact or Fiction?

"Cures" Are Often More Hype than Help

  -- By Becky Hand, Licensed & Registered Dietitian

Whether browsing the Internet, surfing through 500 channels, or flipping through your favorite magazine (or tabloid), you’ll find them everywhere: weight loss supplements that offer quick and easy solutions to shedding unwanted pounds. Simply pop a pill, put on a patch, or tone up with the touch of a cream. Do these "cures" work, or are they more hype than help?

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular weight loss products, their claims, their risks…and why they’re NOT such a great idea.

Weight Loss Supplements

  • Bitter Orange, Citrus Aurantium, and Sour Orange:
    These products are concentrated extracts from the orange peel. They are often used in “ephedra-free” products, claiming that they increase metabolism, but tests involving people haven’t even been conducted! They contain the stimulant synephrine, which can cause hypertension and cardiovascular toxicity. Orange supplements can also interact with medication. Their risks are even greater when used with other stimulant-containing ingredients such as caffeine and decongestants. Individuals with heart disease, hypertension, and glaucoma should avoid these at all costs.

  • Chromium (Examples: Puritan’s Pride Chromium Picolinate, Vitamin World Naturally Inspired Yeast Free Chromium Picolinate, Nutrilite Trim Advantage):
    Claims that chromium increases weight loss and improves body composition have only been backed by one study, while all other studies failed to find any supporting evidence. There are two types of chromium: Trivalent (which the body requires and is considered safe in doses of 200 micrograms or less daily) and Hexavalent (which may cause stomach upsets, ulcers, convulsions, kidney and liver diseases, and death). Hexavalent chromium can be toxic and shouldn’t be used in supplements, but some do contain this dangerous form!

  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) (Examples: Vitamin World CLA, Nature Made CLA, Now Foods CLA):
    This product claims to promote leanness, but very few studies support this claim. While more research is needed, CLA is generally safe.

  • Ephedra/Ephedrine:
    Ephedra may aid weight loss by suppressing appetite, and research has proven its effectiveness when used with caffeine. However, ephedra causes high blood pressure, stroke, and serious heart problems, which is why the sale of dietary supplements containing ephedra was prohibited in April 2004.

  • 7-Keto Dehydroepiandrosterone (7-keto DHEA):
    Preliminary research indicates that this product may decrease body weight and fat composition by increasing metabolism, but larger research studies are needed (see Ephedra to learn why testing is important).

  • Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) and Garcinia Cambogia:
    These products claim to suppress appetite and improve fat metabolism. While studies have shown mixed results, they are generally safe.

  • L-Carnitine:
    L-Carnitine claims to inhibit obesity, but there is very little evidence of its effectiveness.

  • Dihydroxyacetone (DHA), Pyruvate, and Dihydroxyacetone and Pyruvate (DHAP):
    A few small studies suggest that these supplements may have modest effects on weight loss, but research is needed. Presently, no serious side effects have been reported.


Hoodia Diet Pills:
The cheapest priced Hoodia diet pills created using the same best quality, authentic South African (20:1) Hoodia Gordonii. We guarantee our customers everyday low pricing backed by a *30 day money back guarantee.

What is Hoodia ?
Hoodia is being touted as the new miracle supplement for safe, effective weight loss. Hoodia gordonii, (Hoodia) is the botanical name for a cactus like plant that grows in Southern Africa. Scientists have recently isolated several compounds in this amazing plant that are responsible for dramatic weight loss. This all-natural appetite suppressant is also being applauded for containing no dangerous stimulants that caused adverse side effects associated with weight loss products of the last decade.

Weight Loss Pills

Weight loss pills that work, whether they are carb blockers like Carbo Delete, metabolism boosters such as MetaboSpeed or the famed Hoodia 750 packed with Hoodia Gordonii are the only diet pills Lab88 will sell.


Best Diet Pills at Lowest Prices!

Diet pills offered range from MetaboSpeed, the secret diet pill celebrities have been using that is now easily available to the public. These diet pills along with Hoodia 750 and Carbo Delete are offered at discount prices and if you buy two bottles of any one type of weight loss pill you will receive an extra bottle for free!


Evolution of Dietary Antioxidants: Role of Iodine

The authors review the role of inorganic and organic forms of iodine as an antioxidant in evolution of plants and animals. Iodine is one of the most abundant electron-rich essential element in the diet of marine and terrestrial organisms. It is transported from the diet to the cells via iodide transporters. Iodide, which acts as a primitive electron-donor through peroxidase enzymes, seems to have an ancestral antioxidant function in all iodide-concentrating cells from primitive marine algae to more recent terrestrial vertebrates. Thyroxine and iodothyronines have an antioxidant activity too  and, through deiodinase enzymes, are donors of iodides and indirectly of electrons. Thyroid cells phylogenetically derived from primitive gastroenteric cells, which during evolution of vertebrates migrated and specialized in uptake and storage of iodo-compounds in a new follicular “thyroidal” structure, for a better adaptation to iodine-deficient terrestrial environment. Finally, some animal and human chronic diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, favored by dietary antioxidant deficiency, are briefly discussed. Read full text


Are diet pills very efficient to contrast fats?

In television, on newspapers and for radio we feel and we read every day that they exist of the fast and simple methods for the loss of weight. But they are indeed effective? And in what they consist? These dietetic products for the loss of weight many times are extracted of grass that helps our organism to burn more calories, increasing leggermente the corporea temperature and the sensibility of our nervous system. These compounds are made up of caffein, theine and other substances with similar effects. Other products instead have the property to isolate the cells of fat person who we ingest with the feeding, and from there they avoid therefore the absorption from part of our body. If we reason little but we render account that to assume these integrators is like avoiding to eat the fat people, but to fatten does not want to say exclusively to eat many fat people. In fact also the carbohydrates and the proteins can be transform to you in fat person and therefore if a balanced feeding is not followed the risk is that it is fattened however. The first products of which we have spoken instead are effective, but they are only an aid and a support for one diet very balanced and structured. The gold assumption makes us to burn more calories and cra the conditions for the dimangrimento, by themselves these products are not resolving. Insomma, if you want just to become thin, fairies an just diet, eaten a P2o of all, and above all muovetevi more! In the Prodotti section for the diet, found a product that it arranges the two tipologie, so as to esseremolto more effective.



Creatina: During the last few years large succeeding between all the sportswomen has had the creatina monohydrate. This integrator succeeds in inside veicolare water and nourishing others of the muscular cells, favoring of therefore the increase. But as it goes taken the creatina? Essential for its assimilation it is the carbohydrate added one to medium release, like fruit and other alimony. E' to dilute it in one water bottle well and to drink it during all the day so as to to have greater possibilities of absorption: in fact one of the problems of the creatina monohydrate is that of the amount that we ingest, it comes only absorbed one small amount. Moreover you drink much water in the period in which you take the creatina, in how much the water facilitates the expulsion of the residual ones does not assimilate to you.


The oranges are of the indispensable fruits for a healthy diet in how much supply tantissime vitamins of group C that serve essentially in order to fight the colds and the shapes of infuence and that they are of the optimal anti-oxidants that help us not to age. The better way in order to have use of than these property is that one to eat at least 1 during the day; however the orange spremute ones can be replaced to a comprising diet the healthy fruit. The thing to remember in this case is that the spremuta one goes consumed within 20 minuteren, time after which the healthy and beneficial property of vitamin C begin to diminish. To remember also that the oranges contain one good dose of fibers (contained especially in the part white woman).


Diet health and caterings… When a slimming diet is begun, the more important thing for having of turns out to you satisfactory is being constant. But like respecting the diet when it is outside house? Many of we to job have the possibility to go to catering and to eat those foods that never do not respect our true tastes, but that they have only the effect to plug the hunger to us. Generally in the caterings a P2o is found of all, in particular it feeds and flavored foods a lot that of sure they would blow up the nerves to our dietologo. however, for law it is obligatory that in the caterings they come prepares foods to you in white man, like cold paste or rice and some plates. What to make then? Beh, if you do not want to give a cut to the loss of weight, you choose the sconditi plates, the verdure or the legumi, or quite the cold plates. These alimony is in general terms poor in fat people and sure they are inserted also in your same slimming diet. For the amounts you do not scare to you; even if generally in the caterings the amounts are smaller regarding those than house, also an approximate calculation can go well in order not to ingest of little of too many calories. In short, used the good sense and tried to remember the amounts that you assume in the diet when you are to house.


The 2 more important factors for the loss of the weight

1. The loss of weight depends essentially on the energetic budget. In order to lose weight, the energy that you assimilate with the food, it must be smaller of the energy that you spend with your activity. This is absolutely fundamental. Foods or pills do not exist that they will make you to lose weight. The only way is to eat little less and/or to make more physical exercise so that your organism caterpillars more calories than those ingested.

2. A loss of constant weight demands constant changes. To put itself to diet for short periods in order then to only return to a mistaken alimentary regimen, will not help you to having effects in the time. The only way in order to lose weight and to remain in health is to adopt small changes in just the style of life, changes that must last in the time and become of the habits. To eat in way healthier and to make more activity physical not only will make you to lose weight, but it will make also to feel you better in the time.

For little depurare a your organism from all the substance that you have eaten in these days, you can eat for two or three days of the simple plates much, that they contain above all carbohydrates and much verdura. Moreover you do not have fear of the fruit that is an element a lot important in our diet. After all: light meal (paste or rice), second of verdura and yields to voluntad. All this will allow you to make to resume your organism after the stuffed oneself ones made and to make! Moreover limited the alcoholic ones to max a glass of wine to the day!

In these days of festivity everyone of we will be sure eating a lot more regarding its every day caloric requirementses; and that sure involves an increase of the corporeo weight. How to make then to lose the chili too much accumulates to you under the festivities? Not there is need to make the classic diet with least calories, but enough to only follow some small council:

  • Avoided for some day all fried foods, and eaten good first simple to lunch and a much fruit and verdura, so that you will help your organism to depurarsi;

  • To supper the previous and preferred days insalato some of verdura (with little not eaten a advanced paste complex of tonno, maize, carrots), or minestroni (the eye not to exaggerate).

  • If in the afternoon you have just hunger, thoughts to a good fruit that is rich in vitamins and poor in calories.

  • In short, abandoned for the days that are not of festivity all that that eaten during the same festivities, and in devout avoided foods many caloric and above all the cakies (panettones, torroni and cream puff).



The best protein sources

One very speaks about containing proteins and alimentary integrators proteins in powder; but which are the best proteiche sources? sure it is that to the first places of a hypothetical one it classifies we could put proteins of latte, that they contain a great variety of not esenziali amino acids and and proteins of the meat, above all meats white women who to parity of characteristics contain minor a number of fat people and calories.

Of minor quality they are the coming from proteins from eggs and the legumi; first they are the little most difficult ones to digest, while the second ones that they are of origin vegetable have minor a number of amino acids to their inside and therefore for a complete development it must associate them to other “noble” sources.



New study shows how benefits of eating fishes are more than the riscks. In fatcs everybodies knows that fisches have many Omega-3 acids and that fishes have good quality proteins. But fishes conteins even many enviromental pollution. The result of this study is that the benefit are greter than the risks. So , continue t eat fish!

from (“Fish Intake, Contaminants, and Human Health: Evaluating the Risks and the Benefits of ephedra diet pill, abs diet 5 factor dietJAMA, October 18, 2006—Vol. 296, No. 15).


Red meats satisfy a number of fundamental nutritional requirements - a supply of high biological value proteins, bioavailable iron, carnitine and vitamin B complex vitamins, important minerals, micro-minerals and ultratrace elements. It should therefore not be eliminated totally from the diet plan, but reduced in quantity, with preference to lean cuts and alternating with white meats, fish and eggs. The occasional consumption of high-quality beef, correctly hung and therefore with a more pleasant taste, cannot damage the body. On the other hand, daily consumption of red meats is not in line with the moderation and variety which has for some time been suggested by Italian nutritionists.


Consumption of red meat has a number of important dietary implications:

• the possibility of introducing a good amount of ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS (including a number of ramified chain acids stimulating protein synthesis), a factor not to be underestimated in certain physiological conditions such as growth, pregnancy and nursing;

• the presence of IRON easily absorbed in the intestine and utilised almost entirely by our body, particularly important in women of child-bearing age, during pregnancy and nursing, as it is a component of the molecules which transport oxygen to the tissues and the enzyme factors involved in energy metabolism;

• a good content of coenzyme vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, FOLIC ACID, BIOTIN) utilised in numerous metabolic reactions involving the carbohydrates, lipids, protein and nucleic acids;

• a high content of CARNITINE, indispensable for "combustion" of fatty acids;

• the presence of important mineral elements:

• PHOSPHOROUS, a fundamental component of bone tissue and constituent of the cell membranes, nucleic acids and molecules responsible for transporting energy

• MAGNESIUM, a constituent of the bone matrix and component in more than 300 enzyme reactions of the intermediate metabolism

• POTASSIUM, regulator of the water balance, nerve functions and muscle contractility

• ZINC, a component of enzymes involved in the metabolism of nucleic acids and vitamin A and in synthesis of cell proteins, regulator of the principal blood buffer system

• COPPER, component of enzymes involved in molecular oxygen consumption reactions, digestive processes, iron absorption and formation of collagen and elastin

• CHROME, involved in sugar, fat and nucleic acid metabolism

• MANGANESE, component of enzymes required for cholesterol synthesis and protein metabolism

• SELENIUM, component in the defence system against peroxidation and cell degeneration _relatively slow digestion, giving an increased sense of repletion, helpful in low calorie diets.

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The secret of a good diet plan is to make a diet plan report in wich you can write everithing you eat during the day, underwriting the calorie, the proteins , the carbohydrates, the lipids and the vitamins that food contain. Than, sum the calories and find the number of calories that you eat every day: find the calories you need and make the difference. If there are some difference you must eat less than you do actually!


RUBRICA: The Integrators in simple words

1) THE WHEY PROTEINS: The whey proteins are of prepared with eggs, latte or casein deals to you so as to to have of the high percentages in preparabili and assimilable such proteins and to be easy from our organism. The function of the protein integrators in powder is that one to satisfy the proteiche deficiencies that an individual can have, or for one bad feeding, or increased requirementses or other reasons. All the integrators made up of proteins contain all then a series of other substances, like amino acids, carbohydrates and vitamins that of it improve sure the assimilation. In general terms the percentages in which other compounds are present these vary also a lot to second of mark that it produces proteins, and many times the difference between a product rather than an other is much obvious one, is in term of sapore that in terms of digestion. In fact some types of proteins, above all those deriving from eggs, are less digeribili regarding those of the latte ones and between this last digeribilità it changes also from the type of treatment with which they come worked the main members. The proteins in powder are distinguished based on their treatment in: those obtained by means of ionic exchange, in those obtained through ultrafiltration and those obtained by means of isolation. In general terms first they are those that turn out digeribili.  E' important to understand that the proteins, therefore as whichever other integrator and food, go chosen based on the own characteristics and to the own ones objects to you. The content in carbohydrates and/or fat people of proteins can in fact change to a lot theirs uses: the proteins with elevated percentages of carbohydrates (between the 60 and 40%) in general terms are advisable to the persons who have difficulty in increasing of weight, in how much they supply many calories for every portion and facilitate a lot the assimilation of contained proteins in it. Instead proteins with a low value percentage of carbohydrates, they are advised those who want to increase of weight (lean mass) being attention not to fatten. such products in general terms have therefore a modest caloric contribution and cost leggermente more in how much the percentage of proteins more are elevated (are in fact these last ones to cost much). Of how many proteins we have need depends therefore on our objective and need. In general terms the houses manufacturers evidence to take approximately 30 grams of proteins in powder to the day.

Wich is the truth?It Is composed from amino acids that to second of their amount and tipologia, it gives of the characteristic particular to proteins. Some types of proteins as an example come defined “noble” poichè are constituted from important amino acids a lot for all our organism. Once the proteins ingested come digested from our organism and scisse in amino acids: to this point if our body will have need of amino acids (our muscles), will have endured them available, otherwise these amino acids will come use you like energetic source. Poichè the process that scinde the proteins in amino acids generates a residual one of nitrogen, and poichè in presence of energy already available our organism assimilates the amino acids, is important to assume a carbohydrate P2o with to proteins and is only a lot important drink much water so as to not to tire our body.  Remembered that our organism cannot assimilate all that that we ingest and therefore he is well not to exaggerate neither with the alimentary integrators neither with the food that we eat.

2) AMINO ACIDS (not ramificati): they are the essential members of proteins, and therefore of muscles and the woven ones of our body. Many of various types exist some and all are important for our organism poichè arranging itself in varied way between they, the amino acids give life to proteiche chains of various type. In the world of the alimentary integrators the amino acids come above all singularly use in how much everyone you have particular property: as an example, the creatina is an amino acid and allows the best one uses of the force that we have in how much beyond to many other functions, nourishing veicola substance directly in the muscular cells (but about this of it we will speak later on). In short the amino acids derive from the division of proteins, and for this reason they are essentially the same thing, are equivalents; they have but the advantage of being more easy assimilable from our organism and turn out therefore lighter regarding proteins. They are but also much more expensive and frankly it does not convene just to acquire them to the place of proteins. In more proteins they contain a series of other nourishing compounds and that of it allow a better absorption. They are little uses you as integrators for the development of the mass corporea even if taken singularly and in different amounts constitute the greater part of the integrators.

2.1) AMINO ACIDS ( BCAA): this type of amino acids differs from the others for the amount of ties that can have with other amino acids to the ends of the construction of the proteiche chains; that is they are necessary in order to construct proteins. In fact, while the other amino acids can inside not be present of a proteica chain, the ramificati ones are necessary for their construction. They are essentially three: l-Leucina, L-Isoleucina, L-alanina. From how much it has been said over is important to understand that more ramificati amino acids are present in our organism, more it is probable that our muscles come reconstructed after an intense training. If these amino acids lacked to the moment of the need, they would not come created from our body proteins. Beyond to the construction function/reconstruction of proteins and therefore of muscles, sometimes they come uses you like energy: that is in the moment in which our organism it must consume energy, if we have ingested of the ramificati amino acids a lot probably these come uses you in order to supply to our body energy, to the par of carbohydrates. E' therefore a lot important to know when and in that amounts they go taken. As alimentary integrator is advises you to all those persons who is to diet and that however they make one physical activity: in fact following a ipocalorico alimentary regimen and assuming amino acids we diminish the probabilities that our organism in order to recover energy resorts to our muscles (just to our muscles poichè after an intense training, if the organism does not succeed to obtain the energy in order to recover from the efforts, uses proteins of muscles, than scinde in amino acids and then it transforms in carbohydrates). Moreover we avoid to resort to the proteins that, contain all the amino acids, but other things contain also many that would even be well to avoid in the periods in which we are to diet (carbohydrates, fat people). Moreover in these cases, the other essential amino acids do not come to us supplied from the normal feeding (meat, eggs, fish and legumi).

3) CREATINA MONOIDRATO: The creatina monohydrate is an integrator that during the last few years has been much pubblicizzato in the world of the sport. The creatina is a single present amino acid in proteins and its fundamental function is that one of inside veicolare water and nourishing substances of the muscular cells: that is after an intense training, the creatina helps our body to transport all that of which it can inside need the muscular cells. For which the voceria that the creatina makes to ingrossare the muscles partially are mistaken: it is mistaken in how much muscles do not grow for via of the creatina, but they come helps you to grow through the creatina, even if alone the creatina does not make to grow just for null. Many persons who but have assumed creatina, you could instead say that they have seen of the effects on their muscles which had to the creatina assumption: the explanation is simple, that is they has acquired weight and sees their muscles more large truly, perhaps but they do not know that their muscles with the creatina assumption are full of water, that is the muscular cells are withholding much water to their inside, giving therefore the impression to have grown. Therefore it is true that we become heavier and we seem more large, but in reality we are swollen solos. There is but to say that beyond to the aforesaid function the creatina she takes part in the mechanism of transformation of the ATP, provoking a small increase in the muscular force. Moreover, veicolando the energy in muscles, the creatina creates a favorable climate to the anabolism. The monohydrate name derives better from the treatment to which the creatina comes subordinate, for being absorbed from our organism. One what a lot important to say on the creatina is that our organism, succeeds to absorb only 30%, and caught up a determined level, neither does not assimilate more; some persons in fact say that when creatina is assumed, are better to make therefore said “the loaded one”, that is to assume some in high amount for 15 days approximately in order then passing to one phase of maintenance. This is of sure practical wrong in how much an only effect that it has is to anticipate of a P2o the times in which they will be looked at first turns out to you; but that sure to scapito of the health and kidneys in particular. The better thing for who wanted to take this integrator, is to assume the amounts indicated in scato it for the wished period/advised. In this way you will have the same ones turns out to you that you can make the cargo, but you will not overload your organs. Remembered that after a month and means approximately that you will have stopped to take creatina, you will lose part of the acquired tone poichè, like already said previously, what you saw was water tension and not increase of the muscular mass. You take the creatina single if you have a objective in terms of force or if been training to you seriously, poichè sennò you could remain to us badly! Other council is that one to assume it with of carbohydrates to medium absorption, so as to being sure that your organism assimilates some most possible.




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