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The amino acids are distinguished in ramificati (BCAA) and not ramificati: first they are three and they have the characteristic to tie to all the others, that is are essential for the construction of proteine.sono the Leucina, Isoleusina and alanina All the others instead are not essential, and arrange to you with first form various proteiche chains.

The amino acids often are sold or in tablets or powder. For the persons who have difficulty in ingesting the pastiche council lively to assume integrators of amino acids in powder (also because many more convenient).




1) Many have difficulty to contract to bottom muscles of the back. In order to make up for, tried to use two sagacities:

1) tried to approach between they the bachelor during the concentrica phase of the movements of traction and the rematori;

2) you leggermente maintain the inarcata back in these exercises, also during the final lengthening of the eccentric phase.    

2) Trained the muscular groups more small with little set regarding those largest ones. During the phase of increase of a training cycle, many professionals make only 4-6 the following series for everyone of muscular groups: bicipiti, tricipiti, posterior trapeze, deltoidi and other muscular groups of small dimensions. They make 8-10 for greater the muscular groups.

the 3) tractions to the slab are one of the more effective exercises and underrate you for the ridges, and those weighted down are bread for the teeth of strongest. If not the fairies, begun endured. Tried taken of varied amplitude, lengthened well low and inarcate the back during the ascending phase. Not preoccupied to arrive with the mento over the slab: he is sufficient to approach it most possible (5-7 cm of distance). Avoided like the plague oscillations and overhongs.

4) Chest straps that do not answer to no type of stimulus? For two or three weeks, fairies the distensions, rather than on flat, one tilted bench to 20-25 degrees, maintaining the more or less unchanged cargos. Returned therefore to the distensions on flat and, probably, the chest straps will answer growing to the variety of the training.

5) Begun the training with an underdeveloped muscular group. Adapted your program so as to to train the muscular group that at the beginnig gives problems to you endured after one pause in the cycle of training and of the session.

6) Tried to low execute the pushes for the tricipiti ones with one taken to wide how much the shoulders to the place of the tightened taken one. In many cases, the greater stability is translate in heavier cargos, that they favor one more consisting increase. For some, moreover, smaller stress to cargo of the wrists will be one manna.

7) never not jumped the breakfast. Even if you want to become thin, in this way you will succeed only to slow down the metabolism, rendering more difficult your enterprise and creating the ideal conditions in order to stuff oneself to you later on. If you want to acquire muscular mass, you will not make other that to deprive itself of the necessary nutriment to the increase. Supposing that you have had supper to the eight of evening and pranziate to the eleven day after, they are also always 15 hours of fast.

8) Consumed 50-75 grams of carbohydrates within 20-45 minuteren from the end of the training. Therefore taken advantage of one particularly favorable physiological situation in order to reconstitute the glycogen supplyes. After 45-60 minuteren approximately, you will have lost the favorable occasion and becomes difficult to completely restore the muscular supplyes of glycogen in the arc of the 24 successive hours. The ideal is the simple carbohydrates, like those contents in drinks sport.

9) One of the more diffuse errors between the principianti is the sovrallenamento. Perhaps they make it for ambition or a sense of the too much marked duty, but in both cases the result is that one to limit the increase. The varied definition of sovrallenamento from person to person, but if trained the same muscular group more than two times to the week or fairies 15 series for every muscular group in order much time, probably will be found again in this condition.

10) When you assume creatina monohydrate, jumped the phase of “overload”. Recent studies indicate that the assumption of a dose more elevated for five days continuation from a dose of 2-3 maintenance grams to the day does not produce an increase of the creatina in muscles advanced to the 2-3 assumption grams to the day for 30 days (without overload begins them).

11) In the greater part of the distension exercises, avoided the taken one without inches. If taken in which it is bundled up the slab with the inches provokes annoyance to the wrists, tried to ruotare the hands in hour or counter-clockwise sense leggermente, without to exaggerate. If the ruotate ones too much risked to get worse the things. Seized the slab so that the cargo is found directly over the forearms, without flettere the wrists to behind.

12) To the aim to estimate the every day caloric requirementses of a bodybuilder medium that are trained intensely, you entrust yourselves to the following indications expressed in grams for every kilogram of weight: 2,2 grams of proteins, 4,4 grams of carbohydrates and 0,66 grams of fat people (preferibilmente essential fat acids like those present ones in seed, safflower, linen seed oils of ribes black and soia).

13) If not succeeded to go in arena while you are in travel, tried to make stretching to the place of the training with the weights. Probably you will not grow, but the search indicates that the stretching static it can limit the associate muscular atrophy to this kind of suspensions of the training. In order to lengthen all muscles of the body minuteren are enough 20-30

14) the costanza is all. You train yourselves, eaten and rested when and as you must, avoiding that the costanza is transformed in one risen of obsession. If understood to you to jump one session, a meal or to grant some food “forbidden to you”, not you of fairies one disease. The important is that it does not become a habit.

15) Trained muscles of the neck. Little muscles succeed to communicate a sense of physical force how much a neck very developed. Be a matter of a muscular group much sensitive one to the training, two times to week are enough to three series in order to obtain turn out to you worthy of famous.

16) Trained the calves with heavy cargos and an elevated number of repetitions. You choose a cargo ahead with which you think of being able to complete 4-5 repetitions, then gone to oltranza. You could remain surprises in discovering to succeed to make some 12-15!

17) not ruotate the shoulders during the shrug (up of shoulders). Beyond increasing the risk of traumi, similar spins do not give some additional benefit. Limited to you to raise and to lower the shoulders in vertical.

18) Eaten approximately every three hours. If you want to become thin, small fairies meal; if instead you want to accumulate mass, the meal will have little more to be consisting. A good general rule consists in subdividing the every day caloric requirementses in 5-6 meal, trying to consume 60% within one of the afternoon.

19) In order to guarantee the complete development of the shoulders, not neglected the posterior deltoidi. Even if you have little time in order to train to you, you will succeed senz' other to find the way to thread two inverse cross series in the program. It turns out to you will convince to you that of it is worth the pain indeed.

20) In order to assure the homogenous development of the deltoidi, fairies the distensions over the head from seated on one horizontal bench, rather than on one endowed bench of vertical back. Many stretch in fact to lean themselves to behind against the back, finding again themselves making distensions with a steep inclination that concentrates the stimulus on the front deltoidi. In lack of a posterior support, it is stretched to maintain the busto erected, a position that concurs to stretch the cargo vertically, stimulating in more effective way the three portions of the deltoidi.

21) In order to improve the muscular definition, fairies at least 20 minuteren of aerobica before breakfast and avoided to eat after the seven of evening, less than does not train the evening late.

22) If possible, you choose one well illuminated arena with filament lamps or natural light. Scientific studies demonstrate that the fluorescent lamps can exasperate the mental fatigue. The ideal in order to train itself to the maximum of the intensity is not sure.

the 23) curl unilateral in feet they are between the more effective exercises, but also more it neglects to you, for the bicipiti ones. Seized the back of a slanted bench in order not to lose the equilibrium and, in order to increase the intensity, tried to make some repetition to hammer once caught up the yielding.

24) You train yourselves with the weights for approximately 45-60 minuteren (excluded the stretching). Beyond succeeding to work more intensely, you will have little probability than “to burn you” for the fact to train to you too much.

25) You entrust yourselves to proteiche sources in order to obtain the raw materials necessary to construct muscles. We cite of it some: lean cuts of manzo, pollo, fish, latte, proteici eggs and some integrators (you read the labels carefully). Avoided the worked meats and the latticini dolcificati.

the 26) composed exercises (multiarticular) heavy remain the more effective instrument in order to develop muscles. They will not even be beautiful to see neither comfortable to make, but you can star sure that works. Between the best ones, we remember distensions on bench, military press, rematori to busto flesso, squat and means detach.

27) a recent survey between the greater bodybuilder professionals has shown that the five more diffuse integrators are, in importance order: 1) sieroproteine in powder; 2) glutammina; 3) creatina; 4) vitamin C; 5) multivitaminico integrator that magnesium contains, potassio, soccer and zinc.

28) In order to develop muscles, you train yourselves not more with the weights than 3-4 times to the week. If trained intensely and with heavy cargos (as you would have), making more you would not succeed to recover completely.

29) proporzionato Development. To have many muscles he is good what, on condition that they are distributed in the just places. In estimating the physicist of a person, our eye passes automatically from the shoulders, to the life until the calves. Three parts of your body not neglected the relationship between these.

30) Many professionals assume 2-3 grams of glutammina before coricarsi. Since the glutammina has anticataboliche property, the scope is to limit the destruction of the muscular woven ones during the nocturnal hours that, practically, are equivalent to along fast.

31) If you are vegetarians, you assume 2-3 grams of a aminoacidico complex to every meal. In this way, beyond improving the total biological value of proteins consumed, reduces the risk to incur in deficiencies of some amino acid.

32) Exist a meal post-training of quality, bond, comfortable to transport, than it does not go badly in the ag from arena, supplies optimal simple carbohydrate proportions and complex, a moderated proteico contribution, is easy reperibile and little expensive? Yes, draft of some alimony for babies, like the cream of rice, porridge (of the mixed oats) or cereals. You choose between the three options which preferred but eat of it 2 or 3 miniportions to you. A medium portion contains approximately 20 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fat proteins and nothing.

33) If the training of the arms does not produce more some progress, tried to train bicipiti and tricipiti the same day: it turns out will make to you to explode the sleeves of your shirts. If already the fairies, gone to point 38.

34) You hold some confection of substitutive meal in powder in office or the ag from arena and uses them to you when you would be forced to jump a meal or to please you of a raid in a fast-food.

35) In the within of the debate on the ideal depth of the squat, some advise to come down hardly to of under of the position in which thighs they are horizontal, others to stop itself little to of over. You keep in mind the council of the bodybuilder that, more than every other, it is successful to develop to the maximum the musculature of thighs: Tom Platz. “You come down until in bottom and returned on and the increase will come from himself”.

36) Some blot some for the distensions for the shoulders force to up raise the cargo but also leggermente to behind rather than second one closely vertical trajectory. In such case, tried to turn to you with the chest towards the back. This small sagacity sometimes is sufficient to transform a mediocre exercise in one infallible instrument in order to develop massive deltoidi.

37) and' possible to train itself too much intensely? The clearer answer has formulated it Lee Haney, many times over Mr. Olympia, asserting: “It must stimulate muscles, not to destroy them”. The intensity is important but, like in all the things, it is possible to exaggerate.

38) Waves to avoid the trouble, are to mental level that physicist, changed one what at least every time that trained a data muscular group. If the last time you have made curl with the balance and curl of concentration for the bicipiti ones, in the following session fairies curl with the balance and curl from seated with the handle-bars. Many champions do not repeat the same exercises two times of continuation.

39) To the ends of the muscular development, the sleep is important how much the correct feeding. In spite of the differences it characterizes them, seems that eight hours of uninterrupted sleep are the minimum for whichever bodybuilder that it is trained hardly.

40) You take in consideration the hypothesis to assume integrators classifies to you like nootropici, or “smart nutrients”, that they serve to improve the mental lucidità. Such composed difficultly they will have effects directed on the muscular increase but, improving the concentration, they can contribute to improve the physical performances.

41) If you want just to become thin, begun to run. The suggestion is to run for 40 minuteren to the mattino, as soon as it raises to you, before making breakfast That will make that your metabolism you increase and will be begun to lose weight. Training, diet and aerobica= Loss of weight! 

42) While executed a series, you would have to concentrate on one single thing: the feeling that tried when a muscle executes a data correctly movement. If the concentration is such makes you to lose the account of the repetitions, much best. All know to count, but little are in a position to realizing one strongly tuning between the mind and muscles.

43) Considered the water like the fourth main nourishing element. Not assumetela random, but it plans you of it the consumption with the same precision that to reserve to the programming of the meal. The bodybuilder intelligent they drink some approximately 2 liters to the day.

the 44) rich diets of fat people do good? The argument is controversial, but least persons indeed seem to benefit from one diet of this type. Draft moreover of not convalidati sporadic data scientifically. The ideal diet for the athletes, in the greater part of the cases, is characterized from proteins in abundance, carbohydrates with moderation and little fat people.

the 45) In passing in review programs of training of your preferred professionals in order make you to come some idea, keep in mind the council of Fred Hatfield, alias “Dr. Squat”: “The happened one of an athlete probably does not depend on the things that ago in various way regarding its connect. For having a physicist champion the elements and the strategies would have to be more useful that join them”.

46) If during the week you have little time to dedicate to the training, tried to make two sessions weeklies magazine for all the body. Fairies 4-5 series for greater the muscular groups and 2-3 series for those smallest ones. In order to prime the increase, give to us within with all the intensity quickly of which you are able, with heavy cargos and.

47) Between the innumerevoli types of proteins in commerce, which are the best ones? It depends on yours objects physicists to you. If you want to increase to the maximum the muscular mass, is the search that the experience of many persons they indicate that the choice would have to fall back on the idrolizzate sieroproteine, on condition that they contain at least 60% of of and tripeptidi.

48) the ideal moment in order to train itself with the weights, being to some studies, is the afternoon, because the corporea temperature more is elevated. And the warmer muscles are stronger.

49) Recently a lot has been discussed on the advantages of the execution about one single series until the muscular yielding or more series than every exercise. The answer is simple: more of one series. It demonstrates the scientific search and, between all expecting to the title it of Mr. Olympia, of it you will not find one that limits not to make one single series for muscular group.












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