Because a PROTEIN is COMPLETE must
contain all its specific AMINO ACIDS, the amino acids can be tied from
each other nearly to the infinite, until creating more than 50 mila various proteins and 20 mila enzymes known. Every detailed list protein is
composed from a determined amino acid everyone with a its specific task
and he is not interchanging.
The Amino acids contain at least 16% of nitrogen, and this
condition differentiates them from Carbohydrates and the Fat people.
The central nervous system them cannot work without the amino acids that
act from neurotransmitters or premonitory of the neurotransmitters, if the
amino acids are not all the present transmission of the messages will turn
out altered. The LIVER produces l'80% of the necessary amino acids
approximately, remaining 20% must be gained from external sources.
These amino acids arranging itself form proteins and take part in the more
important biological processes, like the synthesis of the
neurotransmitters, stimulate the immune system, are one valid prevention
against the cancer.
Whichever function of our body is come true alone in presence of produced
chemical energy through the Metabolism. From the external atmosphere,
through the air, the water and the food, we gain our raw materials for
being able living, and from the food we gain: the Carbohydrates
(polisaccaridi) the Fat people, (lipids), the Proteins, that we give back
under shape of refuse to the atmosphere under ammonia shape, water, carbon
The Areas of absorption of the alimony are had in the parts of the tenuous
Glucose: last part of the duodenum,
Proteins: first part of the fast, last
part of the duodenum,
Amino acids: 10% in the stomach, last
part of the fast, first part of the ileus, 28% in the colon (for a total
of 62%),
Fat people: last part of the duodenum,
first part of the fast,
Iron: in the duodenum, Soccer in the
duodenum, Saccarosio in the inferior fast, ileus.
Lactose fast, first feature of the ileus,
Maltose fast, first feature of the ileus,
Vitamin D drawn first fast of the ileus,
B12 Vitamin, ileus
The absorption of the amino acids is come true for l'11% to
gastric level, for 60% to duodenal level, 28% to level of the colon, such
absorption is express in the duodenum and the fast (drawn of the tenuous
intestine) and happens slowly in the ileus.
All the proteins that we ingest come absorbed under shape
of amino acids.
If due to malnutrizione are pathologies of metabolic type
and to regimes it cants from the point amino acid to you, it is necessary
to somministrare prepares to you that they have a WIDE PHANTOM OF AMINO
functionality is altered or where the mucosa has endured a damage,
absorptions of the amino acids will have been diminished (to possibly
utlizzare supplements d Amino acids under shape of caps)
The amino acids are structural compounds of the proteins,
which have an important role for the skin, the muscles, the blood, the
inner organs, the hats, the nails, the proteins are determining, for the
increase and the sexual development.
the amino acids are therefore the mattoni constituent of
proteins. A sure number is not sintetizzabile from the organism and goes
therefore assumed with the diet (these amino acids comes defined essential
and assumes acronym BCAA). All the essential amino acids are present in
the meat but variously present in legumi the buckets (peas, ceci, fagioli,
lenticchie). Therefore, a diet pure vegetarian previews one tests
association of legumi buckets in order to assume all the essential amino
Some amino acids have ramificata chain.
A supplementazione of amino acids comes
associated to the anabolizzanti steroid assumption in order to favor the
synthesis of muscular mass. On the other hand there is also the hypothesis
that one greater assumption of amino acids stimuli one greater production
of testosterone and GH. In reality, as a result of supplementazione of
amino acids, has not observed some increase of GH, neither of aerobica
power, neither of performance in race test. Analogous, no improvement has
been found in the pesisti (integration with 20 amino acids).
A sure interest is provoked from the alanina; this amino
acid is important because alanina-glucose enters in the cycle: practically,
when glucose in the course lacks the muscular job, the muscle produces the
alanina and it puts it in circle; this catches up the liver that,
beginning from alanina, produces glucose that, immesso in circle, is made
available for muscles. Therefore proteica destruction in the extended
exercise of resistance is had. However the every day protein
requirementses are of 0.8-1g for kg of corporea mass and become of 1.2
g/kg in the given over subjects to resistance sport. The requirementses
are same in given over athletes to force disciplines and the power (raising
Amino acids to ramificata chain (BCAA):
(l-Leucina, L-Isoleucina, L-alanina) Are between the more effective
nourishing, have a remarkable one to be able anabolic-anticatabolico and
energetic. They are indispensable for the construction of proteins in how
much without of they could not be created the chains proteinche. E' for
this reason that they come calls you essential, poichè is necessary to the
muscular development “the not essential” others aminocidi instead, serves
in order to construct proteins, but they can be replaced from other amino
acids for the frmazione of proteins and the woven ones of our body.
Betaidrossibetametibutirato (HMB): E'
metabolita of the Leucina, to which they come attributed advanced property
anticataboliche to the Leucina, from which drift. At the moment in Europe
the sale of this product is prohibited.
Metionina: E' essential a sulphured
amino acid. It helps to detossificare the fat people in the liver,
participates to the formation of carnitina, nucleici trimetilglicina,
colina, creatina, adrenalin, ergosterolo and acids.
Acetil L-Carnitina: it is a shape of
more active carnitina. It has anticataboliche and anabolic property.
N-Acetil Cisteina: it has property
anti-oxidants and anticataboliche.
Trimetilglicina (TMG) or Betaine: the
DNA of the cellular nucleus loses metilici groups like result of the
normal cellular aging. Ciascuna Betaine molecule donates three metilici
groups to the DNA and that helps the river-metilazione process helps to
ringiovanire the cells. The betaine reduces the levels of omocisteina in
the blood, a molecule that can cause arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and
other damages to the organism.