Proteins of the serum of the latte
ones: they are the best proteins available. They have highest
biological value (104). The proteins of the serum are having more and more
happened on the market, thanks to their effectiveness. However various
proteins of the serum of the latte ones exist. Proteins of the serum of
the isolated latte ones by means of ionic exchange: they have a
advanced proteico content to 90% and a content of fat people and inferior
lactose to 1%. They are of highest quality and equally elevated price! The
proteins to ionic exchange are particularly rich of bovine sieroalbumina (practically
equal in structure to that human! 9 and of immunoglobine. Typical content
of the proteiche fractions of proteins to ionic exchange: 50% of
beta-lattoglobulina (containing 50% of ramificati amino acids), 22% of
alpha-lattoalbumina, 5% of bovine sieroalbumina (BSA), 10% of
immonoglobine (IGB), 12% of of proteose peptones and other smaller
peptides: l attoferrina, lattoperossidasi, lattolina, lisozima relassina,
range-globuline, beta-microglobulina and other micropeptides. Proteins
of the serum of the concentrated latte ones: they are obtained from
microfiltration, have a proteico content that varies to the origin from
73% to 83% approximately, contain from 4% to 6% of fat people. The
integrators that contain these proteins typically have a proteico content
of approximately l'80% and a advanced content of fat people to 4%. They
are however proteins of good quality. Proteins of the serum of latte
isolated by means of microfiltration: They exist some of two types: 1)
with a proteico content to the advanced origin to 90%, inferior fat people
to 1% and lactose 1% approximately. 2) with a proteico content of
approximately l'80% and inferior fat people to 1%.Sono both proteins of
good quality, type 1 (90%), is comparable, as quality-price, to proteins
to ionic exchange (highest quality). The microfiltered latte proteins of
the serum of differ leggermente in composition from those to ionic
exchange, data the various method of extraction: they are rich in
beta-lattoglobulina, glicomacropeptidi and lattoferrina. Typical content
of the proteiche fractions of microfiltered proteins of of the serum:
55.9% of beta-lattoglobulina (ramificati 50% of), 1 4.9% of alpha-lattoalbummina, 1.55% of bovine sieroalbumina (BSA), 3% of
immunoglobulina (IGF), 20% of glicomacropeptidi, 0.125% of lattoferrina
and other smaller peptides: l attoperossidasi, l attolina, lisozoma,
relassina, range-globulina, beta-mocrobulina and other micropeptides.
Proteins of the egg: they have a
high biological value (100). The gastric proteins of the entire egg (albume+tuorlo)
and egg white have demonstrated to slow down the glicemicodei emptying and
therefore to lower the index containing foods carbohydrates.
Proteins of the latte ones: (naturally
composed from 80%di casein and 20% from proteins of the serum of the latte
ones): They have a good biological value (91).
Casein: it has a sufficient
biological value (77). The casein stretches to absorb much water and to
increase of volume, rendering adapted it to being used in the substitutive
meal. A greater volume in the stomach means more effectiveness in the
debit satiety sense!
Proteins of the soia: they have a
sufficient biological value (74). Also the proteins of the soia stretch to
absorb much water and to increase of volume. The extracted proteins from
the soia contain geisteina and others isolflavoni, that they have effects
benefits on the health. They could be one good alternative to proteins of
latte to a cost the much inferior.
Proteins of the grain: (gluten)
has a low biological value (54). The proteins of the grain could be
interesting for the content of glutammina (25-30%), but the lacked balance
the other amino acids of it advices against the use. Better to use the
pure glutammina.
Other proteins vegetables:
usually the proteins vegetables have a low biological value. The baking of
foods usually diminishes the biological value of the alimony