The Passion

Maria Valtorta


Jesus on the Golgotha

Four strong men who, by the looks, seem to me to be Jews, and Jews worthy of the cross rather than the damned sure of the same category as the floggers, they jump on a trail to the place of execution.

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According to the revelations of Maria Valtorta

They wear short tunics and have them rolled up, they carry in their hands nails, hammers and ropes sarcastically showing the three convicted. The crowd stirred into a frenzy cruel.

The Centurion offers Jesus the jar to drink the wine with an anesthetic mixture with myrrh. But Jesus refuses. The thieves, however, drink a lot. Then the wide mouth jar is placed next to a large rock, near the to top.

The order is given to those convicted to take their clothes off. The two thieves do shamelessly. Instead, they have fun making obscene gestures to people, especially the priestly group, ranging as neat with linen garments and have gradually become lower to the square of its range to insinuate there.

To the priests have joined two or three potentates Pharisees and other characters that hate has made friends. And I see people that I know, like the Pharisee Giocana and Ishmael, the scribe Sadoch, Eli Capernaum.

The executioners offer three convicts rags to cover the inner thigh. And the thieves continue there making more horrendous blasphemy. Jesus, who slowly undresses have spasms in his wounds rejects them. Perhaps he thinks to preserve the short clothes that he has carried during the flogging. He also streches his hand to get a rag from the executioner to defend his nakedness. But he is so voided that he asks a cloth to the thieves.

Mary has seen Jesus and she has passed the long and subtle white cloth in which she hides her head under the dark cloak in which she has shed so many tears. She removes it without bringing down the mantle: she gives it to John to give it to Longinus for the Son. The centurion take the veil without putting impediments, and when he sees Jesus to undress completely, turned not towards the people, but towards the empty crowd, showing his back scratched with bruises and blisters, and open wounds bleeding and dark crusts, he offers the native flax.

Jesus recognizes it. He wraps it in several times, guaranteeing it is well so that it does not fall ... And on the flax, until now only wet from crying, the first drops of blood, because many of the wounds, just covered with clot, and when he bends to remove his sandals and dresses the wounds have been reopened, and the blood returns to sprout.

Ow Jesus turns to the people. And we see that also the chest, arms and legs have been hit by the whip. At the height of the liver and there is a huge bruise under the left costal arch seven lines are clear embossed, finished in seven small lacerations bleeding between a fence ... a blow fierce purple whip so sensitive in that area of the diaphragm. The knees bruised by repeated initial fall, after the capture and finished on Calvary, are black with bruises and open by the kneecap, especially the right, in a vast laceration bleeding.

"His trunk is ivory streaked with sapphires. His perfect legs candid marble columns between gold bases. His Majesty is like Lebanon: awesome. He, the highest cedar. His tongue is all sweetness and He is all delight "and laugh and shout again" The leper. The leper. Have you also committed fornication with an idol for God to treat you like that?. Have you complained against the saints of Israel, as Moses Mary, that you have been so punished?. Oh, Oh, The Perfect. Are you the Son of God. But no. You are the abortion of Satan. At least he, the Devil, is powerful and strong. You ...are an impotent ad disgusting poor specimen.

The thieves are nailed to the cross and put them one on the right and the other to the left, on the place destined to Jesus. They scream, curse especially when crosses are carried to the hole and destroy and make the ropes cut their wrists, his blasphemies to God, the law, the Romans, and the Jews are hellish.

Extracted from "Il Poema dell 'Uomo-Dio" of Maria Valtorta. volume ninth. Valtorniano Editoriale Center..