The mission

For Therese its terrestrial mission is: "Love and to make to love the Holy Trinity" and "Love Jesus and make it love".
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The earthly mission Therese Loving
By Therese his earthly mission is: "Love and do love the Holy Trinity" and "Loving Jesus and love him." Therese chose for himself truly love every moment and every action, wished to prepare the garden with flowers and perfume of his soul to welcome the King of heaven and she was so wrapped up in love that even she could not understand how he could subtract something to love.
For the ascetic perfection is to "do the will of God," according to Therese instead is "to be what He wants us" and says, "I will undertake to do with the greatest abandon the will of God."
Therese had a contemplative vocation. She did not arise so much the problem of his record, but he sensed an absolute radicalism that contemplation was itself apostolic.
Therese made a shocking discovery: "for love is satisfied that it should be lowered down to nothing and become nothing in this fire." For this he wants to lower to the nothing that is reduced to nothing to make room for mercy, to let her do all the walking.
So Therese experiences and teaches acting and never come off, even for a moment, from the conviction that God is doing through us. Taught to act only to your own actions, to act in the belief that only He can truly work on the hearts and souls and act more and more by joining the essence of Jesus.
The mission of "spiritual" by Therese consisted precisely in this: one was burned in Love and the other was to remain shrouded in darkness. She wrote: "I cannot fully confide my anxieties, I'd be afraid to offend the good God expressing similar thoughts in words. And I love her that much! But this is incoherent.
The temptation which was wrapped Therese became untenable when the devil find out all his cards and attacked directly to the heart: "Yesterday evening I was seized with a genuine anguish and my darkness increased. I do not know which damn voice said to me: Are you sure that God loves you? ".
Therese always the temptation to react with joy, peace and faith, even when you seem to not understand anything or to understand other things that the devil hisses in his ear. Sometimes the temptation goes almost to the threshold of failure, to where she can stand only if it abandons a crash into the arms of God in this way it can overcome the temptation of doubt and its strength lies precisely in this total abandonment into arms of God
The time of his trial, Therese never forget the love coming through this indeed seems to understand the true meaning of "charity". In this regard it can even be given some general indications: to bear the defects of others, no wonder their weakness, but especially not hide the love in my heart to let it come so that really illuminate the next. It is not true love except that which arises from the very heart of God and that flows from Christ, so that all human love can only be transferred and remain in this land that drew from above.