



Faith - Hope - Charity

What are the truths offered by the Christian faith, where can we find them? Who gives me and who guarantees them? All truths are contained in the revelation made by Jesus Christ.

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The sources of the faith

But where is it possible to find all that Jesus Christ taught? It is found in the word written in the Gospels by those whom He has chosen as his disciples, to whom he has inherited His teaching with the mission of spreading it.

"The one we have seen with our eyes, the one we have contemplated and our hands touched, that is, the Word of Life ... the one we have seen and heard we announce it to you, so that you too have communion with us. Our communion is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And we write these things so that our joy may be full "(I Jn 1,1-4). Even from this testimony we are certain that apostolic doctrine is the doctrine of Jesus.

Development of the faith

At this time so chaotic, even in the Catholic religious field, there are some theologians who would like to impose, through theology, their judgment on the meaning of the divine word, its unique meaning, and its authority. They claim to assume a position of masters of faith, who do not compete with them.

Without faith, it is not pleasing to God, to be pleasing, adhering to his word, and to do so, it is necessary to have faith. The whole Christian's life must rest on faith. Saint Paul affirms: "For the righteousness of God is revealed in him by faith in faith, according as it has been written: the just shall live by faith"
(Rm 1:17).

Many times the Lord has expressed the link between faith and salvation, between faith and eternal life: "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; But whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but God's wrath is upon him"
(Jn 3:36).

Jesus, in the Gospels, demands the act of faith as absolute trust in Him. It is a miracle in relation to faith: for example, in the healing of the blind born, in the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus and again in the healing of the servant of the Roman centurion. The invitation of Jesus is also addressed to us: "convert and believe in the Gospel".
(Mc 1,15).

Jesus Christ continues our paths today and sets us ahead of a decisive choice. It is Jesus who addresses his call to our conscience: "Follow Me". It is to choose, it is an existential choice.

Faith reveals the truth and makes us free. Faith works a reversal of values, it itself encapsulates the revolution brought by Jesus into the world, the authentic reality that allows us to relate to the absolute and allows us to draw upon the criterion of our action.

If Jesus now asked you the same question he asked the blind man, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" (Jn 9:35), what would you answer? "I believe!". With that yes, implicitly declare your faith in him and your willingness to do what he asks. However, if you see in your conduct uncertainties, weaknesses and betrayal, it means that the faith you believe possesses is not what it should be. St. James writes, "So also faith: if it is not followed by works, it itself has died".
(Gk 2,17).

In order to overcome any uncertainty, we must decide between the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of faith, between the wisdom of men and the wisdom of God. God will be found by those seeking him, otherwise he would not say: "Verily I say unto you, Ask and you will get, seek and find, beat and open it".
(Mt 7,7)