



Faith - Hope - Charity

One cannot believe without knowing, since knowing brings reason to think, to sift, to learn what was unknown to receive it and do it.

Well, it's easy to believe in what our eyes see, but is it sensible and reasonable to believe what a witness says?

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The answer is yes, if the person who is witnessing is authoritative, serious and trustworthy. There is, therefore, a proportional relationship between my belief and the extent to which the head represents the truth. And, at the moment I believe, I entrust myself to the truth that he has manifested.

Many people believe that belief is relegated to the religious field, but that is not the case. In fact, all we learn is provided by others and not by direct experience and is just the faith we put into these characters that allows us to accept as true the proposed. Just think of historical, geographic knowledge, all those events outside our personal experience, provided by a scholar, an encyclopedia, or a scientific text. In short, we believe in these sources that neither can directly demonstrate what they say nor can they provide a direct experience of what has been said.

Recognizing the source as authoritative, whether it is a scholarship, an encyclopedia, or anything else, is always an act of esteem, trust, faith in the latter. Faith, as mentioned above, rests on reason and is free: free, because you do not believe it you do not want to believe in it, and it is reasonable, because it is the intellect that you feel reasonable to do.

Is it possible to believe in the Christian Faith?

Faith is also reasonable when it accepts the mysteries of a higher truth revealed by God. Rejecting a reason that we do not understand is ridiculous. Who knows, for example, the law of sprouting a seed or the fruit of a gem? We are immersed in extraordinary phenomena that we still do not know, who would deny such wonders in the name of reason? And then, it is sometimes necessary to distinguish between the mystery and the absurd, between what transcends the reason and what is contrary to reason, that is, unreasonable or impossible.

The mystery

Christian truth cannot be proved scientifically but is credible because it is a truth that provides a reason, a content that illuminates the intellect and makes it penetrate into a world that alone could never come. It is an unattainable truth that can be revealed and only after this revelation can one understand it.

Of the truths of faith we can exclaim as the listeners of Jesus at that time: "This speech is tough. Who can hear it? "(Jn 6,60).
Jesus' answer would always be the same: "Do you want to go away too?" (Jn 6,66).

A clear answer that puts us before eternity. From the heart of each one of us may come up with the same words of Peter: "Lord, where shall we go? You have words of eternal life"
(Jn. 6,68).

Even at that time, despite the fact that Jesus performed extraordinary miracles and taught a perfect doctrine that had never been heard, some did not pay attention and did not want to believe despite the works of the divine Master, they were available and verifiable in their eyes. They did not believe why they were not willing to believe.

In this time, God, through the Holy Scriptures, wants to speak to us as well. And do we have the opportunity to listen to it or reject it, believe it or ignore its wise words? A dilemma shaking our existence from the roots because, believing or not believing, affects our entire earthly existence and our future in eternity.

Translation of the faith

The path from unbelief to faith cannot be implemented only by using human means such as study and scientific knowledge, so it is necessary to follow the impulse that arises from divine desire and divine grace. Divine Grace is always supplied to us in abundance, what is missing, no matter what, is our human commitment. Faith is therefore conquest and gift. Therefore Jesus says, "No one can come to Me unless it is given to him by the Father."
(Jn 6,65).

Faith, in the end, is our personal relationship with Christ. Let us remember the warning of Jesus: "But the Son of Man, when he comes, will find faith on earth?" (Lk 18: 8). The question may suggest that perhaps difficult times for faith will come. Despite this prospect, we must not be afraid because faith, few or many, will always save us.