Elizabeth was canonized by Gregory IX on May 27, 1235 in the church of San Domenico in Perugia. The bull of canonization was published on 1 June. The pope makes a lot of praise of Elizabeth.
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Canonization bull
Pope Gregory IX
Her royal home, love of poverty to serve the poor, the vow of obedience, the taste for prayer, the life of faith, his profession of repentance Franciscan also demonstrated dall'abito gray, the variety of miracles wrought by God for his merits.
Bull of canonization
Glorious in his majesty, the Son of the Father and our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ, looking from the summit of heaven the glory of the human condition so deformed by the convergence of misery which began the guilt of the first parent, designed with ineffable kindness to express its power to those who lay in the shadow of death and to bring the freedom of his country who were in exile.
Thus no other than that he lay with the redemption of her child placed in fragile vase, because it is the duty of the architect, is a thing of dignity and due to whatever is at risk of perishing and whatever it is recognized as a very beautiful, is diligently reported in the state of condition.
The little pot of humanity greeted a visitor infinitely large, which came down from his royal throne in the womb of the Virgin enriched with all the fullness of holiness. He began a work known to all, through which, banned the prince of darkness, managed winner with the redemption of his creatures and donated to the faithful guaranteed institutions to facilitate their pilgrimage to the homeland.
Blessed Elizabeth, born of royal blood and authoritative Landgrafin (Princess) of Thuringia, considered with persevering meditation on the mysteries of salvation and works to keep a constant commitment to ecclesiastical institutions. Why it should prove worthy of the fidelity eternal vision almost from birth until sunset never stopped practicing the cult of virtue and delight in the service of charity.
In the confession of true faith, was devoted to the sanctity of life loving son of the Queen of Heaven, through which he could achieve the sweetness of the heavenly wedding. At the same time he loved so well the next, feeling the familiar reality joyous presence, and solidarity with their poverty made them unwelcome in front of all pilgrims became poor in many things, being considerate of calls in many ways to the poor.
I would therefore from an early age to be guardian and lover of the poor, well aware that the reward of eternal life is obtained by the credit to the poor dear to God, so did their own condition as he went gradually diminishing his earthly glory. Despised in many ways the legitimate pleasures that allowed his noble marital condition, steeping her delicate body with a commitment to consistent sparingly, making such great progress on its merits and being so enriched by the gift of a greater grace.
What else? By transforming all the rights of blood in the desire of heavenly bliss and all things considered imperfect when it was without the support of the wife wanted to spend the remaining time of his life by linking him to the yoke of obedience (which already had made while she was united in marriage) and wanted to take the religious habit with which he neglected to celebrate the mystery of the passion of the Lord until his last day.
O lucky woman! O admirable matron! O sweet Elizabeth, called "satiety of God," which has earned the bread of angels through feeding the poor! O illustrious widow, fertile stock of virtue, who, striving to attain through the grace that could not get through nature, defeated the cruel enemies of the soul with the shield of faith, with the breastplate of righteousness, sword spirit, with the helmet of salvation and with the shaft of perseverance. In this way he became so lovable and immortal bridegroom are similar to the Queen of virgins with constant love, lowering his princely domain and reducing it to the service of humble handmaid.
Likewise Elizabeth aligned with the ancient saints behavior, he walked with simplicity and joy and justice in the precepts of the Lord.
He conceived the grace of God secretly in the affection of the heart, bore through the works and fed constantly by the progress we make only those who hope in him.
With the rise of a few that are in the valley of humility and innocence, the Lord, pointing to its promise of pay awards, led Elizabeth, freed from the chains of death, the throne by the light inaccessible.
From whose inexplicable brightness follows that his spirit hovers in the firmament of the supernal beauty and glory shines with many miracles in the depths of darkness on earth. Under all that we consolidate for the sake of the Catholic faith, hope and charity, and for the infidels is unfolded the way of truth and heretics is matter consisting of a greater confusion.
Indeed, we are struck by a whirlwind of wonder at the merits of this saint, who, while living close to the prison of the body, lived poor in spirit, meek in mind, deploring their own sins and those of others, thirsting for justice, devoted to the mercy , clean in heart, truly peaceful, worn out from persecution and challenged by misunderstandings. With the power of heaven, is returned life to the dead, the light to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb and the lame walking. The vast regions of Teutonia, that the tragedy of death tried to bend, they discover they can rejoice in various ways in the embraces of heavenly doctrine.
These and other miracles of this saint, who, as assessed through the eyes of the mind, produce a more abundant joy as if they appear individually to those who disclosed, has been documented before us such a wealth of faith through appropriate witnesses, as duty and responsibility to the truth as to always ensure in all.
We have responsibility for the office to wait constantly care of those things by which it increases the glory of the Redeemer, had heard the advice and consent of our brothers, our venerable brethren the patriarchs, the archbishops, bishops and all prelates hours established by the Apostolic See, we decided to ascribe to the catalog of saints such holy, the Lord has chosen for the glory of his majesty.
I strictly command all of you by our apostolic writings that celebrate and do solemnly celebrate his feast - as required by the majestic grandeur of its merits - on 17 November each year, the day that is where Elizabeth, loose from the bonds of death, has set out towards the source of eternal happiness to live forever. Through his intercession will come to us from the treasures of heaven, which - thanks to his mediation-are recognized by Christ and are proud to own it in perpetuity.
Similarly, on the authority bestowed on us from above and for the benevolence of God is given to all the faithful to celebrate the feast, waiting to achieve the delights of the heavenly home.
So now, to be more celebrated name of the Most High where we encourage the faithful to visit the venerable burial of his wife, by the mercies of Almighty God and the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, relying on their authority, discounted one year and forty days penance obliged to all those who truly repent and confess, they go every year - the feast day or within the octave - to visit the grave with feelings of devotion and sincerity.
(Perugia, June 1, 1235).