Transcendence of Love

He had an authentic intimacy with God, a total abandonment of his will, a transfigured face ... this is what touched the heart of those who met him and let him see the depth of his union with God.
This was the source of genuine friendship with God and of great joy: "My God, I love you, and my only desire is to love you until the last sigh of my life"
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Know our religion
First, we need to know our holy religion, the only true one, because the one revealed by God. My children, why are we so blind and so ignorant? Because we do not mind the word of God. If a person is educated in the Catholic religion, there is always the possibility of recurrence. As you lose all sorts of bad roads, you can always hope that sooner or later you will return to the good God, even if you are dead. On the contrary, a person who is ignorant in his religion is like a dying man who has lost knowledge: he does not know the severity of sin, nor the beauty of his soul nor the value of virtue; It drags on sin in sin.
If you do not work every day for Heaven, you go to hell.
Waking up in the morning you have to say, "Today I want to work for you, my God, I will accept all that you want to send me as your gift, I offer myself in sacrifice, nevertheless, my God, I can do nothing without you: help me!" Oh! How we will regret, at the point of death, all the time we have devoted to pleasures, useless conversations, rest rather than dedicating it to mortification, prayer, good works, thinking of our misery, weeping for our sins! Then we will realize that we have not done anything for heaven. How sad, my children! Most Christians do nothing but work to satisfy this corpse that will soon fall under the ground, with no regard for the poor soul, who is destined to be happy or unhappy for eternity. Their lack of spirit and good sense makes the skin leap.
True joy comes from the Faith.
Those who do not have faith have a much blinder soul than those who have no eyes ... We live in this world as enveloped in the fog; But faith is the wind that darkens the fog and which shines on our soul a beautiful sun. Look how Protestants are all sad and cold! It's a long winter. For us, however, everything is gay, joyful and comforting. Let the world's people say what they want. Alas! How could you see it? It's blind. If even our Lord Jesus Christ today did all the miracles he did in Judea, he would not believe it yet.
Sin is our burglar.
Sin is the boon of the good God and the murderer of the soul. It is sin that subtracts us to heaven to plunge into Hell. Nevertheless, we love it! What a madness! If we were to think well, we would have such a horror of sin that we could not commit. O my children, how much we are ungrateful! Good God wants to make us happy and we do not want to be! Let's get away from him to give us the devil! We flee our friend to look for our executioner! ... sinning, sink into the mud.
It takes two minutes to get married forever.
My children, we are afraid of death, otherwise it is the sin that makes us fear the death; It is the sin that makes her tremendous, frightening; It is the sin that makes the wicked horror in the moment of the terrible passage. Alas! my God! There is nothing to be scared. Think of being cursed! Cursed by God! It is a thought that makes trembling. Cursed by God! and why? Why do men expose themselves to the danger of being cursed by God? For a blasphemy, for a bad thought, for a bottle of wine, for two minutes of pleasure! For two minutes of pleasure I miss God, my soul, heaven forever.
The haunted door of Hell.
He repents God to say: Way, cursed. Cursed by God! Ah! That terrible disgrace! Do you understand, my children? God damned! ... God knows only to bless! God cursed, that is love! Cursed by God, which is goodness itself! Cursed without remission! Cursed forever, cursed by God! When we are tired of praying and conversation with God is boring us, we go to the door of hell and look at the damn poor who can no longer love the good God. If a damned one could say it was once again: "My God, I love you "Hell for him would no longer exist. Ma, ahimé! For that poor soul all this is impossible! It is a soul that has lost the power of love he had received and whom he could not serve. His heart is as dry as the grape bunch after he has passed under the press. There can be no happiness or peace in that soul, because there is no love any more!
The damned are immersed in the anger of God, like the fish in the water. There are people who lose faith and who see Hell just as they enter ... We all know and believe that there is Hell, but we live as if it did not exist, selling our soul for some money".
The good use of temptations in the daily struggle to sanctify us.
As the good soldier is not afraid to fight, so the good Christian must not be afraid of temptation. All the soldiers are good when they are inside their garrison: it is on the battlefield that you notice the difference between the brave and the villains. The biggest of the temptations is to have nothing. One might say that we must be happy to have temptations: it is the time of spiritual harvest during which we provide for the sky. It's like at the time of harvesting: you get up in the morning, you give a shit, but you do not complain, because it gathers a lot. The devil only tries souls who want to get out of a situation of sin and those who are in a state of grace. The others belong to him already: he does not need to try them. If we were deeply aware of God's holy presence, it would be very easy for us to resist the enemy. It would be enough for God to see you! Never to sin.
Confession is the best of the balms.
My children, it is difficult for us to understand how much goodness God has shown toward us by instituting the very important sacrament that is penance. If those damn poor who are in Hell for a long time have been told, "We will be a priest at the entrance of hell. Everyone who wants to confess will have to do nothing but go out"; My children, do you think there would be only one? The greatest sinners would not be afraid to say their sins, not even in front of the whole world. Oh! In the twinkling of an eye, hell would emanate and the sky would populate! Well! We have the time and means the damn poor do not have. It is good to think that we have a sacrament to heal the sores of our soul! However, one has to get into a particular mood; Otherwise, new wounds will be added to the old ones.
There are so many who believe they can live as they wish, counting on being able to repent at the end of their lives. Big mistake. The good God is not bad, but it is right. Do you think it will bend to your whims? Do you think she will put her arms around her neck after you have despised her for the rest of her life? Oh! Certainly not! There is a measure of grace and sin beyond which God withdraws. What would you think of a father who was just like a righteous son and the other scumbag? Well! God would not be right if he did not make any difference between the one who serves him and who offends him.
The fundamental importance of prayer.
My children, your heart is small; Prayer, however, can make it bigger and more capable of loving God. Prayer is an anticipation of heaven, an emanation of Paradise. He never leaves us without sweetness. It is a honey that descends into the soul and softens everything. Before a well-made prayer, sorrows melt like snow in the sun. Prayer is an odorous dew: you must, however, pray with pure heart to feel the perfume. You see, my children: the treasure of a Christian is not in the earth, but in heaven. Well! Our thought must go where it is our treasure. Man has a good job: to pray and to love. Pray and love: this is how man's happiness can be realized on earth
Prayer is nothing more than a union with God. When we have the pure heart and united to God, let us feel within ourselves a dull and gentle sweetness, a dazzling light ... Who does not pray you bend to the ground like a mole Who tries to make a hole for you to hide. He is a person bound in everything and for all this world, abrupt, thinking only of the things here ... The good God does not need us: if he asks us to pray, it is because he wants our happiness and our happiness It's only in prayer. When God sees us approaching him, bend his heart as low as possible to us, his little creatures, just like a father who bends to listen to his little boy talking to him.
NYou should not hate anyone and you must seek humility and mortification When you hate your neighbor, God gives us this hate: it is an act that comes back to us ... Those who are grateful are unhappy: they have the expression Worried and a look that seems to devour everything around it. You have to forgive offenses, be simple and humble in your heart, as our Divine Master taught.
Humility is the best way to love God. It is our pride to prevent us from becoming holy. Pride is the thread that holds the rosary of all the vices; Humility is the thread that holds the rosary of all the virtues. The saints knew themselves better than they knew the other: that is why they were humble. Alas! It is difficult to understand how and for what an insignificant creature as we are we may be ungodly. A puddle of dust as big as a walnut: that's what we will become after death. There is something to be proud of! Those who humiliate us are our friends, not those who praise us Oh! How much I love the little mortification that nobody sees, what to stand a quarter of an hour early in the morning, or a moment at night to pray; Yet there are people who only think about sleeping.
There are many ways to mortify our being: we can deprive ourselves of warmth; If we are sitting badly, we can avoid finding a better position; If we walk in the garden, we can deprive ourselves of the fruits that we would eat with pleasure ... When we walk in the street, we look to our Lord who carries the cross before us, the holy Virgin looking at us, on the guardian angel who is at our side. It is also a great thing to renounce your will. The life of a poor housekeeper, who must give up his will to adapt to that of his masters, can be, by virtue of this renunciation and of his ability to put it to fruition, welcome to God as the life of a religious who follows Always the rule.