Flame that devours

The Saint Priest in his forty years of presence at Ars was anxious for the salvation of others, and especially of those who were entrusted with him and those who came to him.
As a priest, God would demand it, he said. That everyone may enjoy in knowing God and loving him, knowing that He loves us, here is the reason for the tireless work of Vianney.
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Some of the miracles of Ars have been reported
One day, in the Women's Ornate "La Providenza", the bakery informed Vianney that the pantry was empty. The curate replied: "Go and pick up the last grain scattered in the pavement." The man in charge, knowing that the floor was desolate empty, obeys the saint, but when he tried to open the door, he must put all his energy and with great surprise when the door opened, he saw that the floor was full of wheat miraculously! One day a brother visits the attic with the caretaker and told him directly: "The grain came here, didn t it?" "No, replied the curate, higher up; so far!".
In May 1843, Claudine Raymond, sick of the larynx and the bronchi, went to Ars to ask for healing because she could not say any word and write on a tablet. In Ars the curate said to her: "My daughter, earthly remedies are useless; The Lord wants to heal you. Go to Santa Filomena; Place the tablet on her altar and tell her that if she does not want to give you your voice, at least give it hers. "Immediately," said Claudina, "I went to the foot of the great saint and after I had prayed, I was cured. For six years I have suffered atrocious pain and for two years I could no longer speak. Returning to the hotel, I read several pages aloud several pages: I was perfectly healed."
Anna Thorin, after hearing the wonders that happened in Ars, decided to take her eight-years-old son with coxalgia to the femur. He arrived to Ars on February 25, 1857, carrying his son sitting on a wheelchair. Although tired because of the journey, she spent the night in the vestibule of the church, hoping to meet first the well-being, who, as soon as he saw her, comforted her and celebrated the Mass, invited and her son to the sacristy. "This boy, he said, is too big to be taken. Put him on the floor. " "But he cannot," said Mom. And the priest repplied: "You may have confidence in Holy Filomena"; And kissed the innocent in front of her. The boy walked, resting hard and took him to the altar of Saint Filomena; He knelt down and remained for a long time in prayer. When he got up he was cured. He asked for food and fled to the door of the church, to life.
Two incredulous professors from Lyon University wanted to go to Ars to cheat their guardian. They entered the small church while the saint was celebrating Mass. They put themselves in a position so that they could observe all his movements. When he came to the elevation of the Host, one of them, seeing all the crowds prostrate, thought among himself, "How can intelligent men find their God in a piece of bread?" The Holy Curate, at Communion, turned around toward the incredulous; he stared at the professor as if he were reading in his soul those thoughts of disbelief. When the genuflection took place, he took the Ostia between his fingers and raised it over the chalice, saying the liturgical words: "Here is the Lamb of God!" The Ostia escaped from his hands and moves on the tongue of the first person kneeling at the balustrade. The Saint stared again at the unbelieving, as if to say, "A simple piece of bread can do this?" The professor felt disconcerted and moved. He knelt down and worshiped, then ran to the Curate to confess. Later, he was ordained a priest of the Dominican order.
Sister Dositea was a religious of Providence of Vitteaux, suffering from tisis, whom the doctor had said would die when the leaves fell. Don Vianney saw her confused among the crowds of pilgrims, he called her in the confessional. He asked her why he wanted healing; her nun told him his reasons. The Saint then told her to ask for healing in the chapel of Santa Filomena and in the meantime he would have prayed. Sister Dositea was immediately cured.
A young man in Charlieu (Loire), Half paralyzed, who could not stand on his legs, wanted to tell the Cure about his misery. The Saint told him to pray at the altar of Santa Filomena. He healed immediately.
Five-year-old Matilde Besa on of Grenoble was playing with her twelve-year-old friend, who grabbed her by lifting her head and tearing her neck muscles. The girl could no longer hold her head straight without support. After months of care without any results, the parents took him to Ars recommending to Don Vianney. During the mass, in the silence of the Rescue, the little girl suddenly shouted: "Mom, look, I'm cured." In fact, she could turn her head all over easily with no support. She was cured.
On February 1st, 1850, the young Claudina Venet from the small village of the Sant-Galmier department in the Loire, was led to Ars to be cured of blindness and deafness, resulted of a cerebral fever. The young woman stood in front of the church door when the saint passed, who led her to the sacristy kneeling before the confessional. As soon as Don Vianney's blessing was received, the young man was cured.
In November 1862, after the death of Vianney, the bishop of Belley instituted the General Court for the Ordinary Process for the Beatification of the Curate of Ars.
The tribunal collected seventeen healings after the death of the saint. Two, the most significant, were chosen for beatification.
Adelaide Joly, in September 1861, was hit by strong pains on her left arm. She was conducted by the primary physician of the Hospital of Charity of Lyon, who found that there was a tumor in her arm, for which she would always have been cramped, without hope of healing.
Adelaide lived in an orphanage, headed by the Daughters of Charity. Together with them began a novena of prayers to the curate of Ars, whose nuns possessed a pair of old shoes. On the seventh day of the novena Adelaide discovered with joy that "her arm does not hurt her." At the end of the novena the healing was perfect: the tumor had disappeared. The attending physician, surprised, found healing and released the relative certificate, which was sent to the bishop of Belley.
The miraculous healing of young Leo Roussat is narrated by his father. "In January 1862, my son was hit by increasingly severe nerve crises. We turned to doctors, but without any results. In fact, Leo was getting worse. I went to Lyon from a primary school prescribing the use of ferruginous waters. The result was that the crises increased in number and intensity: they repeated on average fifteen times a day. I returned my son to Lyons from the same primary, who in the end said to me: "Your son is young ... some heal, others do not cure, it is useless to have him relocate." There was only one hope, to bring our son to Ars: we had already begun a novena to the curated saint. The parish priest advised us not because he feared that my son would die during the trip. But on the first of May, I decided to go to Ars, especially since Belley's bishop blesses the first stone of the Ars church. We brought the sick young to the tomb of the saint, and when we returned to the hotel we saw Leo, completely calmed, taking the Glass with his right hand and having fun ... Returning to the village at Saint Laurent lately we set for dinner. Leo suddenly "started running." He was cured, perfectly healed."
Marilde Rugeoi at age 28 was affected by tuberculous laryngitis, with the complete loss of voice. Knowing that her illness was incurable, he ceased to consult doctors and preferred to attend a pilgrimage to Lourdes in July 1910, where she was scheduled to stop at Ars. The Virgin of Massabielle did not heal her, despite the many prayers. The Ars pilgrims gathered around the altar to kiss the relics of the Holy Curate. Marilde, full of confidence, prayed in her heart: "If you will, you can heal me." Suddenly she united her voice to the common song, lost for four years. The healing had been instantaneous and complete. With a clear voice she made her statements before the ecclesiastical court: her healing was a real miracle.
The Holy Priest was proclaimed by Pius XI patron of all the parish priests of the Church.
He was proclaimed Saint by Pius XI on May 31, 1925.