The prayer

The prayer



It was shown that the nervous, endocrine and immune systems communicate with each other. The mind, emotions and body are not separate entities, but interconnected. The same chemical messengers that operate so widespread both in the brain, both in the immune system, are also the most frequent in neural areas that regulate emotions.

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The mind influences the body

Immune cells can be the target of nerve messages. According to Goleman, it is possible to prove scientifically that, taking care of the emotional state of individuals along with their physical condition, you can crop a margin of efficacy in medical terms, both in prevention than treatment. Already the ancient Romans used to think that there was a mutual influence between the physical and psychological well-being, summing up this view in the famous maxim, mens sana in corpore sano. The old concept of disease, understood as "effect of a cause", it has been replaced with a multifactorial view that every event is a result of interweaving of many factors, among which is assuming ever greater importance is the psychological factor. Psychosomatics, is the branch of medicine that relates the mind with the body, i.e. the emotional and affective world with the soma (the disorder), dealing specifically detect and understand the influence that emotion has on the body and his affections. In the regression induced by disease or suffering, we encounter a situation of tear-disintegration of the unit mind-body and restore a containment situation becomes critical from those who care. Today, on the contrary, it also speaks of a conception of medicine that considers man as a unified whole, as somatopsychic units, where the disease manifests itself in organic growth as a symptom and, psychologically as uncomfortable, and that pay attention not only to the physiological manifestation of the disease, but also to the emotional aspect that accompanies it. We talk about psychosomatic not only as a perspective with which to look at the pathological event, but also in relation to somatic symptoms very related to emotions and in relation to so-called real psychosomatic illnesses. Human nature, therefore, is not defined in terms of mind and body, but it is an interrelationship between mind and body, with the mind that is set on the border of its operation. The psychosomatic symptoms are expressed through the body, involving the autonomic nervous system and provide an autonomic response to situations of psychological distress or stress; they are considered real psychosomatic diseases, those diseases to which classically recognizes a psychological genesis and where it is to achieve a genuine state of organ disease, with indisputable signs of injury. In these diseases the anxiety, the pain, the emotions too painful because they are lived and felt, are a way of immediate unloading in the soma (the disorder); the emotions, although present, are not perceived, is established as one of the most archaic defense mechanisms, with which it implements a direct expression of psychological distress, there are no symbolic expressions capable of metalizing psychological distress and, through the body. All defensive capabilities tend to ward off unacceptable psychic contents, at the cost of destroying their bodies. In this sense, a person unable to access her emotional world, could not perceive anger, frustration or stress to a difficult work situation and, even imagine a possible connection between his ulcer and emotions or the feelings concerning his work. In this exhibition we have not explored in depth those aspects relating to the specialized medical field, but to give the message about what are the links between the mind and the disease. Change the way you think, to find an answer to the many why, find hope, free those energies to overcome the fears and anxieties that sometimes afflict. That is why faith and prayer can be of decisive allies.