

Santi Learned people said that, except for the medal of the SS. Virgin, the Medal of S. Benedict is the most known in the world. The very numerous indulgences, of which the Holy See has enriched it, testify its singular merit and contribute to make it it more precious and beloved by the Christian people.

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In 1742 Pope Benedict XIV approved the medal

granting indulgences to those who carry it with faith

A indulgence plenary in point of death is granted to all people carrying, kissing or holding in the hands the medal with veneration and under the following conditions:
  1. They must recommend their soul to God.
  2. They must go to confession and communicate or, if the first two conditions are impossible, they must invoke with constriction feelings the holy name of Jesus, (heartily if they cannot speak).
A partial indulgence is granted to all people carrying, kissing or holding in the hands the medal with veneration (cf Concessio n. 35 Enchiridion Indulgentiarum).

Other indulgences were granted in the past to the Medal of Saint Benedict. The medal of S. Benedict is used for all the spiritual and temporal needs, on condition that it is used with faith..

This medal is effective against:

  • the epidemics,
  • the poisons,
  • some special diseases,
  • the spells and the temptations of the demon.
All the missionaries have diffused it in the entire world. This medal obtains also the conversion of the sinners, above all in point of death. The Medal helps the woman in labour; it grants the protection of God against the dangers threatening our life. It allows us to have a good and holy death.

The Medal of S. Benedict is very ancient. It became popular in century XI, after the miraculous recovery of a young man, a certain Bruno, who took the Benedictine habit and later became Pope S. Leone IX.
Benedict is always invoked as patron of the Good Death. A day he appeared to S. Gertrude and said:
"Anyone will remind me the dignity I was honoured and beatified by the Gentleman when He wanted me to have such a glorious death, I will faithfully assist him in point of death. I will face all the attacks of the enemy in this decisive hour. The soul will be protected by my presence, it will remain calm, in spite of all the assaults of the enemy, and, happy, it will rush towards the eternal joys".

The medal cross of Saint Benedict must be BLESSED by a priest or a Deacon.

In order to help the dying people and to redeem their temporal pain that they would have to expiate in the purgatory, the Church blesses some crucifixes called "Crucifixes of the Good Death". A plenary indulgence is enclosed. It can be get in point of death.
Pious X says that every believer who will kiss one so blessed crucifix (even if it does not belong to him) or will touch it in some way, will get the plenary indulgence on condition that he has gone to confession and has communicated. If he could not do it, he must, penitently for his sins, invoke also heartily (if he cannot speak) the very Holy Name of Jesus and accept with resignation the death from the hands of God as penance for his sins.

This crucifix is also very useful during the life and especially during the diseases, because it teaches us to join our suffering to Jesus suffering, and to offer them to God with him generously.