

Santi Remember that these prayers will take as much benefits as more undoubted your faith in God and in Saint Benedictis.

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(make the sign of the Cross) In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

The Cross of our holy father Benedict.
May the holy cross be my light! May the dragon never be my guide!
Begone Satan! Never tempt me with your vanities! What you offer me is evil Drink the poison yourself!.

(make the sign of the Cross) In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

Dear Jesus, true Son of God and of the Virgin Mary, with your Passion and Death you have set us free from demon’s slavery and through the wonders of the Cross you have glorified your servant Benedict as you granted him a limitless power on the Infernal Powers. Now we are asking you, with the intercession of this Saint, to give us the victory in the assiduous fight not only against the demon, our main enemy, but also against the perverse doctrines and the examples of scandalous life. With obscene speaking and impudent dressing bad people try to damage us in the soul and the body.
Saint Benedict, our special patron, pray for us and let us have from Jesus the special graces required by our soul and body.

 - Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father

Saint Father Benedict, aid of those who appeal to you, receive me under your protection, defend me from everything is insidious for my life. Obtain the grace that I can heartily repentance and true conversion in order to redress faults, to praise and to glorify God every day of my life. Man complying with God’s heart remember me in presence of the Most High. Then, once my sins are redeemed, He makes me firmly good, he does not allow me to go away from Him, He receives me in the chorus of the elect with you and with all the saints who followed you to the eternal beatitude. Eternal and omnipotent God, for the merits and the example of Saint Benedict, of his sister, virgin Scholastic and of all saint monks renew your Holy Spirit in myself. Give me force in the fight against the temptations of the devil, patience in the trouble of the life, prudence in the dangers. Increase in myself love for chastity, desire of poverty, ardour in obedience, humble fidelity to the observance of the Christian life. Supported by you and by the charity of the brethren, may I serve you joyfully and reach victorious the celestial house with all the Saints. For Christ Our Gentleman.

(Patron ox the exorcists)
- Lord have mercy
  Lord have mercy

- Christ have mercy
  Christ have mercy

- Lord have mercy
  Lord have mercy

- Christ have mercy
  Christ have mercy

- Christ listen to us
  Christ listen to us

- Christ answer us
  Christ answer us

- God, Father in Heaven
  Have mercy on us

- Son Delivered of the world
  Have mercy on uns

- God, the Holy Spirit
  Have mercy on uns

- Holy Trinity, Only God
  Have mercy on uns

- Holy mary
  Pray for us

- Blessed Holy Father
  Pray for us

- Glory to the Patriarchs
  Pray for us

- Compiler of the Holy Rule
  Pray for us

- Portrait of all virtues
  Pray for us

- Example of perfection
  Pray for us

- Pearl of Holiness
  Pray for us

- Blessed Holy Father
  Pray for us

- Sun that shines in the church of God
  Pray for us

- Sun that shines in the house of God
  Pray for us

- Inspiration for the Saints
  Pray for us

- Seraph of fire
  Pray for us

- Transformed Cherub
  Pray for us

- Author of wonderful things
  Pray for us

- Blessed Holy Father
  Pray for us

- Dominator of demons
  Pray for us

- Model of Cernobites
  Pray for us

- Uprooter of idols
  Pray for us

- Honour of the confessors of the faith
  Pray for us

- Consoler of souls
  Pray for us

- Blesses Holy Father
  Pray for us

- Blessed by name and of grace
  Pray for us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Spare us O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

We solicit your protection, Saint our Father Benedict. Do not despise our begging in all necessities, troubles and support us in the fight against the enemy evil and help us to come to the eternal life in the name of the Gentleman Jesus Christ.
V. He is blessed by God.
R. He defends from Heaven All his sons.

Let's pray
Omnipotent and eternal God, you have honoured your loved Saint Benedict with the gift of your great love, so that several souls come to you, we humbly ask You, for his merits, to inflame and to burn up our hearts with the fire of Your love. For Christ our Gentleman.

Medals of Saint Benedict are Sacramentals that may be blessed legitimately ONLY by a priest.

(sign of the cross) In nòmine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen

V.Adjutòrium nostrum in nòmine Dòmini.
R. Qui fecit caelum et terram.

Exorcizo vos, numismata, per Deum + Patrem omnipoténtem, qui fecit caelum et terram, mare et òmnia, quae in eis sunt. Omnis virtus adversàrii, omnis exércitus diàboli et omnis incùrsus, omne phantàsma sàtanae, eradicare et effugare ab is numismàtibus: ut fiant òmnibus, qui eis usùri sunt, salus mentis et còrporis : in nòmine Patris + Omnipotentis, et Iesu + Christi Filii ejus, Dòmini nostri, et Spiritus + Sanctus Paràcliti, et in caritàte ejusdem Dòmini nostri Jesu Christi, qui ventùrus est judicare vivos et mòrtuos, et saeculum per ignem.
R. Amen.

Kyrie, Eleison. Christe, Eleison. Kyrie, Eleison.

V. Dòmine, exàudi orationem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te vèniat.

V. Dòmine vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.

Oremus: (Oratio)
Deus omnipotens, bonòrum òmnium largìtor, sùpplices te rogàmus, ut per intercessiònem sancti Benedicti his sacris numismàtibus tua benedictiònem +infùndas, ut omnes, qui ea gestàverint ac bonis opéribus inténti fùerint, sanitàtem mentis et còrporis, et gràtiam sanctificatiònis, atque indulgéntias (nobis) concéssas cònsequi merentur, omnésque diàboli insìdias et fraudes, per auxilium misericòrdiae tuae, stùdeant devitàare et in cospéctu tuo sancti et immaculàti vàleant apparére. Per Christum Dòminum nostrum.
R. Amen.

(sign of the cross) In nòmine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen