Lust attracts



Inner life
"Each is tempted by his own lust that attracts and seduces him; then lust conceives and begets sin, and sin, when consumed, produces death.".
(Jas 1:14-15).

Every temptation comes from our passions fomented by Satan, master in deception. God allows man to experience temptation to be tested and through free aribitrio demonstrate his love for God.

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Temptation is a force

Woe if you accept the dialogue because that thought takes possession of your heart, and then it will be very difficult to remove it. If somehow you consent, the fight is over and consequently commit evil.

The temptations tries to excite your senses to transgress all moral. Pushes your mind towards relativism, individualism, indifference, materialism, to exclude God from your life.

The deeper, more subtle and dramatic temptation is to try to hit your spirit, the purpose is to make you fall into despair. The first attack is the doubt of faith, with the insinuation poisonous that you can do yourself for settle the delirium of omnipotence and being the master of your destiny. The devil tempts you, but if you fall into temptation and the one who decide to take the sin are you, the actions you decide to take is the fruit of your choice.

The devil is the liar par excellence, cunning and intelligent and is so clever to be able to deceive you into believing that evil is good. When he cannot stop you from acting for the good then try to make you change to another minor. He tries to convince you that that thing is above your strength or too high for your situation. His tactic is to tire yourself with thoughts of worry to distract you, sadden and bring down your courage, weaken you in the practice of good and take you to the laxity and apathy.

The first attacks are increasingly designed to make you fall in mortal sin; but if he sees that he cannot succeed, change tactics, and take you to commit numerous venial sins. This is to make you spiritually weak, later if you're not careful will not make much effort to hurl in mortal sin. You must be vigilant to adhere to the good inspirations and monitor carefully the thoughts and examine them in their beginnings, in their progress and their term.

The devil wants to be your downfall, his methods and his deceptions and strategies depend on your involvement with sin. If you are already in the bondage of sin, the devil will always be blinded more, you will always fall into the same sin if not worse in others, with prompt and expeditious occasions. The habit makes you blind and in this vicious cycle drift off into the abyss of vice.

The only remedy to free you from this bondage is to ask with all your heart to the Creator that make you free from the darkness of sin.

The temptations of the devil blinds the eyes and harden your heart leads you into broad roads to perdition. He wants to blind you so you do not recognize the consequences of your actions. He takes you from freezing in the heart to make you immune to all counsel and exclude all humanity. Finally he stimulates you to make you give in to every enticement of the world.

However any temptation loses its power when you walk away from her. If you want to get rid of it, you have to turn your back to the temptation; so it will lose its power. When they are sprouting bad thoughts: stop, think, check your mind, and immediately change your thoughts, so you do not manage to drag in the direction he wants to take you with these thoughts.
When sprouting feelings and wicked desires, give birth to evil fantasies and unleash uncontrollable desires, you become the master of your mind and your body. Therefore changes immediately or delete these thoughts while you can.

When you're tempted to do bad action, look at the road ahead and considers the inevitable consequences of that act. Stop, think, put into action your mental brakes. Immediately changes the thoughts changing to edifying things.

If you will be obedient to gospel principles, you will see decrease the power of attraction of the things of the world. Each correct choice you make will give you a greater spiritual power. The habit of doing the right things create a great inner strength and builds character. We should expect to be tempted, because without temptation there would be no learning and no chance of getting the virtues.