Brother Dominican

There are men who without noise enter the hearts of men and without wanting to enter in history, this is the case of Saint Martin, one of the first saints in America. The heroism and holiness of the great Peruvian friar influenced thousands of friars.
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Juan Martín de Porres Velázquez
If in every Dominican convent in the modern age there is an infirmary for the preparation of medicines for the sick, it is due to Fra Martin.
Fra Martin was humble but not ignorant, his being a convent with a philosophical background, he often discussed with students about Thomistic philosophy and theology.
Thanks to his medical knowledge, his service was enormous when the plague struck the city of Lima. His main activity was the care of the sick, for which however Martin was facilitated by the fame of holiness that accompanied him. With the reputation of a healer, nobles and prelates who passed through Lima rarely omitted a visit to the convent and to Martin, even for a medical examination.
Beyond these extraordinary works, however, Martin wanted to leave something more lasting. In fact, he thought of the poor children, for whom he had the college of Santa Cruz built; a type of institution among the first to arise in America.
Guardian angel
This Dominican friar was very devoted to his guardian angel and, when he wandered the streets of Lima at night, he guided him. The angel presented himself in the form of a young boy with lighted candles in his hand.
One day, his brothers testify, they saw Fra Martin in company who assisted him during the recitation of the Office of the Virgin. Another time he was seen walking in the cloister of the convent in the company of four angels who carried lighted torches in their hands.
Action of the devil
Fra Martin also suffered assaults from the devil. Once the devil set fire to his cell and a black smoke came out of his room, two brothers who were passing in the corridor and rushed into the cell to help him. They opened the door and saw Saint Martin praying on his knees completely unharmed amidst frightening flames. Despite the flames, nothing was destroyed, Fra Martin explained to them that it was an illusion created by the devil to terrorize him and make him lose faith in God.
Paul VI
The Holy Father in his speech in November 1966 pronounced these words about Friar Martin:
"In this you will be helped by the tender and deep devotion that you nurture for Saint Martin of Porres, for this great and humble Dominican, happy and sacrificed, generous and ardent, whom the Lord wanted to place so much higher on the candlestick, how much greater was his study of stooping, of hiding, of serving.
He will teach you to combine the serenity of the soul with the daily, arduous and heavy commitment; to find the meaning of life in spending it for others; he will teach you to love your neighbor, but above all to love God with all the strengths of your soul, and to remain faithful to him in the generous practice of Christian virtue, in constant adherence to the Church and its teaching".
We renew the invitation
If your heart is eager to do something for your brothers and sisters who are gripped by suffering or loneliness, you can earnestly plead with the Lord. Prayer is one of the highest forms of charity..
If you are also looking for other wonderful brothers who can join you in prayer in one heart, then visit the site of the
Invisible Monastery. There you will find a family willing to welcome you with open arms.
If you wish to accept Jesus' invitation, or simply want to try praying from your home,
click here and you will find many wonderful brothers willing to join spiritually in a great and heartfelt prayer of intercession.
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